A Mother Mia! The theory may finally answer the long-standing question of who Sophie's real dad is. Mother Mia!'s story revolves around Sophie desperate to know who her biological father is from three of her mother's previous relationships. After inviting Sam, Harry and Bill to her wedding, Sophie realizes that her identity is not dependent on her biological father and instead, she gains three loving step-dads. Donna marries Sam, making him Sophie's technical stepdad, but that hasn't stopped people trying to guess who Sophie's biological father is.
Mamma Mia! s songs And the story makes it a great musical about how techniques do not mean family and Sophie's growing realization that Donna was the one who was a mother and father to her all-in-one. Mamma Mia: Here we go again This continues when Sophie falls pregnant while Skye is away and feels closer to Donna than ever. Sam, Bill, and Harry all still play a big part in Sophie's life in the Mother Mia! Sequel But the identity of Sophie's biological father has not yet been revealed. Many have questioned why Sophie never took a paternity test, but one theory has given a convincing answer as to who is Sophie's real father.
Sam is Sophie's real dad in Mamma Mia! – Theory explained
Sam has the biggest connection to Sophie and Donna
Sophie inherited her skills from Sam...
A Tiktok Theory reveals that Sam is Sophie's real father and the evidence lies in the song"Our last summer".
Sophie singsOur last summer"With Sam, Bill and Harry as she spends the day with them on Bill's boat. During this, each of the men discovers a gift they have that Sophie also possesses. For Bill, it's his adventuring, for Harry, it's his musical talent, and for Sam, it's his drawing. This indicates that Sophie may have taken the talents from her biological father, but she may also have inherited them from Donna. Donna is obviously adventurous and musically talented.
however, Art is the only talent Sophie has, but Donna doesn't show it. The theory claims that Sophie's talent is the only one she could not have inherited from Donna, making it highly likely that Sophie inherited her skill from Sam. The theory also shows that Donna has been with Sam for the longest time. Canonically, from flashbacks in Mamma Mia: Here we go againDonna only slept with Harry and Bill once each, whereas she spent a week with Sam. This makes it statistically more likely for Sam to be Sophie's biological father.
Why Bill's genetics do not prove that he is Sophie's father
Many fans theorize Bill is Sophie's dad instead
It is significant that Bill was the only one of three potential dads with whom Sophie had a sensitive song, emphasizing their connection...
While the sum theory is popular, A common assumption is that Bill is Sophie's father because they both have blond hair and the belief that both parents need to be blond to have a blond child. However, although a child is more likely to be blond if both parents are, it is still possible for a child to be blond with only one blond parent. The Tiktok Theory even points out that Meryl Streep's own children are blonde despite only her having blonde hair, and her husband/children's father does not.
There are flaws in the Bill theory vi Mother Mia! is fictional and casting is part of that. The support for Bill being Sophie's real dad is strong, with even Amanda Seyfried revealing that she always hoped Bill was Sophie's biological dad.
moreover, Bill was the first person Sophie was convinced was her father as she was named after his Aunt SophiaWho left behind this money, and This recognition was supposed to be accompanied by a song together in Mother Mia! "The name of the game” was unfortunately cutBut it is significant that Bill was the only one of three potential dads with whom Sophie had a sensitive song, emphasizing their connection.
Other Mamma Mia theories about Sophie's dad
Movie fans have theories about all three men
Because Sam is the man who ends up married to Donna, there is a lot of focus paid to his character by the fans who speculate about the identity of Sophie's biological father tend to have solid theories about all three men.
Bill has received a lot of attention because of his creativity and longing for adventure, qualities Sophie and Donna also share. Apart from the similarity between the two, One Reddit user Also makes a good point about the time Donna and Bill spend together. They declare, "She was probably wary of Sam, but then he left and she got really sad and hung out with Bill, probably significantly less wary."
Bill and Donna sleeping together is something of a surprise to her. She goes on a trip with Bill because she is sad about the breakup with Sam, and is just trying to avoid thinking about her broken heart. She doesn't plan to sleep with him. That spontaneity may be what leads to Sophie's performance as Donna's likely not thinking about any type of birth control in this situation.
Another redditorHowever, points out what they believe is An easter egg in the sequel that implies Harry is the father instead. They declare, "During the labor scenes there is an Eiffel Tower on a dresser with the mirror showing her going through contractions. Donna met Harry in Paris. I think this is an easter egg that he is the father.” While that may be the case, it may also be a nod to the time Donna spent there.
another one Redditor deleted the math From conception to birth for Sophie based on Donna's diary entries that Sophie reads aloud in the first movie. According to the dates, Harry would be the most likely father. Unfortunately, the dates used in the diary from the first movie do not actually follow the events of the second movie. with the story In the second movie, Bill becomes the most likely candidate to be Sophie's father.
It's unlikely that, even if a third Mama Mia The movie is moving forward as the cast has hinted in the past, Sophie will eventually find out who her biological father is, and fans will continue to speculate.
Why Mamma Mia! Should never reveal who Sophie's real dad is
Finding the truth would undermine the story
As intriguing as finding out who Sophie's real father is, Mother Mia! should never reveal the father's true identity. Theorizing has been a long-standing tradition in the Mother Mia! Fan base and will continue to be with the popularity of the franchise, however Finding out the real father will ruin the story.
Mother Mia!Its focus is on the acceptance and responsibility of family and over Mother Mia! And the sequel, Sophie realizes this. Sophie learns to love the support system that Donna was never able to have and realizes that is more important than finding the identity of her true biological father.
If Mother Mia! 3 happensIt will reignite the dad debate and there will be more pressure for Sophie to find out. However, revealing Sophie's real dad in Mother Mia! 3 would undercut the message of the first two movies and take away from the important role Donna played in Sophie's life. Mother Mia! Moving past the story of Sophie's dad and revisiting it will make a third movie feel unoriginal, while also chipping away at the mystery in the first two movies.