The future of Marvel is fast approaching... and two iconic time travelers X-Men Will witness the coming age of Earth-616 when Cable and Bishop rush to save mutantkind in timeline. The latest version of Marvel's annual Timeless one shot, timeline Will With glimpses into upcoming events, new heroes and exciting stories What will happen in 2025.
For the past few years, Marvel has been releasing Timeless One-shots that not only include explosive stories in their own right, like last year's epic battle between Power Man and Moon Knight, but also provide juicy visions of adventures to come.
Written by Steve Foxe (Dark X-Men) with art by Ivan Fiorelli (Fantastic practice) - with a gorgeous cover by Kael Ngu - timeline Will see former enemies Bishop and Cable continue to grow their tense relationship, vi The beloved heroes face an enemy who is trying to erase mutantkind from historyforcing them to jump through time to save their people.
An X-Men from the future arrives in the present with a dire warning: one of Mutantkind's most hyper-advanced enemies is eating his way through time, trying to stop the X-gene from ever evolving in the first place. Only two X-Men can stop the chronic predator from achieving his goal - if they can tolerate working together long enough. Join Bishop and Cable on a trip through futures past, present and beyond.
Cable and Bishop must save mutantkind from a terrifying enemy
But can they survive each other long enough?
The last time Cable and Bishop were seen together was at Denise's camp Children of the VaultWhere the tumultuous partnership of the X-Men's resident time-traveling soldiers Seeing how the two heroes themselves take down the children. It was an impressive moment, and a clear indication of what these two warriors could accomplish if and when they teamed up. timeline will have an unknown X-Men from the future - potentially from the 2099 universe - traveling back in time to warn Cable and Bishop of a "chronal predator," trying to prevent the evolution of the X-Gene in the distant Past.
Writer Steve Fox describes the time warping villain as a "new threat," though it could be a new version of a former enemy, like the hyper-advanced sentient bacteria Sublime. While Fox promises that timeline Will include visions of Marvel stories across Earth-616, he also makes it clear that The story of Bishop and Cable will have exciting things for the world of the X-Men. Past Timeless One-shots have introduced fascinating future events - like the scandalous marriage of Emma Frost and Tony Stark - months and months in advance, forcing fans to eagerly await the debut of the canon stories.
Many Marvel teams begin new eras with major arcs
From the Avengers to the X-Men, everyone is starting over
While the tragic end of the X-Men's Krakoan Era saw the relaunch of the mutant franchise under the from the ashes Company, there are many other Marvel teams and events starting again this fall. Cable and Bishop could witness any number of future events for Marvel's heroes, from moments that impacted the new Iron Man West Coast Avengersto the ongoing poison warOr Even a glimpse at the next major crossover event. Bravery never stops in the Marvel Universe, and Bishop and Cable are about to witness that fact.
Make sure to check out timeline #1featuring X-Men heroes Cable and Bishop, to get an exciting glimpse of what's to come from Marvel in 2025.
Source: Marvel entertainment
timeline #1 From Marvel Comics debuts on December 25, 2024.