NBA 2K25 Review

NBA 2K25 Review

NBA 2K25 is largely what players have come to expect from the franchise, although there are some welcome updates that make the game feel a little more fresh. Updates to player movement and an expanded sampling of 2K's ProPLAY system add some noticeable differences to how players get around the court. This brings NBA 2K25 As close to revolutionary as an annual sports release can getBut that's still a big gap to close.

That goes without saying NBA 2K25 is not fun. The game has a lot to offer, especially thanks to its wide range of game modes. Unfortunately, some of the game's main features have a major downside that stops the game from being perfect, even if it is an admirable attempt that is worth a look from even the most seasoned veterans of the game. 2K Series.

NBA 2K25's new dribble engine is smooth and satisfying

A player dunking in NBA 2K25 The City Rise

Driving to the basket has never felt as good as it does in NBA 2K25. The game provides ample opportunity to exploit openings in the defense and put the ball hard in the basket. This is thanks to 2 K25s New dribble engine.

For the last decade, NBA 2K Games all used the same dribble engine. 2K25 is the first game in a while to make big changes to the way players move the ball, and it's paying off. Although the controls are still familiar, The actual feeling of controlling the ball feels more precise. The new dribble engine works in tandem with some of the other best features introduced in NBA 2K25.

Ball handling and shooting skills spice up the strategy

NBA 2K25 Gameplay - Curry took a jumpshot

Several other mechanical innovations help make NBA 2K25 Stand out from previous years. One of the most fun is the variety of offensive moves players have access to while handling the ball. Players can Use spin moves to get around defenders, or use some fancy footwork to create distance and open themselves to shooting from outside unguarded. The moves are easily accessed with the right stick, but it still requires skill to use them at the right moment. This makes the feature easy to use, but it doesn't feel like an unfair advantage.

The variety of options for shooting is another major win for NBA 2K25. With a large selection of shot timing profiles, and the ability to choose from several styles of shooting, there are many options for players to decide which way of playing is best for them. It definitely takes time to master Pro Stick Rhythm Shooting, but it's also very satisfying once you get the hang of it. Alternatively, there are more standard shooting options for those who prefer athletes' stats to have a greater say than their personal skills.

NBA 2K25 Offers players the opportunity to stop mid-shot and hang onto the ball or pass it.

One underrated feature that came in very handy was shot cancellation. Getting locked in a shot animation in the previous NBA 2K Losing games because of a poorly judged scoring opportunity was one of the worst feelings. luckily, NBA 2K25 Offers players the opportunity to stop mid-shot and hang onto the ball or pass it. This may seem like a small change, but it works perfectly in tandem with 2K25s focus on giving players more control over their game and removing gameplay elements that might be unsatisfying.

There are many game modes with a catch

Another positive aspect of NBA 2K25 Is its many game modes. Players can play with current NBA, WNBA and dynasty teams from a wide range of basketball history. There are also typical modes like MyCAREER and MyTEAM, where players can play as an individual NBA player or as a GM of a team, with a variety of fun mini-games including childhood favorites like HORSE or Knockout.

The number of modes is something to celebrate, but they are not perfect. The role-playing aspects of MyCAREER and MyTEAM still feel somewhat half-baked. This is especially true when playing as a GM, where character dialogue is not fully voice-acted. Character models flap their mouths silently at the player in a disconcerting manner as their dialogue appears at the bottom of the screen, and they essentially stand there lifeless after their brief interaction. While more effort has been shown in the story elements of MyCAREER, it's still not interesting enough to not just skip through and return to the site.

Perhaps the worst problem with 2K25s game modes is that many of them require a network connection to play.

Perhaps the worst problem with 2K25s game modes is that many of them require a network connection to play. Instead of separating MyCAREER from online play, players are required to be online to access their MyPLAYER, even if they only want to participate in single-player activities. This means that if the game's servers shut down in two years, a large chunk of the game's content will simply be inaccessible without it being changed beforehand.

NBA 2K25's presentation is mostly stellar

NBA 2K25 MyGM Kevin Durant screenshot

Playing NBA 2K25 On the PS5 in 4K shows just how much effort went into capturing the likeness of the NBA players in the game. Players look very real and expressive, and tiny details like beads of sweat on their bodies add to the realism. The game also captures athletes' individual movements and rituals, like Steph Curry chewing on his mouth guard during free throws. This, combined with customized dunks and signature moves, make the athletes feel much more individual and real.

A minor complaint to be made about the presentation is that Non-NBA player character models are of a jarringly lower quality than the athletes' likenesses. When a custom GM is talking to one of their players, it looks like a scene Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Where a person is interacting with a cartoon character. This is a minor gripe, and doesn't take too much away from the experience.


Another minor problem with the presentation of the game is the fact that The 2K app's face scan continues to turn myplayers into monstrosities. While this may be good for a laugh, players who are more sensitive about their appearance may want to avoid what essentially feels like the game is roasting them. Myplayer face scan abominations stand out even worse next to real athletes than their cartoonish default counterparts.

Final thoughts on NBA 2K25

NBA 2k25 cover art for the Hall of Fame edition.

Even with its flaws, NBA 2K25 Was still an overall great experience. The innovations to gameplay make it fun, and the wide range of modes will keep players interested for a while. It's also hard to complain too much about a game where you can play one-on-one with legendary athletes like Michael Jordan vs. LeBron James.

Expectations for annual releases are often low, thus NBA 2K25 is a pleasant surprise in this regard. The game feels like a notable improvement on NBA 2K24. It's hard to say that players must buy it if they already have last year's game, but players who buy the game do NBA 2K Players annually regardless will be happy with this year's offering.

NBA 2K25


  • New mechanics improve ball handling and shooting
  • There is a good variety of game modes

  • Some presentation aspects fall short of others
  • Some single player features still require a network connection