The MCU brings back Ultron long after his defeat in Avengers: Age of UltronProviding a great opportunity for a better showdown between the AI villain and a more powerful Scarlet Witch. Scarlet Witch's MCU journey began with her recruitment by Hydra, after which she developed powers through the Mind Stone and sided with Ultron to fight Iron Man and the Avengers in Avengers: Age of Ultron. However, Ultron's world-ending plans convinced Wanda Maximoff to switch teams, and Quicksilver's death cemented Wanda's heroic goals.
Wanda's life is only more tragic after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultronhad to flee from the law because of the Sokovia Accords in Captain America: Civil WarFinding himself forced to kill Vision and witness Thanos kill him a second time in Avengers: Infinity Warand lost her twin children in WandaVision. After Scarlet Witch's apparent death in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of MadnessWanda Maximoff's MCU future is uncertain. However, Ultron soon returns to the MCU despite his seemingly definitive destruction. If there's one MCU character who deserves to fight Ultron again, it's Scarlet Witch.
Scarlet Witch needs to fight Ultron again in the MCU
Scarlet Witch still has a conflict to settle with Ultron in the MCU
While Scarlet Witch helped the Avengers defeat Ultron by destroying Ultron Prime's body, she did not have enough time to avenge Quicksilver's death. Ultron used Wanda as a pawn in his (successful) plan to destroy her homeland, kill her twin brother, and leave her alone with power she didn't know how to control. Since Ultron's death at the hands of Vision wasn't enough to save him, it should also be possible for Scarlet Witch to return despite her apparent death.. It would only be fair for both characters to come back and fight a second time.
Scarlet Witch is the most likely Avenger to defeat Ultron for good
Wanda Maximoff may be the only character capable of eliminating Ultron from Earth
Scarlet Witch not only has personal reasons to kill Ultron, but also the necessary abilities to achieve it. in WandaVisionWanda Maximoff accidentally created a Vision replica so perfect that it was able to transfer his artificial consciousness back into his original body. While Wanda's magical powers seem to come from a natural mutation, it was the Mind Stone that awakened them. - The same mind stone that helped Ultron and Vision become sentient and nearly invincible.
Powerful MCU heroes such as Doctor Strange and the Fantastic Four may find clever ways to stop Ultron a second time, but Scarlet Witch may hold the key to eradicating him for good. The fact that James Spader's Ultron has returned means that a scientific approach isn't enough to stop Ultron, and Doctor Strange doesn't fully understand the Mind Stone's influence on Ultron's near omnipresence. Besides being a reasonable excuse to bring Scarlet Witch back from the dead, Ultron's return could prove that the MCU still needs Scarlet Witch's powerful chaos magic through an exciting Avengers: Age of Ultron rematch.