New Silent Hill 2 players, don't be fooled by Pyramid Head

New Silent Hill 2 players, don't be fooled by Pyramid Head

Issue Silent Hill 2 The remake will inevitably attract new fans of this iconic horror franchise. This is the first major contribution to silent Hill the series is available on modern consoles; its lackluster HD remaster was limited to the PS3. Add to that the fact that it's the most iconic entry in the series and a pretty faithful adaptation Silent Hill 2 to boot - and there has hardly been a better time in the last two decades to engage silent Hill.

[Warning: This article contains spoilers for the ending of Silent Hill 2.]

But with many new players plunging into the mist for the first time, many players will be fooled by a familiar face: Pyramid Head: The canonical name of the Red Pyramid Creature. Silent Hill 2 marked the debut of the pointy-headed punisher who has since become an icon of the series, thanks in large part to Masahiro Ito's stunningly brutal character designs. He presents the series in Dead by daylightplays a cameo role Astro Botand even has his own Magic: Gathering map. But Don't confuse Pyramid Head with something he's not.; it is uniquely related to Silent Hill 2 in such a way that the rest of his speeches do not always clarify the situation.

Who is Pyramid Head?

The true identity and symbolism of the pyramid in Silent Hill 2

Like all the monsters in Silent Hill 2Pyramid Head is a figment of the imagination of protagonist James Sunderland. Specifically, Pyramid Head is a physical manifestation of James' guilt.your conscience because of Mary's murder. Players receive a major, cryptic clue to his identity in the second half of the game: in the Silent Hill Historical Society hangs a painting of a triangle-hooded executioner presiding over caged prisoners. James probably saw this picture when he and Mary first visited Silent Hill, and it stuck with him, ultimately becoming part of his guilt.


The triangular hood also served as the ritual attire of the murderous cult that controls Silent Hill, the Order, established in the very first game. silent Hilland later confirmed Silent Hill 4: Room. Pyramid Head reminds James that he is a criminal on the run and deserves to be brought to justice. Thus, Pyramid Head represents the executioner who has come to punish James for his crimes. Only when James remembers his crimes can he say: "I don't need you anymore"," and kill the monster.

Pyramid Head is mistakenly synonymous with Silent Hill

Pyramid Head is an exceptional James delusion

Silent Hill 2 James and Pyramid Head in front of the map.
Custom image by Steven Garrard

But again, thanks to its unique terrifying design and Silent Hill 2enduring popularity Pyramid Head has become the series' mascot, although he may not deserve the title.. He appears again in Silent Hill: Homecomingsomewhat reimagined as the Boogeyman to fit him into this game. He also silent Hill popular representative of the series in episodic appearances ranging from Astro Bot To Dead by daylight.

But the problem is that Pyramid Head doesn't make any sense apart from James.. Unlike others Dead by daylight cameos like Michael Myers, he's not just a bloodthirsty monster who will stalk anyone he sees. He is not another servant of Valtiel, as shown in the comics and silent Hill movies depict him. He may somewhat resemble a ritual executioner in Valtiel's service, but his actual appearance is distorted by James' perception of one particular painting. He exists solely to serve as a source of torment for James, and was never intended to be the series' regular mascot.

Honestly, although Pyramid Head is distorted in many silent Hill Media, he doesn't appear often. The developers knew well enough to use their greatest monster sparingly and not ruin the fear factor by over-explaining Pyramid Head through lore. At least they did for a while. Pyramid Head is completely intact in his true form. Silent Hill 2 remake; only sequels and spin-offs get it wrong. However, it is important for new fans starting with Silent Hill 2 remake to know that Pyramid Head is not the series mascot he is made out to be.