One Cowboy Bebop episodes proved who the best character is the series

One Cowboy Bebop episodes proved who the best character is the series

While Spike and Faye may be the first Cowboy Bebop Characters that fans and followers think of as central to the iconic cult series, Jet black is the most important character of the story. Outside of being the ship's captain and the crew's general manager, his presence drives the plot. Indeed - as one episode reveals - Black is also the character who tends to save his crew from their extreme selves.

Like any good film noir lawman, Jet Black was once a true-blue police officer, "protecting and serving" society's most vulnerable. However, when he discovers the rampant corruption in his department, Black eventually becomes disillusioned with the life of a police officer and finally gives it up to become a bounty hunter. While the bounty hunt freed Black from the strict codes of professional responsibility he once upheld, his sense of justice, fairness and loyalty never wavered—and arguably grew even stronger in his new role.

One Cowboy Bebop episode shows all the traits that make Jet Black so central to the story

The episode showed how important Jett's role is as the "adult" in the crew

Cowboy Bobop

Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop smiling and holding up his hand.

Although not a direct representation of film noir, Cowboy Bebop Certainly exudes heavy film noir undertones, with a morally ambiguous anti-hero like Spike, a seductive but dangerous femme fatale like Faye, and a hard-boiled lawman like Jet Black. of course, Cowboy Bebop Tweaks the roles to his unique mix of genres, themes and styles; The basic substructure for each is present.

The essence of Jet Black's character is nowhere more evident than in Episode #23, "Brain Scratch." In this episode, the government gives a substantial blessing to Dr. Lowndes, the leader of the SCRATCH cult, who has lured followers to take their own lives with the promise of rebirth on the Internet. Faye chooses to pursue the bounty on her own, but is quickly overpowered by Londs. When Faye fails to return, Spike and Jet Black investigate her disappearance.

Spike, however, decides to follow Fay into the cult, despite Black's warning that he is likely to fall under Londe's control as well. When Spike also goes missing, Black - with Ed and Ein's help - hacks into the computer game Lownds uses to manipulate the minds of his followers. This allows Black to figure out how to shut down Londe remotely, without risking Londes taking control of his own mind. on the one hand, This episode illustrates how impulsive Faye and Spike tend to be And how the element of their personalities tends to put them - and the team - in danger at a moment's notice.

More important, however, is how the episode showcases The Importance of Jet Black as the "Adult in the Room"Always make sure the 'kids' do the right thing. This episode confirms how Black anchors the crew by providing stability and the voice of reason. Indeed, Fey had already been placed under Londe's bearing and Spike's resistance to Londe's control was almost broken when Black and Ed were able to tell the day.

Jet Black is the tough as nails lawman with a heart of gold

He is a bounty hunter who focuses on bringing down the worst offenders

Jet Black's significance to the story is evident in the various themes that run throughout the seriess. His focus on the business side of bounty hunting largely gives Spike, Faye, Ed, and even Ein a semblance of normalcy. Without the structure Black provides for the bounty hunting business, it's doubtful his comers could avoid being consumed by their personal demons and chaotic pasts. In short, Black offers a platform that challenges and motivates his crewmates, while also driving the plot.

Besides being central to his crewmates' sense of purpose, Jet Black is also critical to the operational success of the Bebop galactic bounty hunter service. He handles the basic but mundane tasks that keep the business afloat, including researching bounty leads and gathering vital information to determine whether a bounty is worth pursuing. The research also helps identify potential challenges for Spike and Faye to prepare for during missions. Additionally, Black oversees mission planning, coordinates communications, manages resources, and most importantly collects and distributes bounties.

Given the eccentricities and personalities of the other crew members, Black's presence is the linchpin that prevents the bounty hunting business from descending into chaos. Ultimately, Jet is responsible for fostering a "family-like" environment where the crew can bond, feel safe and truly relax. Given their personalities, Black's creation of this safe space is critical to their growth.

Although they may tease each other and bicker - much like any family - they know they can count on each other when it matters most. This sense of security starts and ends with Black And his tough-love yet consistently supportive management style that makes him Cowboy Bebops best character.

Cowboy Bebop is a sci-fi/western action television series widely regarded as one of the best anime ever. The series follows a crew of four disconnected bounty hunters who all slowly come together on a ship known as the Bebop. The crew of the Bebop attempt to capture various bounties and embark on several misadventures to keep their pockets lined with coin and their stomachs full. The series also has a heavy musical motif, with each episode title being named after various jazz "sessions".


Cowboy Bebop


Keiko Nobumoto, Shinichiro Watanabe


Shinichiro Watanabe