A new Red Lantern emerges in Green Lantern's world, causing potential problems down the line.
Korg taps into Red Lantern energy, revealing how damaged the emotional spectrum really is.
Sinestro's son risks losing control to his red light powers.
Warning! Spoilers ahead for Super Sons #6!A new Red Lantern appeared Green Lantern world and it could cause huge problems down the line. For some time now, Korg, also known as Sinson, has been on a mission to prove that he is Sinestro's flesh and blood. But when his journey comes to an end, he winds up discovering something else deep inside him.
in Super Sons #6 By Peter J. Tomasi and Vasco Georgiev, Korg finally confronts Sinestro about his possible family connection. Sinestro downplays their possible connection, and even touches the boy when he insists they are family. Fortunately, Korg's friend Lor-Zod comes to his aid.
Lor-Zod fights Sinestro, which infuriates Korg. As the anger builds in Korg, Sinestro's possible son taps into the Red Lantern energy and fights Lor-Zod. Sinestro stops their fight almost immediately, revealing that his treatment of Korg was meant as an experiment to see if the youngster could access and control Rage's red light.
Sinestro's son becomes the New Red Lantern of the DC Universe
Korg's sudden ability to access the red light is not surprising. The emotional spectrum is in a difficult state right now thanks to the United Planets leader Lord Premier Thaaros. After taking control of the Green Lantern Corps, Thaaros secretly ordered the destruction of all other central power batteries in the DC Universe, starting with the one that powers the Sinestro Corps. These attacks on the emotional spectrum have had a ripple effect throughout the universe. Sinestro, for example, is no longer able to use the yellow light of fear, Although the Green Lantern enemy is able to channel the red light.
While the jury is still out on whether Sinestro is Korg's father or not, Korg's display here proves one thing: Thaaros' injury has radically affected the emotional spectrum. At one time, the only way to access any of the lights was selected by the corresponding core. But as is the case with Sinestro and now Korg, one simply has to feel an emotion such as rage intensely enough to gain powers. luckily, Korg did not lose himself to the red light of the storm, but what will happen the next time he accesses it?
Is Sinestro's son in danger from his new powers?
Of all the lights in the emotional spectrum, the red light is the most dangerous and can cause the users to become wild monsters. Korg remains calm here, but he taps into his powers briefly. The more he channels the red light, the more Korg risks going too far. Even Sinestro briefly lost control of himself when he became a Red Lantern. Sinestro was flattered that Korg managed to keep his wits as a Red Lantern, but that might be temporary. hope, Green Lantern Will have something to say when he meets the DCU's new Red Lantern.
Evil Sons #6 is available now from DC Comics.
Evil Sons #6 (2024) |