Created for animated Star Wars: The Bad Batch series, Character has since become one of Star Wars Best characters - and his most unique clone. Omega has taken quite the journey, both in its actual history and in between Star Wars Audience. Although she has always had the bravery, heart and courage of a soldier, just like her brothers, Omega is still a child at the beginning of it all. in The bad batchShe goes from needing rescue to saving herself and others, easily becoming one of Clone Force 99's strongest and most loyal members.
Theme's first Star Wars Appearance was in The bad batchs premiere, "Afterwards." It was unclear at the time just how pivotal of a role she would play, not just in the series, but in the overall Star Wars Franchise. The animated TV show has since revealed many ways why Omega is so important, and how its history ties in with other modern ones Star Wars Projects, including The Mandalorian. Here's everything you need to know about Omega's backstory, connections and its future, succinctly explained.
Omega is one of only two pure clones of Django Fett
Alphabet and Alpha (Boba)
What makes Omega extra special is that she is one of only two other pure clones of Jango Fett, the DNA template for the entire clone army. The first is, of course, Boba Fett, as explained in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones When the clone troopers were first introduced. It is unknown exactly when Omega was created, however She does indeed carry a pure sample of Django's original DNAExcept for the mutation that made her a female clone rather than a male, like Boba.
This made Omega highly valuable to the Kaminoans after the events of Attack of the clones. Because of Jango's untimely death, the Kaminoans have a limited supply of Jango's pure DNA, with no easy way to obtain more. Both Boba and Omega are limited sources the Kaminoans could borrow from, but Boba was fairly MIA after his father's death, with him seeking revenge against Mace Windu for most of the Clone Wars era. Omega, all the while, was confined to Kamino, where she remained for the entirety of her early life - until the galaxy changed drastically.
Omega worked as Nala Se's lab assistant until the Republic's fall
The fireplaces are close to her
Omega was, in a way, to Nala Se as Boba was to Django. Nala Se was extremely proud of Omega's creation, and so she did everything she could to protect Omega and keep her close, which included using Omega as her lab assistant on Kamino for many years. This is why Omega is never seen in others Star Wars property outside The bad batch; Not only was Omega busy helping Nala Se, but she was also too valuable for the Kaminoans to wander in the open for too long.Especially alone.
Of course, that didn't last forever. When the Clone Wars ended and Order 66 was enacted, things began to change quickly, especially on Kamino. The Galactic Republic fell and became the Galactic Empire, and Thaw's life was changed forever. When Clone Force 99's return to Kamino, Omega was eager to finally connect with the unique clones whose creations she had witnessed, helping to guarantee her safety when things on Kamino turned dangerous. After being captured by Shocktroopers, Clone Force 99 came to her rescue, and Eve was finally separated from Nala Se and Kamino.
Omega was trained as a soldier by Clone Force 99
She became a formidable warrior
From then on, Omega continued with Clone Force 99, which quickly became her own family. She was unusually close with Hunter, and the feeling was mutual as he grew extremely protective over her, and the rest of his team followed his lead—except for Crosshair, whose activated inhibitor chip dictated that he stay with the Empire instead. While Omge was with the Bad Batch, she learned many things from them, but above all, she learned how to become a formidable soldier.
Thanks to both the harsh realities of survival and a wide variety of different mercenary jobs completed on behalf of a Trandoshan named Sid Scaleback, Omega not only watched her brothers in action, but she also participated when and how she could. Omega already has a wide range of impressive skills, particularly a knack for strategy that she proved by winning countless rounds of Dejarik, But these skills were harnessed in power and ability that increased the more that Omega trained with her brothers. Eventually, she was strong enough to stage her own rescue, rather than the other way around.
The Empire hunted Omega for its M-Count
She was instrumental to Project Necromancer
The rescue became necessary when Eve was suddenly hunted by the Empire. Initially, Omega was wanted by the cruel Doctor Royce Hemlock just because he needed a way to make Nala Se comply with his cloning experiments. This worked for a time, however When Omega's blood sample is taken and tested one day, Nala Se tells her to flee. Omega is able to do this, getting both himself and Crosshair, who is also trapped in the same laboratory prison on Mount Tantiss, far away from the planet Wayland. That test would change everything for the young clone.
Omega's test revealed that her blood was able to maintain a high midi-chlorine count, or M-count, without degrading the specimen—which essentially means that Omega itself has a fairly high M-count. According to Nala Se's warnings, it is likely that the scientist designed Omega specifically with this M-count. Hemlock, whose experiments on Tantis were the earliest days of Palpatine's resurrection plan, Project Necromancer, then sought out Omega once again to experiment with her blood. With the help of her brothers, she was able to free herself and her young captives.
People with high M-counts tend to be Force-sensitive, although a high M-count does not guarantee that someone can wield the Force.
Omega is now part of the Rebel Alliance (and likely the New Republic)
She carries the legacy of her brothers
After being freed from Tantis, Omega lived in peace on the island of Pabu with her brothers. After many years spent there, however, Omega knew there was more work for her to do. Despite Hunter insisting that she needed to stay safe, Omega said that her brothers fought in their war, and it was time for her to do the same. Now much older and even more formidable than before, Omega flew off to join the Rebel Alliance, where she was likely reunited with her old friend, Hera Syndulla.
This is where Omega's Star Wars The story is off for now, though it's not out of the realm of possibility for her to appear in future projects, even in live-action. Omega is no doubt a valuable asset to the Rebel Alliance, due to the lifelong training she received from Clone Force 99, and her own sense of duty and compassion likely compelled her to help with the reconstruction of the New Republic, an era that is currently being explored in Star Wars. Although The bad batch can be an end CharacterHis story is far from over.