Even more information about Game Freak's massive data breach has begun to circulate online, providing more insight into the content that was cut during the development of several Pokémon games. Much of the information includes several never-before-seen Pokémon, including several baby Pokémon, evolutions, and Mega forms, all of which have left the Pokémon community wanting to see more.
One piece of leaked information that caught a lot of people's attention involves the incredibly popular Pokémon Eevee. Eevee is well known for its ability to evolve into eight unique evolutions, and countless fans have begged for more to be created for years. Apparently, There was originally a plan to create a ninth Eeveelution in the past it has unfortunately been scrapped, much to the dismay of fans, but perhaps there is a chance it could one day become real.
What was this discarded evolution of Eevee?
An Eeveelution that can take off
Recent posts by CentroLeaks in X revealed that this new evolution for Eevee would be of the Flying typewhich is a typing that many fans have wanted for years. Although no name has been revealed for this specific Eeveelution, it is now known that it originally appeared in Pokémon Sun and Moon. This means he would have debuted just three years after Sylveon appeared in the games if he hadn't been cut during the long development process.
Apparently, The leak revealed that this Flying-type evolution was scrapped because it looked too much like fan-created designs. There are countless artists online who have created their own versions of Eeveelutions with the various unused Pokémon types, and while they're all fantastic, it's completely understandable why Game Freak wouldn't want any of their designs to look too much like anyone else's. artists.
Could this new evolution appear in a future game?
This new evolution may appear again, although it may take a while
Given that there is still plenty of time for more Pokémon games to be developed, there is always the chance that this Flying-type evolution could reappear one day. Despite the many new forms and evolutions that would emerge in Pokemon Legends ZAIt's unlikely that this new evolution of Eevee would debut in that game. Considering the fact that Sylveon debuted in Pokémon X and Y, it would make a lot more sense to get a lot more attention than any new Eeveelutions since ZA also takes place in Kalos.
While this new Eeveelution is unlikely to appear in ZA Legends, Pokémon fans should not lose hope. It is likely that This Flying-type evolution isn't over foreverbecause there's a chance that Game Freak hasn't completely abandoned the idea even after all this time. There's always a chance that it will finally appear in a future game at some point in the next few years, though it will likely need to go through more rounds of design iteration before then.
Will Eeveelution Flying-Type appear in Gen 10 games?
Potential codenames could hint at the debut of this new Eeveelution
There is a lot of community speculation when it comes to whether this Flying-type Eevee could appear in upcoming Generation 10 games. Data leaks revealed that Gen 10 games use the codename Pokemon Gaiawith the two versions being referred to as "K" and "N" respectively. Many have pondered what exactly these letters could be referring to, and there are some people online who may already have a potential answer.
Many people in Pokémon community believes that the codenames K and N are in reference to the Japanese terms "Kaze" and "Nami", which means wind and wave. With one of these two games potentially referencing wind, it would make perfect sense for a Flying-type Eeveelution to make its debut this generation. However, only the reveal of the official names will provide a true hint as to whether Flying-type Eevee could appear in them or not, so it's all still speculation for now.
With so much speculation out there, there are a lot of fans excited about what future generations of games have in store. With how beloved Eevee is, it's only a matter of time before a new Eeveelution is finally revealed, and there's always a chance that it could be the leaked Flying type. Until then, only time will tell when exactly this new nameless name Pokémon will finally make its long-awaited debut in a future main game.
Source: CentroLeaks/X