Star Trek: Prodigy is much more than just a spiritual successor to Star Trek: Voyageras the animated show serves as a relatively gentle sequel to the 1990s spinoff, and the former is full of details that pay impressive homage to the latter. As well as several Star Trek: Voyager characters returning in Star Trek: Prodigy, there are other, more subtle references to the adventures of Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) and her crew aboard the USS Voyager - one of which is a direct canonical reference to Star Trek: Voyagerthe end.
Mulgrew played her ship's fearless leader throughout all 7 seasons of Star Trek: Voyager. Janeway's team's long and perilous journey home was filled with strange events that ticked almost every box in the sci-fi TV category. THE Star Trek: Voyager the cast was rarely exposed to time travel, although they had a handful of time-altering stories. Star Trek: VoyagerThe show's "Endgame" ended the show with exactly that adventure, and Star Trek: Prodigy calmly recognize one of the Traveler the lowest predictions of the end about the future of Starfleet.
Starfleet Combadges in Star Trek: Prodigy Match Future Janeway's From "Endgame"
Admiral Janeway in 'Endgame' had a never-before-seen badge design
Starfleet uniforms and combadges are often dependent on the season in Star Trekalthough they can and do also differ between ships. Starfleet uniforms in Star Trek: Prodigy They are, understandably, a unique design. However, the officers' badge design on the show first appeared on screen in 2001. When an alternate version of Admiral Janeway travels back from the future to change history in "Endgame," the design of his badge differs from that of his temporal counterpart and the rest of the Voyager crew. Brightly, Star Trek: Prodigy brought back designestablishing Future Janeway's emblem as the standard in the years following "Endgame."
Star Trek: Prodigy could have simply kept a more recognizable design in game, as the show only takes place five years after "Endgame", and the combadges aren't always updated as often.
Star Trek: ProdigyJaneway wearing the same badge as her future self in “Endgame” is excellent fan service. The show could have easily ignored Star Trek: Voyagerprediction of and create your own design for Starfleet badges. Alternatively, Star Trek: Prodigy could have simply kept a more recognizable design in game, as the show only takes place five years after "Endgame", and the combadges aren't always updated as often. The future Janeway was also much older than Mulgrew's character in Prodigyso the franchise still took a while to recognize the change in emblem.
Star Trek: The Prodigy's New Emblems Could Be the Result of a Causality Paradox
The Future Janeway emblem never existed (and still inspired a design in the past?)
The combos in Star Trek: Prodigy are a little annoying. In the original timeline from which Future Janeway travels, the emblems will have been redesigned organically over time, without intervention or influence from other points in the timeline. Star Trek timeline. Maybe that's not the case now, thanks to Future Janeway's intervention. After its temporal manipulation, the first time the emblem's design appears from a chronological perspective is in "Endgame", and not in Future Janeway's native time. Then, ProdigyIt can be said that the combadges were inspired by a design that never existed.
It is possible that Future Janeway's emblem design was issued to Starfleet in honor of her. While this would mean silently celebrating the Temporal Prime Directive, the current Janeway would likely have enough strength to convince Starfleet to do so. Alternatively, a theory could avoid the paradox altogether. The new combadge design may have already been prepared and was about to be put into active use in “Endgame”. Why Star Trek: Prodigy is defined shortly after Star Trek: TravelerTo top it off, the change between emblems could have been almost immediate, which would explain why Future Janeway had the same one.