Netflix Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft finally fixed a major issue that was plaguing Alicia Vikander tomb Raider movie. Netflix's take on the popular game franchise starring Hayley Atwell as Lara Croft fits into the overarching tomb Raider timeline unfolding after the events Shadow of the Tomb Raider. While it mostly follows a standalone narrative, it makes several references to the game trilogy that takes place after.
The Netflix series does not bring anything innovative and seems to be reminiscent of previous ones tomb Raider adaptations in many ways. However, the fact that it is placed in the timeline of the existing game trilogy allows it to stamp its own unique personality among the others. Adaptations of Tomb Raider. His direct connection to the game also helps him overcome one pitfall that plagued the 2018 tournament. tomb Raider reboot the film so it doesn't resonate with audiences.
The Legend of Lara Croft uses minor Tomb Raider characters from the games
The supporting characters are seen as important players in Lara Croft's narrative.
Similar to others tomb Raider As a live-action adaptation, the Alicia Vikander film also struggles to accommodate the supporting characters from the games. It primarily focuses on Lara Croft's journey, while ignoring all the rich supporting characters who are supposed to help her along the way. Luckily Netflix Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft doesn't make the same mistake. With its episodic format and longer runtime, the show gives ample screen time to all of the friends and family members that Lara teams up with to eventually complete her quests.
Even characters like Zip, who serves as Lara's tech support and works behind the scenes to help Lara, get plenty of attention in the Netflix series. The series' emphasis on their role in Lara's missions allows viewers to appreciate her relationships with her allies and understand how their involvement affects her development as a character. While 2018 tomb Raider The film primarily presents Lara Croft as an exceptional force to be reckoned with. Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft portrays her as more of a team playerwhich more closely matches her depiction from the original games.
2018's Tomb Raider brought big changes to the game, even though it did a lot of things right
The film leaves out some important details of the games.
After watching 2018 tomb Raider It's hard not to appreciate in the film how accurately it captures many of the moments from the games and, in some ways, even improves on them. For example, the scene where Lara Croft fights the mercenary feels even more intense in the film than in the game, due to Alicia Vikander's performance and the film's exciting fight choreography. Like her 2013 game counterpart, Lara from the 2018 film also washes ashore on Yamatai before falling unconscious.
However, despite recreating some of the epic moments from the 2013 game, the film makes questionable changes to the original story. While the 2013 game reveals that Lara's father was an accomplished archaeologist before one incident ruined his reputation, the film suggests that he was secretly practicing archaeology. Besides this, the film also changes Lara's reason for visiting Yamatai. while not including some of its allies in its list. Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Crofton the contrary, it seems faithful to most elements of the games' history.
Netflix's Lara Croft show had one big advantage over the 2018 Tomb Raider reboot.
The show takes place in the same universe as the game trilogy.
Unlike the 2018 film, Netflix Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft benefits from being set in the same universe as the game's reboot trilogy. The action takes place immediately after the events Shadow of the Tomb Raiderallowing him to use established knowledge of games. 2018 tomb Raider the film, on the other hand, carries the burden of rebooting everything from Lara Croft's origin story to her relationship with her father. The lack of continuity with games prevents it from having the same level of emotional depth and familiarity as Netflix. Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft.