New Ahsoka Retcon Completely Rewrites Star Wars Rebels Ending (Again)

New Ahsoka Retcon Completely Rewrites Star Wars Rebels Ending (Again)

It has been one year since Ahsoka Greased screens and enameled Star Wars Enthusiasts with his story, but there is one recon that changes the ending of Star Wars Rebels Even more than previously thought. For many Rebels lovers Ahsoka Season 1 felt like a continuation of the animated show. most of rebel Capital letters appeared in Ahsoka Season 1, and the show is built from different storylines Rebels Season 4.

Despite how big Ahsoka Is, it sometimes feels like it is encroaching on the end of Rebels. The series ends with Ezra Bridger sacrificing himself so that he can save his family and his homeworld from Lothal by having Purgil space whales take him and Grand Admiral Thrawn's troops off the planet, heading to an undisclosed destination. It was implied that Sabine Wren believed that Ezra survived the journey and went off with Ahsoka Tano to find the missing Jedi. But, when AhsokaThe first few episodes came out, it recounted the end of Sabine Wren Rebels.

Sabine didn't just stay on Lothal to protect the planet

The Rebels finale implied Sabine stayed on Lothal for Ezra

It was implemented in the US Rebels Series finale that Sabine Wren stayed on Lothal after the liberation of Lothal to honor Ezra Bridger and protect the planet in case the Empire ever came back. however, Ahsoka reveals that The real reason Sabine stayed on Lothal so she could begin her Jedi training with Ahsoka Tano. While it's a little easier to believe that Sabine stayed alone on Lothal during the Galactic Civil War, it's much harder to believe that Ahsoka would have stayed with her when they could have gotten involved with the Rebellion and made a difference.


Sabine and Ahsoka could have gone on missions for the Rebellion to help, especially since Hera Syndulla, a general in the Rebellion, knew the interpersonal dynamic between Ahsoka and Sabine. in Ahsoka Season 1, Hera seemed to understand why Sabine and Ahsoka had a falling out and stopped Sabine's Jedi training. In fact, Hera encouraged both women to take another crack at their master and apprentice relationship. However, this still rewrites much of what we knew of what Sabin did after Lothal's liberation. Although it doesn't necessarily break canon, It feels like an out-of-character change that isn't necessary.

Star Wars continues to reclaim the end of the Rebels

These characters deserve better than constant recons

The Rebels Finale was loved by many because of how it connected the end of the characters' stories with the larger one Star Wars Galaxy. But, since Ahsoka came out, the epilogue of Rebels Has been recondned several times. The final scene between Ahsoka and Sabine has been changed, with Ahsoka now wearing gray instead of white. Other aspects have also changed, such as Jacen Syndulla's physical appearance.

However, this sets a dangerous precedent Star Wars Can and will recover other titles if it means continuing a different story.

In the grand scheme of things, recons aren't a big deal, especially if Ahsoka Keep up the good work. However, this sets a dangerous precedent Star Wars Can and will recover other titles if it means continuing a different story. A memory from one show should not suffer to make another one work. Hopefully, moving forward, Dave Filoni and his team will be more careful about reconnecting aspects of shows like this Rebels For other shows like Ahsoka to succeed.