Ocean's 14 replacing Steven Soderbergh is risky, but the rumored choice is exciting

Ocean's 14 replacing Steven Soderbergh is risky, but the rumored choice is exciting

The long-awaited Ocean 14 is gaining momentum but appears to be moving forward without original franchise director Steven Soderbergh. George Clooney and Brad Pitt, two of the most integral original stars of Ocean's Elevenare currently in talks to reprise their iconic roles which would extend their fame ocean s Trilogy. While at one point it appeared that Ocean 14 would never happen, Pitt and Clooney recently joined forces once again in the Apple crime thriller WolfWhich is currently set for a September 27, 2024 release date. Apple has already greenlit a Wolf sequel, which indicates that Pitt and Clooney are back in their franchise-sharing saddle.

The ocean s Franchise has already tried to be rebooted with Ocean's EightWhat would be theoretical, would be worked towards Ocean's no And Ocean's Ten But has had little movement since releasing in 2018. Casey Affleck and Matt Damon also recently teamed up for their Apple Heist comedy The instigatorsThere is a clear way forward to get four key actors back for Ocean 14. Great ensemble pieces like ocean s Movies are often held back by scheduling conflicts as opposed to financial issues. The fact that Clooney and Pitt are pushing Ocean 14 Go ahead by announcing their new franchise director Could start moving the necessary bar to make the sequel a reality.


Ocean's 14 not bringing Steven Soderbergh back risks creating fan backlash

Soderbergh turned down the offer to direct Ocean's 14

Move forward with Ocean 14 Without Steven Soderbergh at the helm is an interesting choice at face value, especially considering how he seems like the obvious choice to expand the highly profitable and iconic franchise. Soderbergh directed all three original films in the ocean s Trilogywhich earned a combined $1.125 billion at the worldwide box office. The ocean s Trilogy also has a distinct style and tone that Soderbergh played an instrumental role in establishing, such as sweeping smooth shots that follow the characters to build momentum. It is undeniable that Soderbergh's directorial style and energy are key to the success of the original films.

The ocean s Franchise continuing without Soderbergh could divide fans. While Ocean 8 did well at the box office and received mostly positive reviews, a common complaint about the ocean s Spinoff, directed by Gary Ross, was that it lacked Soderbergh's signature touch. Even Clooney worked to get another one ocean s Movie off the ground, Soderbergh tells Variety In January 2024 that he did not want to show it. "After we made the third movie, I felt like the series was very much found for me. When the studio approached me to see if I would be involved in continuing the franchise, I told them no, because it didn't feel like a move forward for me. I'm chasing something elseE."


Edward Berger's movies make him an exciting director choice for Ocean's 14

Berger's latest movies establish him as a high-quality filmmaker

Ralph Fiennes in Conclave

Although Berger's strengths lie in dramas and thrillers, see what he can do with these ocean s Franchise sounds intriguing based on his elite track record.

Although Soderbergh would have been the best choice to direct Ocean 14Clooney and Pitt reportedly have their eyes on the exceptional rising director, Edward Berger. Born in Germany, Berger was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay at the 2023 Academy Awards for his splendid adaptation of All quiet from the western frontWhich would win Oscars for Best International Film, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design and Best Original Score. Even more, Berger's new movie Conclave Starring Ray Fiennes, Stanley Tucci and John Lithgow, earning rave reviews after premiering at the Telluride Film Festival.

ConclaveA thriller, it could very well be Berger's best directorial achievement of his career. While All quiet on the western front Offering a gritty, serious look at the horrors of war, Berger has demonstrated that he is an exciting and reliable filmmaker who could potentially handle the reins of one of Hollywood's most cherished heist franchises. Berger could gain even more momentum after the upcoming 2024-2025 awards season, as Conclave is already projected as a potential candidate for Best Picture. Although Berger's strengths lie in dramas and thrillers, see what he can do with these ocean s Franchise sounds intriguing based on his elite track record.

Conclave Releases in theaters on November 8, 2024.


Why Ocean's 14 could benefit from a new director

New directors can bring a fresh voice and vision to the classic franchise

Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett standing side by side in Ocean's Eight

Although Soderbergh seems interested in exploring new opportunities, his ocean s Franchise can do the same under the direction of Berger or another experienced filmmaker. with these ocean s Films are so ingrained in 2000s culture, and Ocean's Thirteen Nearly 18 years ago, Soderbergh might not have known how to update the franchise for modern times and might have run it back for a nostalgic but familiar entry. Finally, a new voice and vision for the ocean s Franchising sounds like the best possible approach to Ocean 14 And could even open the door to more promising directorial collaborations in a potential reboot trilogy.


Source: Variety