Nightwing's lore changes forever as it is confirmed that his 'death' in 2005 changed the entire DC continuity

Nightwing's lore changes forever as it is confirmed that his 'death' in 2005 changed the entire DC continuity

Notice! Spoilers ahead for DC's I know what you did in the last crisis!The course of the DC Universe was changed forever by a death that Nightwing avoided. A creative decision gone wrong is reexamined years later and reveals that Dick Grayson had a drastic effect on his world after escaping the Grim Reaper.

The 2005 event Infinite Crisis I've seen many heroes meet their maker, including Superman's half-clone, Conner Kent, aka Superboy. But this monumental moment was originally conceived with Nightwing in mind, largely due to the insistence of former DC Comics co-publisher Dan DiDio. Years later, DiDio returns to write a story that shows how Nightwing's death altered the world around him.

DC confirms that Nightwing was supposed to die Infinite Crisis

And the DC Universe has been trying to kill him ever since

In DC's I Know What You Did in the Last Crisis story "Crisis Obscura" by Dan DiDio, ML Sanapo, Hi-Fi, and Carlos M. Mangual, Nightwing is at the docks and tracks a shadowy figure who is breaking into an abandoned building. Dick is in communication with Oracle, but her cameras are unable to capture the figure Nightwing is following, and she loses sight of him when Dick enters the building. Inside the warehouse, Dick finds several glowing fragments representing moments of Infinite Crisis as the figure tells Nightwing that this was the moment that changed both of their lives.

The figure reveals that the fragments are moments that were not supposed to come true and date back to a time when Nightwing did not die as he should have. The hooded figure is revealed to be a time-displaced Superboy, one who actually died in Nightwing's place. Superboy came to fix the timeline, telling Nightwing that his death would have ended all crises and ushered in a new Golden Age. Superboy also notes that how Dick avoided dying once the DC Universe has been trying to kill Nightwing to correct itself.

...telling Nightwing that his death would have ended all crises and ushered in a new Golden Age.

Nightwing tries to make peace with Superboy, but Conner is on a mission. He grabs Dick and throws him into one of the shards, taking Nightwing back to the moment he should have died. Worse, Superboy caused Nightwing's death to occur on an infinite loop, forcing Dick to die in every conceivable way during Infinite Crisis. But with Dick's death, the timeline corrects itself and two decades later, Superboy and Cassie Sandsmark are living together peacefully. while Nightwing continues to suffer horrible deaths over and over again.

How Nightwing's future developed post-Infinite Crisis

Nightwing grew up to become a leading DC icon

Despite DiDio's openness about how a target was painted on Nightwing's back in Infinite Crisis, the story ended up swapping him for Conner. It was a good thing too, because in just a few years, Dick would have the opportunity to break through in a major way, replacing Bruce Wayne as Batman during the “Batman: Reborn” era. Fans everywhere marveled at Dick's evolution and although his tenure as the Dark Knight was undone just a few years later with the New 52, Nightwing was quickly evolving into a mainstay of the DCU.

Be sure to check out Nightwing's phenomenal journey as the Caped Crusader starting with Batman and Robin #1 (2009)!

This is not to say that Nightwing's career in the following years Infinite Crisis it was perfect. As this story has shown, Dick has been through some major trials, like nearly being killed during the Forever Evil crossover event. Dick was forced into hiding as Agent Spyral for a time, but regained his life just in time for the "Rebirth" era. Unfortunately, Dick was shot in the head a few years into this new chapter in his life, causing him amnesia and causing Nightwing to abandon his life and become a taxi driver named Ric.

... Nightwing has become the leader the DC Universe needs.

But these downturns led to one of the best eras for Dick Grayson during the “Infinite Frontier” and “Dawn of DC” periods. Nightwing helped lead the heroes when the Justice League died during the Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths and later took over leadership of the Titans as the DCU's premier superhero team. He faced challenges, of course, during chaotic events like Titans: World of Beasts and Absolute power. But in times of crisis, Nightwing has become the leader the DC Universe needs.

Does the DC Universe seriously hate Nightwing?

Nightwing's epic growth almost never happened

One thing to remember is that this story is intended to be an ironic tale and not canonical. After all, it was written by Dan DiDio, who has already stated several times how he wanted Nightwing to die during Infinite Crisis. But DiDio left DC Comics years ago and this story has no impact on Nightwing or how the DC Universe really feels about him. It's simply a unique story that reveals dark humor about DiDio 'correcting' what he failed to do years ago and finally killing Nightwing (several times).

It's interesting to contemplate how things would have turned out if Nightwing had actually died during Infinite Crisis. As history indicates, Tim Drake would likely have become Batman instead of Dick, as Conner and Cassie prepare to form a new Trinity for the DC Universe. The New 52, ​​"Rebirth", "Infinite Frontier" and "Dawn of DC" could have been substantially different if Dick hadn't existed. It's true that Superboy has finally returned, so It's likely that Nightwing would have eventually also.

If Nightwing had died in Infinite CrisisThe fan-favorite member of the Bat-Family may never have become the superstar he is today.

Unfortunately, even if Nightwing managed to return from his planned death, it's difficult to say whether he would have reached the same heights he did after Superboy took his place. The late 2000s were a good time for Dick, and while it was filled with some less-than-stellar moments, led Nightwing to one of the best times of his life. If Nightwing had died in Infinite CrisisThe fan-favorite member of the Bat-Family may never have become the superstar he is today.

Nightwing Not Dying was the best result

Sorry, Superboy, but Infinite Crisis It worked for the best

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While Superboy's death wasn't great to see, it's absolutely a "better" outcome than if Nightwing died. Sure, it's comical to see DiDio finally see his wish come true and subject Dick to multiple deaths. But this look at one of the strangest roads not taken in the DCU is a grim reminder of how lucky fans have been. Nightwing survived Infinite Crisis and although he had some difficult years afterwards, it is much better than what could have happened to him.

DC's I Know What You Did in the Last Crisis is now available from DC Comics.