While many memorable giant monster movies have come out in recent years, one of the best in the genre ever made, CloverfieldStill 16 years later did not have a sequel. Many giant monster movies have been released in recent years, including five movies in the Monsterverse, featuring Godzilla and King Kong, as well as media in the Pacific Rim Franchise. However, one of the best ever made was CloverfieldA found footage movie about a giant creature attacking New York City during a night of terror.
Cloverfield References other monster movies while telling a unique, original story about a group of people trying to escape New York without being killed by the main monster. Critical praise has been given to the movie's intense, first-person perspectiveThe movie also became a commercial success at the box office. But despite earning $172.4 million globally against a $30 million budget, and spawning multiple Cloverfield Movies, a direct sequel to the 2008 original was never made.
Why Cloverfield never got a proper sequel in 16 years
Cloverfield 2 has been in development since 2018
At CinemaCon in April 2018, franchise producer JJ Abrams confirmed Cloverfield 2 was in development, acting as a direct sequel to the original movie. In 2021, it was confirmed The screenplay would be written by Joe Barton (Guess), while in 2022, Babak Anvari (I have come) was announced as director. Along with Abrams, the film will be produced by Hannah Minghella and John Cohen. However, since the announcement of Anwari's direction, there has been radio silence regarding details surrounding the direct sequel.
A new sequel was also not produced due to a focus on crafting a shared universe of movies With different storylines that all connect to one another. The first of these was 10 Cloverfield Lane In 2016, a thriller film that was even more critically received than the first. The second and final movie was The Cloverfield ParadoxA sci-fi movie that connects the previous two, but was met with highly negative reviews. while another Cloverfield Could fix its broken continuity, the direct sequel also needs to fix one key mistake in the franchise.
The Cloverfield Cinematic Universe did not create the missing sequel
An interesting idea that needs more time to develop
Although concrete news about the Cloverfield Sequel hasn't come in over two years, a proper sequel for the franchise would make sense given its status as one of the best monster movies ever made.
Although a shared universe of different Cloverfield Kino has proven strong with 10 Cloverfield Lane, The Cloverfield Paradox Also shows how one bad movie can spoil that idea. Despite being an interesting direction for the franchise, a direct sequel would be the best follow-up, building on top of what made the original movie so beloved in the first place. Although the idea of different stories in the same universe was interesting, Cloverfield 2 Being a direct sequel will help develop its established world much more directly.
Although concrete news about the Cloverfield The sequel didn't come out for over two years, A proper sequel for the franchise would make sense given its status as one of the best monster movies ever made. With the movie seemingly still in development, perhaps more concrete information will be revealed as its potential production nears a start time. For now, however, the 16-year-old movie remains without a proper sequel, despite announcements for it and the potential of its universe.
Will there be another movie in the Cloverfield Universe?
If it is still being worked on, it may not arrive for a while
Although there are plans for a sequel and many storylines for Cloverfield 2 To investigate, the lack of any concrete news makes it seem like the upcoming movie is not going to come out for quite some time. This can sometimes involve trying to create a story that works as a sequel to the original without ignoring the events of 10 Cloverfield Lane And The Cloverfield Paradox. Because all three movies also had alternate reality games (ARGs) that offered more knowledge to the universe, The sequel will need to keep all the details aligned no matter the story.
Although the status of the franchise remains shrouded in mystery, The new one Cloverfield Sequel may not even be announced right away until the movie is complete. 10 Cloverfield Lane It wasn't announced until January 2016, two months before the film hit theaters The Cloverfield Paradox had a surprise Netflix release on February 4, 2018. The same type of marketing could be used for the next movie, perhaps with a corresponding online ARG that hints at what exactly the next movie will be about.
What the ideal Cloverfield sequel should have looked like
A direct sequel should have followed the aftermath of the original
If a direct sequel to Cloverfield was made, the most obvious choice for his story would be following the aftermath of the original movie. Aligned with the filming differences in the other movies of the franchise, The sequel could stray away from the found footage genre to tell a bigger storyRevealing more details about Clover's rampage across New York City. In 2023, rumors floated around this Cloverfield 2 It would be about a virus, a significant change that could still follow the original, perhaps focusing on the smaller creatures.
Another possibility would be for it to take place at the same time as the first movie, after a different group of people in New York City with their own camera trained on the monster. Although it would risk being a retread of the original, It can also reveal new details about the attack by giving it a different perspective. Perhaps the group of people would have been saved sooner by the military or have connections to the operation, and they would gather more information without breaking from the formula of the first film.
A new installment may also tie into the story of 10 Cloverfield Lane Or The Cloverfield ParadoxSituating the film directly in the continuity of the other installments. While there may be some confusion surrounding their connections depending on how concrete they are, it would help the franchise feel more aligned between movies, given the current state of its messy continuity. luckily, This could be done with small nods to the previous filmsMaking it so the main focus is still on continuing the story of the first one.
With a lot of possibilities for a sequel, it's surprising Cloverfield Still did not continue beyond movies set in the same universe. This coupled with its initial success makes it hard to believe that a direct follow-up still hasn't happened. With no concrete news available for over two years, It is impossible to say if the second installment will come out yet. However, given the core success of the franchise so far, it would be shocking if it was left behind without more of its world.