One of Lost's most heartbreaking deaths only makes sense if an unresolved timeline theory turns out to be true

One of Lost's most heartbreaking deaths only makes sense if an unresolved timeline theory turns out to be true

One of the most painful deaths Lost it was the death of Dr. Juliet Burke (Elizabeth Mitchell). Juliet was introduced in the third season of the series as one of the “The others”, working against the survivors of the plane. As the series progressed, Juliet formed close bonds with some of the survivors and even a relationship with Jack and later Sawyer. This made her more popular with the public, soon becoming a fan-favorite character. Unfortunately, the character died in the first episode of the series' sixth and final season, paving the way for the conclusion of the entire series.

There is a lot of mystery surrounding Juliet's death in Lost. The character was pulled under a mine by an electromagnetic field, where a hydrogen bomb threatened the lives of everyone on the island. Juliet used all her strength to detonate the bomb and save all her friendshowever, she unfortunately did not make it out alive. There are many theories surrounding the fact that Juliet's death could have been the main cause LostThe side flash timeline. If this is true, it gives his death much more meaning and dignity than it originally had.

Juliet's death was one of the most painful on Lost

She didn't get her happy ending in life

There were many painful deaths in Lost over the years. Shannon was killed in Season 2 when she was starting a relationship with Sayid and Charlie drowned after warning Desmond about strangers coming to the island. However, Juliet's death is without a doubt the most painful in terms of her character. Juliet was taken to the island because Ben tricked her. He told her it was temporary and she could leave whenever she wanted. All Juliet wanted was to return to Portland to reunite with her sister and meet her nephew, but her death meant that would never happen.

Unfortunately, this meant that Juliet was never able to fulfill her main goal in the series. Plus, Juliet had just started a new relationship with Sawyer, and they seemed perfect for each other. She seemed to soften him, softening him and making him open up and let down his walls. After his death, Sawyer was heartbroken. Juliet's death had a profound effect on her character during the final season. Thinking back, it seems like the character's role was significantly reduced, and when he was on screen he was upset and angry – desperate to avenge Juliet.

Juliet's Death Caused the Timeline to Flash Sideways - Theory Explained

The Flash Sideways was introduced in the final season of Lost

Jack and his son in Lost appear from the side

An important The theory surrounding Juliet's death is that she was the cause of the sideways timeline. This was a timeline where the plane never crashed and the survivors got off the plane at LAX. The plan was that if the island became infected by the hydrogen bomb, time would reset and ensure the plane would never crash. Obviously, Juliet didn't intend to create an entirely new timeline, she just intended to rewrite the history that had already happened, so that none of the events on the island would have happened and everyone could live happily.

All the audience knows is that her last thoughts were that “it worked,” so she could have created the new Season 6 timeline.

However, the sideways timeline was ultimately revealed to be a sort of purgatory for the main characters. Once they made some sort of connection to their life on the island, all of their memories came rushing back. After everyone regained their memories, they could move on to what comes next in the afterlife. It's unclear if the side flash/purgatory timeline already existed or if Juliet created it with the bomb. All the public knows is that his last thoughts were: “it worked”, then she could have created the new Season 6 timeline.

If Juliet's sacrifice didn't cause the timeline to flash sideways, her death was pointless

She would have died for nothing

Jin Juliet Sawyer and Boone at the end of LOST

If Juliet's death created the flash side timeline, makes his sacrifice honorable and noble as it gave all survivors a happy ending. The new timeline gave everyone a place to meet after death and live happily ever after with each other. Although many people are in doubt whether this was the best ending for the show, it gave Lost a decent conclusion based on how the story was progressing.

However, if Juliet's death in Lost didn't create the flash side timeline and it already existed, his death would have been in vain. If the timeline already existed, everyone would have gone there after they died. Therefore, there would be no reason for Juliet to sacrifice herself as it would make no difference to the overall plot of the show. Juliet wouldn't have had to save everyone, as they would all have ended up in purgatory together in death anyway. While there is no real confirmation in the show as to how the side flash timeline was created, this theory is without a doubt the most satisfying explanation.