WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for Titans #18!
DC's ALL IN initiative has brought major changes to the DC Universe, including the revival of Justice League with a drastically expanded roster that now includes all hero on Earth, instead of the select elite that it traditionally presents. This bold decision has generated mixed reactions from fans, with some less than enthusiastic about the idea - and it appears that even some of the Titans aren't entirely on board with the Justice League's controversial new direction.
Such actions would not only damage the League's reputation, but also highlight a dangerously simplistic and punitive approach to justice.
John Layman, Pete Woods and Wes Abbott Titans #18 sees the team officially settling into a new era as they adjust to recent changes brought about by the creative team. These include Roy “Arsenal” Harper joining the cast, Nightwing passing the mantle of leadership to Donna Troy, and the Titans moving from Blüdhaven to New York - specifically to an underground base that Arsenal sarcastically dubbed the Titan Tunnels.
This new base became a point of contention among the group, especially given the alternative option of moving to the newly opened Justice League Watchtower. However, Donna made it very clear that, despite being members of DC's premier superhero team, she's not entirely eager to go all-in with them.
DC and Donna Troy fans express criticism over new Justice League
Cully Hamner cover B card variant for Titans #20 (2025)
When the Justice League reunion was revealed in Joshua Williamson and Daniel Sampere's film ALL IN Special #1, fan reactions were divided between enthusiasm and skepticism. The most significant criticisms revolved around the ambitious decision to offer every Earth hero a place on the team. Fans argued that this comprehensive list undermined the Justice League's identity as a group of DC's elite heroes.—the best of the best, chosen from a select few. While Mark Waid and Dan Mora Justice League Unlimited The series has been met with widespread acclaim, some fans are still unconvinced about the inclusive nature of the team, longing for the exclusivity of the status quo ante.
However, it's not just fans who are questioning DC's new Justice League. Donna Troy has expressed her own criticisms, although her concerns differ from those of the fandom. Instead of focusing on the inclusive cast, Donna's questions center on the League's operational methods and oversight. While some of his criticisms are valid, others seem overly harsh or counterintuitive. However, one of Donna's observations is particularly shocking, as it implies something about the Justice League that could be a little scary if it were true.
Donna Troy Criticizes Wisdom at New Justice League Headquarters (and She's Not Wrong)
Donna believes the Justice League is overreaching in its oversight of the Titans (and she's wrong)
As previously mentioned, Donna nixed the idea of relocating the Titans to the Watchtower - where the rest of Earth's heroes are based - and instead moved them to an underground base in New York. The rest of the team was less than thrilled with the change, but Donna's reasoning is undeniably sound. She argued that concentrating all of Earth's mightiest heroes in a single location makes the Watchtower a prime target. If a disaster were to strike, it could wipe out most of Earth's defenders in one fell swoop. By keeping the Titans apart, Donna ensures that they will still be around to save the day even if the worst happens.
Furthermore, Donna's dislike of the Justice League's oversight becomes apparent when Red Tornado – the League's mission coordinator – offers to send reinforcements to aid the Titans. Before he can finish, Donna interrupts him and disables the comm link. His internal monologue reveals his reasoning: “They still think we are children, companions, who constantly need help. We have to show them otherwise.” This moment underscores Donna's frustration with what she sees as the League's authoritarian involvement in the Titans' operations.
However, Donna's reaction could be considered overly harsh. The Red Tornado's offer of assistance likely came in good faith, reflecting the League's current standard operating procedure, and not any belief that the Titans are incapable. This perspective is further supported by Nightwing's response to Donna's abrupt dismissal. Dick suggests that they should have at least listened to Red Tornado to better understand who or what they are about to face. While Donna's concerns about the Watchtower are valid, his problems with the League's supposed oversight seem to stem more from his pride than of any substantive flaw in its approach.
Donna Troy denounces the Justice League about the mistreatment of villains
"The League wants to throw enemies into the ghost zone and leave them." – Donna Troy on Titans #18 (2024)
Donna's most shocking and perhaps most notable criticism of the Justice League goes beyond mere criticism – it's a serious accusation. After the Titans' battle with Shimmer and Mammoth, Arsenal suggests taking the incapacitated Shimmer to the Watchtower, noting that the League has a secure facility. Donna immediately shuts down this idea, saying: "No. I was serious. We're going to help you." The League wants to throw enemies into the Phantom Zone and leave them. If — and when — these enemies leave, they will be twice as motivated to take revenge.” This statement implies that the League is mishandling its approach to dealing with enemies.
From the launch of Justice League Unlimited #2 (2024) by Waid and Mora, there is no evidence that the League uses the Phantom Zone as a default solution for dealing with enemies, making Donna's accusation significant. However, the lack of disagreement from the other Titans adds credibility to his claim. If true, this revelation is deeply troubling. The Phantom Zone, one of the most severe punishments in the DC Universe, being used without trial, jury or judge raises serious ethical questions. Such actions would not only damage the League's reputation, but also highlight a dangerously simplistic and punitive approach to justice.
Will Donna Troy be right about the Justice League?
Card variant of Karl Kerschl's Cover B for Titans #19 (2025)
As the Titans story unfolds, it will be interesting to see how Donna's views on the Justice League evolve, as this looks set to become a central theme in Layman and Woods' trajectory. This could happen one of two ways: either Donna's pride and stubbornness will put the team at risk, forcing them to collaborate with the League, or the narrative will continue to emphasize Donna's determination to assert the Titans' independence. Regardless of which path the story takes, it promises to be an exciting exploration of the Titans finding his place in the new status quo of the DC Universe.
Titans #18 is now available from DC Comics!