Marvel has officially unveiled a new version Hawkeyebut this hero is not just an experienced archer - he Iron ManA powerful level force capable of taking on an army (or an evil megacorporation) single-handedly. The hero is the latest reimagining of the classic hero in the new Ultimate Marvel Universe and is a clear replacement for Clint Barton, who - in this new timeline - refused to take up the mantle of Hawkeye and rejected the advanced technology gifted to him by Tony Stark.
Fans are introduced to the new Hawkeye in a preview of the film by Denise Camp, Juan Frigeri, Federico Blee and Travis Lanham. Ultimate #5. In this issue, Captain America is summoned by Tony Stark to investigate the new Hawkeye, who has been raiding facilities of the villainous Roxxon Corporation. Although their actions have so far benefited the Ultimates' goals, Tony's tests show they are more villains than heroesand he asks Steve Rogers to intervene.
Tony had previously given Hawkeye's costume and equipment to Clint Barton, who was one of dozens of heroes who were unwilling to take on the powers and personalities they must possessed in this timeline. Tony was so confident in Clint's potential that he passed on a quiver that can print a variety of arrows, including smart missiles and EMP blasts. Tony confirms this "a properly trained person could defeat an army with these 'arrows'" and begs Steve to return his technology.
Debut of new Hawkeye using Tony Stark technology
The hero's arrows have superpowers
Marvel's new Ultimate Universe is a reality that has been rewritten by a time-traveling supergenius known as the Creator, who has methodically killed, depowered, or corrupted every hero fans have known from the main Marvel continuity. Luckily, Tony's father managed to create a brief window in which the Maker disappeared from view, allowing his son (now known as Iron Lad) to assemble the Ultimates Network, a worldwide team of heroes who were dedicated to destroying the Maker's power. base before he returns.
Marvel has taken a new approach to its Ultimate games, with each issue covering a month of time in the world, counting down until the return of the Creator. Every Ultimates The issue follows a climactic mission as Tony and his growing team attempt to recruit more heroes to join them against the Maker's corrupt world order. Now fans meet Hawkeye, but this time Tony doesn't want the hero on his list, he wants them to be stopped.
Tony has previously attempted to bring back heroes, including Captain Marvel and Hawkeye, by empowering people whose origins as heroes were prevented by the Creator through time travel. The project turned out to be a disaster, with Carol Danvers even killing civilians when her powers grew out of control. While Peter Parker's Spider-Man has been a notable success thus far, Tony has taken the massive failure of his endeavor hard, especially as he tried to modernize these heroes with his family's advanced technology. So it makes sense that Even though this Hawkeye is targeting an important ally of the Maker's regime, Tony is unwilling to risk his weapon being used for evil..
Hawkeye's cunning arrows have always been powerful...
...But nothing like the new version
Hawkeye's new arrows are a huge improvement on Clint Barton's character, and Tony confirms this. one shot from a distance of forty miles is enough to destroy a tank or even a battleship. Likewise, when Captain America confronts the new Hawkeye, he is faced with a repulsor bolt, the same technology that makes Iron Man such a powerful hero. Although Clint Barton has long been an Avenger in good standing, he has never been a man of influence, relying more on his formidable skills and spy training to contribute to the team. Indeed, Hawkeye's villains have saved the universe in the past.
However, despite the significant difference in power levels, weapon arrows are a traditional element of Hawkeye's character. Instead of just shooting traditional arrows, Hawkeye has incorporated technology from across the Marvel Universe, including Iron Man's repulsors, Hank Pym's particle-size altering, and even the Hulk's gamma rays. (with which he killed the Green Goliath in Civil War II.) Hawkeye's most commonly used arrows are for non-lethal kills: the Electrified Net Arrow, Tear Gas Arrow, and Blunt Boomerang Arrow have all appeared before.
The new Hawkeye reinvents Clint Barton's feud with Captain America as the Ultimate Universe turns a friendly rivalry into something much darker.
However, although Clint Barton often used explosives, he never had anything like the new Ultimate Hawkeye, whose Tank destroyer arrows can take right angles to pursue their targets with high explosives.. Tony's Quiver prints the weapons Hawkeye needs for the mission, making this new hero equal to even Iron Man in power—and perhaps even more dangerous when his skills become part of the equation.
Hawkeye vs. Captain America is the perfect introduction
The original Hawkeye had a major rivalry with Captain America.
Sending Captain America to fight the new Hawkeye is the perfect start. These two characters have a long history. Clint Barton is angry at Steve Rogers and constantly fights to prove that he is the Super Soldier's equal. While the two are firm friends today, Clint has long been portrayed as an anti-authority figure who irritates Cap's leadership, and their rivalry was particularly fierce early in their relationship.
The Ultimate Universe adds a new development to this rivalry by introducing Hawkeye, a Native American.and the first words between them were Hawkeye's question: - So they sent a cowboy, right? Still, Ultimates It's a socially conscious book in which the new She-Hulk arrives from an island in the Pacific that has been irradiated by gamma bomb testing - a reference to nuclear testing and its real-world consequences. There is no longer America in the Ultimate Universe, as that nation was disbanded as part of the Creator who divided the world into competing territories.
This makes the symbolic nature of Captain America much more complex. Ultimate Cap represents a country that no longer exists. and which he sees as the opposite of the Creator's authoritarianism, but in doing so he also preserves a specific legacy of imperialism and conquest - a dichotomy of which Hawkeye seems all too aware. Moreover, this Steve Rogers was shocked to the core by studying world history since he was frozen in World War II and Captain America took radical steps against the Creator, including the decision to save America Chavez at the cost of many innocent lives.
UltimatesThe frantic pace doesn't allow for much time to be spent thinking about the emotional states of the characters, so it will be interesting to see how far the charge goes "cowboy" refers to this Captain America. In Marvel original In the 2000s Ultimate Universe, Captain America was portrayed as a jingoistic soldier of the American government, but this time he fights much harder for his purpose.
Ultimate #5 is the final question before the entire team gathers for the first time to fight the corrupted Hulk and his Immortal Weapon. With hope, Hawkeye is part of this team because while Tony may feel the need to control the use of his technology, the Ultimates will need all the help they can get to defeat the Maker and fans definitely deserve more time with this new version of Avenging Archer. which suddenly strikes the same blow as Iron Man myself.
Ultimatics #5 will be released from Marvel on October 9th.