Newt's original death in Alien 3 would have been even more disturbing than what was shown on screen.
The decision to soften Newt's death in Alien 3 was a smart move to avoid furious fan backlash.
While Newt's death in the Alien franchise is controversial, Kane's iconic death remains the most memorable.
Newt's introduction in Aliens is followed by her shocking early death in Alien 3But her original death was almost considerably worse. Aliens was a huge success upon release in 1986, but James Cameron had no plans to continue his story, which ended with Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), Hicks (Michael Biehn), and Newt (Carrie Henn) surviving the ordeal and going into Hypersleep. After a long development process, Alien 3 Taking the story in a very controversial way.
The Alien 3 Which hit theaters in 1992 trapped Replay on the hellish prison planet Fury 161 with women-hating convicts and no weapons, with the film being a relentlessly bleak, bleak horror entry in the Alien Franchise. The third entry sets the tone early, with Hicks and Newt dying. Having her surrogate family torn apart so soon after Aliens Was devastating for Ripley and did not sit well with many fans, but the original plan for the young Newt's death would have only stoked the flames.
Alien 3 planned a more disturbing death for Newt
Newt was originally targeted by the Facehugger
Newt dies offscreen in both cuts of Alien 3with Charles Dance's Clemens informing Ripley that Newt drowned in her cryotube during the opening pod crash. The original plan was that the monster that was wreaking havoc on the Suloka attacked Newt, and she was implanted with the alien queen embryo. However, when the EEV crashes and water floods in, Newt would have drowned in her pod. After she dies, the alien queen embryo would be seen emerging from her mouth and searching for a new host.
With no other options, it swims over to Ripley's pod and slips into her mouth while she's still unconscious. In the end, this element was dropped for two reasons. The first is just to simplify Alien 3s narrative, and presumably to reduce the VFX involved with the Queen switching hosts.
The second was to make Ripley's impregnation with the embryo a surprise. As it stands in the movie, this is only revealed at the end of the second act, but obviously, the impact of this moment would be diminished. Alien 3 Opened with him. The comic tie-in, however, depicted the boss switch.
Newt's original death would have made Alien 3 more controversial
David Fincher was right to soften the death
Although the anger has subsided over the decades, it is still a section of Alien followers who have enemies Alien 3 For Hicks and Newt's death. At least the final version had the good taste not to show her passing and only faint glimpses of her autopsy. however, opened it as Newt drowned on camera, with a monster then forcing its way out of her mouth, It's easy to imagine how furious fan complaints would have been. David Fincher wanted to immerse himself in the darkness of Alien 3But in this he is a good one, he pulled his punches.
Is Newt's death the most memorable in the Alien franchise?
Kane's Death tops all others in the franchise
The Alien Franchise was atrocious from the beginning, and Newt's death in Alien 3 is probably the most controversial of the franchise. However, when it comes to the most memorable death of a Alien Movie, it is likely that nothing will ever top the first kill of the franchise. This comes from Kane's shocking death after seemingly rebounding from his attack with the face hugger. As the crew happily share a meal together, Kane starts acting like he's sick, only for it to become clear that something much worse is going on.
As the crew tries to help Kane as he wails in pain, his chest begins to heave as if something is trying to get out. In Kane's final moments, his chest bursts open and the alien is revealed inside. Not only is Kane's death the most memorable of the series, it's one of the most iconic movie deaths of all time. It takes the movie to another terrifying level, giving the alien an unforgettable entrance into the story. While Newt's death is disturbing, the image of any chest breaking open is terrifying.
Part of what makes this scene so memorable is the work that went on behind the scenes. As the story goes, the actors other than John Hurt (no one) didn't really know how the scene was going to play out. When they received the script it simply said that the stranger would appear. When it came time to film the scene, the actors were brought in to find Hurt on the table. The scene then unfolded with the stranger emerging from Hurt's shirt, covered in real crops from a butcher's shop.
Actor Yaphet Katto, who played Parker in AlienConfirm that there is no acting required for the scene (by The Guardian):
It was real, man. We didn't see that coming. We were freaking out. The actors were all scared.
Alien 3 is the 1992 sequel to Aliens. Directed by David Fincher and starring Sigourney Weaver in her iconic role as Ellen Ripley, the third installment in the Alien franchise follows Ripley as she leads a group of inmates in the fight against a Xenomorph after her ship crash-lands on a prison planet .
- Release date
May 22, 1992
- Figure
Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton, Charles Dance, Paul McGann, Brian Glover, Ralph Brown.
- runtime
114 minutes