One incredible new Star Wars LEGO Set brings back an iconic Princess Leia Organa outfit from Return of the Jedi What was previously thought forbidden. Leah is easily one of Star Wars Best characters, and their importance to Star Wars Movies and TV shows cannot be overstated. In fact, even outside the Skywalker family tree, Leia has a massive influence on both the Rebellion and the Resistance. However, this made one choice in Return of the Jedi Even more jarring.
Specifically, Leia's outfit on Zabba's sailing barge, often referred to as her 'slave costume', became quite controversial after Return of the Jedi. Because it was so sexualized, it was rumored that Disney immediately banned merchandise featuring the outfit. however, LEGO's brand new Jabba Sail Barge model (75397) includes a LEGO piece of Leia wearing this outfit. This suggests that Disney Star Wars After all, it is not forbidden that the outfit is reproduced in merchandise, and this may be due to a shift in the narrative about the costume in Star Wars.
What Leia's "Hutslayer" return means for Star Wars
The rumor that the 'slave costume' was banned by Disney originated in a 2015 Facebook post by Marvel artist J. Scott Campbell. At the time, Hasbro denied such claims; However, it is true that this outfit was very minimally used in any goods in recent years. In fact, this costume hasn't been used in any LEGO minifigures since 2013. Given that, it's possible that some conversation was happening behind the scenes about limited merchandise with this outfit, but that's entirely speculative.
It's possible that Campbell was referring to a Marvel mandate, but, in any case, Star Wars has put a brand new spin on the controversial outfit which may very well explain why it's resurfacing now. Especially the canon book Star Wars: BloodlineWritten by Claudia Grey, it reveals that the iconic moment when Leia strangles Jabba the Hutt to death with the very chains that enslaved her has given her a new title in the galaxy: Huttslayer. The shift represents a major reframing, in which Leia goes from a sexualized slave to an empowered warrior and a hero.
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actually, blood line Makes it clear that many in the galaxy were in awe of her, as this was a physical feat for any human, much less one who was actively held captive in chains. This is also in line with Carrie Fisher's own description of the event as Leia literally strangling the patriarchy with his own chains. In addition to being a brilliant update to this Return of the Jedi However, this raises the question: Is Huttslayer Leia about to appear in more merchandise?
Will we start seeing more Huttslayer merchandise?
In fact, the Huttslayer outfit has never lost its popularity among the fans. Many cosplayers dress up the outfit, both in its traditional form and, at times, with updates such as pants or more coverage. however, This is a change in the franchise itself, which could mean an increased production of the outfit in goods. Likely, this will come down to demand.
Previously, some reports indicated that there simply wasn't that much interest in LEGO pieces with this costume. Furthermore, this could be an exception to the broader rule (if indeed there is one), as Leia's absence from the set would have been incredibly strange. In a way, the very set required the Huttslayer piece. nevertheless, Star Wars clearly reframed Leia Organa's Return of the Jedi outfit, and this LEGO Set suggests that could have larger implications.