The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh Follows an Indian family that takes their lives and moves to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Loosely inspired by the real-life experiences of show creator Vijal Patel, the Pradeps of Pittsburgh Adds a unique serialized mystery twist. The show is mainly told in flashbacks, with the Pradeep family and their neighbors being interviewed by federal agents investigating a community-shaking arson crime.
The patriarch of the Pradeep clan, Mahesh, is played by Naveen Andrews, best known for his roles in The English patient and the hit ABC drama Lost. Meanwhile, the neighboring family is led by Jimbo, played by My name is Earl And Mallrats Veteran Ethan Supple. While they are ostensibly the heads of their households, they serve at the convenience of their more powerful and headstrong wives, played by Sindhu Vee and Megan Hilty, respectively.
Screen Rant Interviewed Naveen Andrews and Ethan Suplee about their roles The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh. They talked about their character and relationships with their wives, thereby revealing the true reason why men go hunting. Ethan Suplee also shared how his on-screen marriage is oddly like his real one in some ways. Finally, Naveen Andrews explains how Mahesh Pradeep, a man fueled by optimism and goodwill, is unlike any character he has ever played before.
Naveen Andrews and Ethan Suplee on the real reason people leave
“We’re very masculine, man,” the actors tease.
This show is so cozy, I love it. The families are so real, believable, but heightened in a way that is perfect for comedy. I feel that I am talking to “the boys”, and your characters are relatively soft boys, at least compared to the women.
Ethan Suplee: Yeah, that’s right. But, by the way, you saw us with the bows and arrows. We are very masculine, masculine people.
Well, that’s my question. Tell me a little about when the episode you go hunting. The women are not interested in this. Is this the kind of man your characters are? And Naveen, does that work for your character? Wherever he goes, – oh, that’s why he does it.
Naven Andrej: (breaks into laughter) Oh, yes. Not only was it an opportunity for the characters to connect in a masculine, manly fashion, but it was also a way to reveal a certain kind of intimacy, I’ll just say that, between two people that may not be immediately apparent Like the day they first met. There is obviously a certain kind of, I will say, attractions.
Sure. Your bromance was, at times, kept secret. You have an emotional connection that women don’t know about.
Naveen Andrews: It’s not talked about.
Naveen Andrews & Ethan Suplee explain their characters and chemistry as actors
“Mahesh is a character I’ve never, ever had to play before, you know, not even in the theater.”
It’s delightful! Naveen, I was told that when you read this picture, you were like “Blessed, this is my problem”, with so many words. Is that how it went down?
Naveen Andrews: Well, just because Mahesh is a character that I have never, ever had to play before, you know, not even in theater. I have never played someone so hopelessly optimistic, who truly believes that he and his family will win something, just with good will and love. There is no rancor or bitterness or aggression. That’s what made it unique for me.
Ethan, Jimbo starts like a wildcard because you don’t know where he stands. Tell me a little bit about approaching this character, who at first is an enigma, and then you learn about him and his family and you’re like, oh, I see where he’s at. Tell me what you drew from this guy.
Ethan Suplee: Yeah, well, I have a wife and, you know, my wife is going to throw curveballs in my life. Like, suddenly we’re vitamin people taking vitamins, and I have absolutely no interest in taking vitamins. But when my wife says that we are vitamin people, now I take vitamins and I am on board. But am I really? I don’t know. And I think that’s very much like Jimbo is, where he just loves his wife and his family and he’ll do anything for them.
But at the same time, he is super interested in this new unique group of people who are moving next door and he really wants to be friends with them. But then, you know, when your wife says that they let you go play near the door, it’s sad. And maybe you’re looking out the window at your friend and there’s nostalgia and everything. I really think of Jimbo as a version of ​​my life in reality, to be honest with you.
I guess in addition to hunting, you get to go off and shoot a show.
Ethan Suplee: Yeah, exactly.
Tell me about each other as scene partners. How do you bounce off one another? Do you have different approaches? What is your wife together on set?
Ethan Suplee: I think from moment one, Naveen and I worked very effortlessly with each other. You get a little bit of rehearsal and we’re just like, it felt to me like I’ve known him forever. We were able to play off each other’s energy and find moments. The scripts were very, very funny, but we were able to find moments like even between the lines to have something happen that wasn’t necessarily on the page.
Naveen Andrews: Yeah, when stuff happens organically by itself, when it’s not on the page, that’s always the best.
More on The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh Season 1
The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh follows the Pradeep family and the events of their lives in America after moving from India. Told through hilarious (and often conflicting) flashbacks of an interrogation room, the Pradeeps quickly find themselves embroiled — romantically, personally and professionally — with a polar-opposite neighborhood family, leading to a predicament with many surprising twists.
Check back soon for our others The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh Interview here:
Showrunner Vijal Patel
Arjun Sriram & Ashwin Sakthivel
Sindhu Vee & Sahana Srinivasan
The Pradeep family recounts their journey from India to America in an attempt to prove their innocence to the government. Through different points of view, they share a story of humor, hardship and the very challenging pursuit of personal versions of the American dream.
- Figure
Arjun Sriram, Sahana Srinivasan, Sindhu Vee, Ashwin Sakthivel
- character(s)
Kamal Pradeep, Banu Pradeep, Sudha Pradeep, Vinod Pradeep
- Release date
October 17, 2024