New Batman officially debuts after Bruce Wayne's betrayal and death (this costume is fire)

New Batman officially debuts after Bruce Wayne's betrayal and death (this costume is fire)


  • DC's new Batman debuts in DC vs. Vampires: World War V #1, after Bruce Wayne was killed in DC vs Vampires #6.

  • The new Batman suit features a full face mask and a deadly sword.

  • Considering most of Bruce's male heirs are dead, the question of who is under the tile remains unanswered, leaving fans in suspense.

Warning: Contains potential spoilers for DC Vs. Vampires: World War V #1!in DC vs Vampires, Batman Faces the ultimate betrayal when his son and longtime partner, NightwingDrove a fist through his chest after the youngster has secretly claimed the mantle of DC's new vampire king back in 2022. With Bruce Wayne's death, it seemed the Dark Knight's time in the vampire has ended. Other worlds Saga. However, the debut of a new Batman proved otherwise.

DC vs. Vampires: World War V #1 by Matthew Rosenberg, Otto Schmidt and Pierluigi Casolino is the return of the best-seller. Other worlds series, and with it, the stakes (pun intended) have reached unprecedented heights.

What was once a two-sided war between vampires and humans has now escalated into a three-sided conflict between Earth's remaining humans, Queen Barbara Gordon's vampire army, and Damian Wayne's guerrilla fighters. Adding to the intrigue, a mysterious new Batman makes his debut, leaving us with the pressing question: Who is under the deck?

Read DC vs Vampires (2021-2022) & DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) to raise DC's war against the undead!

The New Batman officially debuts in DC vs. Vampires: World War V #1 (Who's Under the Cool?)

DC vs Vampires World War V 3 Main Cover Solits: The Dark Knight attacks a vampire version of Black Adam.

The new Batman quickly establishes his heroism by rescuing a vampire who is desperately shielding a newborn baby From a pack of bloodthirsty attackers. As the vampires close in, the Dark Knight intervenes with precision, driving a sword through one of the attacker's chests and dispatching the rest with speed. However, before he can offer any further help to the vampire and baby, the duo vanish into thin air, adding another layer of mystery to the already burning question: Who is the new vampire and human-saving Batman?

After Bruce's heart was ripped from his chest by Dick, his other young adult children soon followed him in death: Tim Drake and Jason Todd died in the same issue as Bruce, while Duke Thomas died in a later one. This leaves no obvious Batman heirs with the physical characteristics of the new Dark Knight - mature and male. Luke Fox could be a possibility, given his prominent role in the Bat-Family. However, apart from being male and adult, there is no evidence to confirm that it is him. Thus, the mystery of who is under the tile remains unsolved.

The new, sword-wielding Batman's suit is one of the Dark Knight's coolest costumes

Batman Suits Batsuits Nicola Scott

Although the identity of the new Batman remains a mystery, one thing is certain -The new outfit is totally badass. It retains the classic black and gray color scheme and features the recognizable blade gauntlets. However, the suit includes a yellow bat symbol that subtly deviates from the traditional logo. The most striking changes, however, are the full-face tile and the sword. The full-face tile, in particular, is intriguing because it is typically associated with Terry McGinnis, the future Batman. Discovering who is under the tile could shed light on the unique design elements of this new one Batman Suit.


DC vs Vampires: World War V #1 is now available from DC Comics!


DC vs Vampires World War V Main Cover: Vampire Batgirl and Human Green Arrow pose behind Vampire Damian Wayne.

  • Writer: Matthew Rosenberg

  • Artist: Otto Schmidt

  • Colorist: Pierluigi Casolino

  • Writer: Tom Napolitano

  • Cover artist: Otto Schmidt