Netflix's Narnia launch drama could have been avoided if it followed a recent fantasy trend

Netflix's Narnia launch drama could have been avoided if it followed a recent fantasy trend

Greta Gerwig's distribution method The Chronicles of Narnia Remake films are up in the air, but this could have been avoided if the project had taken an entirely different path. The news that Barbie the director would be facing the beloved CS Lewis Narnia books was certainly exciting, especially since the 2000s film franchise was never completed. Netflix's upcoming films could be a chance to see the full story finally brought to the screen. However, There is currently some debate about how these films will be released.

Sources recently revealed that Gerwig may have successfully defended her Narnia films to get a theatrical release. That would be great news for the project, but Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos has been notably resistant to theatrical showings delaying the streaming release. It's a lot of drama and debate, and it may be some time before there's definitive confirmation on how Gerwig's story unfolds. Narnia films will be distributed. However, All of this could have been avoided if the next Chronicles of Narnia the adaptation utilized a format that is becoming even more popular for fantasy IP.

Greta Gerwig's Narnia remake would have been better as a TV show

TV shows are much better equipped for long-form book-to-screen adaptations

Lola Versus' Greta Gerwig with The Chronicles of Narnia poster

TV has become the perfect channel for major fantasy franchises, especially those based on book series. This really started with Game of Thrones and has since expanded into other interesting projects. Prime Video has the Lord of the Rings TV series, Rings of Powerwhile Warner Bros and HBO now have a Harry Potter TV show in progress. The main benefit of this long format is that these series have more opportunities to bring all the nuances of the books to the screen. Films are almost never faithful adaptations of books, but TV shows have a lot more freedom.

It is for this reason that the new Narnia the adaptation's status as another film series comes as a surprise. His stories have already been made into films, but things didn't work out in the long run. The actors outgrew their roles before the series could be completed, and interest waned after years of delays. Of course, there is clearly potential to start the process over again, but it seems logical that Netlfix and Gerwig would have tried a different format than has been done before. Furthermore, a Narnia The Netflix TV show would have avoided all the existing syndication drama.

A Theatrical Release of Narnia Is an Improvement (But There Are So Many Problems)

A Narnia TV Show Would Avoid All These Release Problems

A theatrical release for Gerwig's Narnia movies would definitely be preferred. The fact that Netflix is ​​considering this is quite exciting, as the streaming platform has been relatively persistent in its distribution preferences. Such a nostalgic franchise returning to screens would certainly inspire audiences to head to the theaters, so it's only fair that a theatrical run be considered for Narnia. Still, it is unlikely that the first film would remain exclusively in theaters for long. A simultaneous streaming release is almost guaranteed, and that typically doesn't bode well for the box office.

Gerwig doing Narnia Movies rather than TV shows would have been nice if the projects had a long theatrical run with all the fanfare that typically accompanies them.

Gerwig doing Narnia Movies rather than TV shows would have been nice if the projects had a long theatrical run with all the fanfare that typically accompanies them. However, an almost immediate streaming release takes the wind out of the project's sales. The reward is quick and disproportionate to the anticipation. If Netflix released a few episodes, on the other hand, it would be a different story since it lengthens the amount of time audiences are actively watching and discussing. This gives audiences an extended period of time to enjoy the story, episode by episode, in the comfort of their homes.

Is it too late for Netflix to change direction with the Narnia Reboot format?

Still in the early stages of development

Tilda Swinton in Chronicles of Narnia alongside a lion and the Netflix logo

Gerwig Narnia The films are still in the early stages of development, which is why the distribution method is still being discussed at Netflix. However, a complete format change seems unlikely at this point. The project has been confirmed to be a series of films, with Gerwig attached to direct at least 2. Still, The last few years have proven that anything is possible and that filmmakers are even more willing to give audiences what they want. After all, if Netflix can change direction and greenlight a theatrical run, perhaps there's enough wiggle room for the streaming service to change its mind in other ways as well.