Warning! Spoilers for Netflix Ugly and Scott Westerfeld beautiful And Special Forward!
Netflix Ugly It leaves the door open for a sequel, but some significant book changes will make Talley's continued story much more difficult to pull off. The 2024 sci-fi film is based on Scott Westerfeld's Ugly Book series, with the bulk of Talley's tale taking place in the initial trilogy. Ugly, beautifulAnd Special See the protagonist undergo various surgical changes, further driving home the theme of government control and oppression. It would be great to see all three books adapted into movies, though After Netflix UglyFaithful sequels could not be more possible.
Overall, there was a lot about these Ugly Movie that was true to Westerfeld's book. Although a little more rushed and lacking in detail, the main points of this first stage in Talley's journey were more or less the same. The end of Ugly was especially perfect since the film left audiences with the tease of Pretty Tally, thus setting up the sequel beautiful. If another film happens, it should follow Joey King's character through her struggle against the beautiful lesion placed in her mind. the three sources, SpecialHowever, would be much more complicated Thanks to Ugly' Changes to special circumstances.
Netflix's Ugly Completely Changed Dr. Cable and special circumstances
Special circumstances are watered down in The Ugly Movie
In Netflix Ugly Movie, Dr. Cable is the governor of Tally's town. While she seems nice and kind on the outside, it is finally revealed that she is a pretty nasty villain. She commands her army of mindless supersoldiers to do her biddingGoing as far as murder, if that happens. the title "Special circumstances" is briefly mentioned but is not a significant film focus. Almost none of this is as it was in Westerfeld's Ugly book, where Dr. Cable is, instead, the leader of the top secret organization that steps in when things get out of control.
Dr. Cable was not someone most uglies or pretties would be familiar with in the Ugly book. The existence of special circumstances was little more than a rumor, but when Shay disappeared, Tally discovered that they were real. The agents of special circumstances, including Dr. Cable, were known as special. Although they are indeed altered to have super strength, movement and resilience, they are far from mindless. Elite, smart, aggressive, fairly beautiful and absolutely terrifying, the Specials are biologically designed to cause a panic response in uglies and pretties alike - and Tally herself eventually becomes one.
Uglies' special changes make a "specials" movie difficult
Tally becoming a special (and her final arc) just wouldn't work the same way
in the third Ugly book, Specials, Tally is forced to become an agent of special circumstances, and she is immediately proud of her new body and position. Specially experience the world in an icy clarity - so sharp it almost hurts. They are strong and fearless, but they are not vicious, mindless killers. They follow orders because they believe that everything they do is for the betterment of humanity and the planet. yet, Tally eventually realizes that the alterations made to her brain have made her too aggressive And almost uncontrollable. Just like when she was beautiful, she had to fight against the city's attempts to control her mind.
By making the special monsters mindless, Netflix's Uglies movie has taken the wind out of the special's sails.
By making the specials Mindless Monsters, Netflix Ugly Movie took the wind from SpecialSails. If sequel movies follow, it would be challenging to adapt Special Since it would essentially be a watered-down repeat of what had already happened with Paris' Arc Inn Ugly. In addition, Tali has become a mindless soldier, along with Shay and a handful of their friends, would be the complete opposite of her story in the Dryquel. The beautiful operation dulls a person's mind, while the special operation improves it. Still, Tally must accept that both are forms of mind control.
Ugly has rendered the three end of Special Pretty meaningless as well. In this book, after Tally realizes that her brain has yet again been surgically manipulated to control her perspective by her government, she discovers a cure. While she doesn't take it herself (instead preferring to think through her aggression and rage), she secretly gives it to Dr. Cable. This leads the special villain to realize what she's doing is wrong, and Dr. Cable even helps Tally escape the city. Since Dr. Cable is not a special in the Ugly movie, that wouldn't really work.
How Netflix can backpedal to make the sequels of Ugly work
Moving forward would require more changes and adjustments
Netflix has left the door open for a beautiful movie, but based on the changes to Dr. Cable and special circumstances, it doesn't seem like they considered a Special Movie. Still, if the sequels eventually become part of the plan and budget, there could be a few ways that Talley's time as a special circumstances agent could work. In the books, Tally and Shay are part of a new initiative of Dr. Cable's, in which Teenagers are transformed into a new and improved league of special called cutters. They are different from the previous adult specialists, and this could be the key ahead for Netflix.
Future Ugly Kino may reveal that Dr. Cable's turning Paris into a special inspired her to do it with more teenagers. However, rather than mindless soldiers, she may decide that her cutters will be more like the Specials of the books - aggressive and dangerous but more intelligent and independent. She may also decide that she wants to be special and opt to have the operation. That would Make Dr. Cable a much more threatening villain and make the existing plot of Special Possibly again. Of course, none of this would be the same (or as good), but it's better than nothing Ugly Sequels at all.