New Wolf Man Image Hints at Christopher Abbott Reveal as His Transformation Begins

New Wolf Man Image Hints at Christopher Abbott Reveal as His Transformation Begins

A new image of Wolf Man offers a closer look at Christopher Abbott's character. In Blumhouse's horror reboot, Abbott plays Blake, who inherits his estranged father's farmhouse, which becomes the site of a terrifying ordeal when he is attacked by a vicious animal. This begins a lycanthropic transformation that puts his wife Charlotte (Julia Garner) and daughter Ginger (Matilda Firth) at risk, caught between the animal outside and the threat Blake now poses. The next Wolf Man was directed and co-written by Leigh Whannell, who previously directed Blumhouse's 2020 Universal Monster remake The Invisible Man.

TelaRant now you can share a new exclusive image of Wolf Man. It depicts a disheveled, sweaty, and distressed Blake looking over his shoulder at Charlotte during the transformation. In addition to the veins bulging across most of his face, his skin is marked by a glowing, bloody wound that appears to be spreading. The panic in his eyes seems to indicate that he is still somewhat lucid, but the image is clearly taken from a relatively early point in his transformation. See the full size photo below:

Christopher Abbott Looking Back in Wolf Man 2025 Movie Preview, Exclusive Still Image

Wolf Man adapts one of the most important elements of the original film

Christopher Abbott provides the film with its unique core

With The Invisible ManLeigh Whanell has proven that his interest in the Universal Monster reboots lies in bringing a strong character focus, creating unique interpersonal dynamics, as well as updating the title character for the modern era. This new image reflects the fact that the Wolf Man reboot seems poised to do the same thing. The film's lycanthropy leaves an already mildly dysfunctional family in complete disarray, so its focus will be on how the marriage between Charlotte and Blake is distorted by the transformationinstead of just being a simple monster or body horror movie.

However, in addition to continuing Whannell's personal directorial streak, the 2025 horror film is returning to one of the most important elements of the 1941 original The Wolf Man. This classic film starred Lon Chaney Jr. as Larry Talbot, a man who is equally tormented by his transformation. While the new film is upping the stakes by trapping Blake's family in a house with him, the original was also a character study using transformation as a narrative device to access a variety of psychological themes.

Wolf Man Could Start a New Era of Universal Monster Remakes

He will pick up where the invisible man left off

Christopher Abbott looks distressed in Wolf Man 2025

Although The Invisible Man was a success both critically (with a Certified Fresh 91% Rotten Tomatoes score) and commercially (grossing $144.5 million against a $7 million budget), global shutdowns amid the COVID-19 pandemic appear to have prevented that many more Universal Monster reboots would be realized properly. developed. However, it should Wolf Man If it were a similar success thanks to its similar emphasis on character, it could restart that chain reaction. In fact, perhaps it already has, as it was recently announced that Rise of the Dead Evil writer and director Lee Cronin is crafting a new Mummy film for Blumhouse.