Natalie Portman had several shining moments as Padmé Amidala in Star Wars prequel trilogy, but these 10 were the best. It may be easy to ignore Padmé, perhaps in part because of the way she dies, but she really is one of the Star Wars best characters. In addition to being the mother of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, two of the most important characters in the entire series Star Wars movies and TV shows, Padmé was Queen of Naboo at just 14 years old and became a senator who fought for everyone - not just her own people.
Padmé has also proven to be one of the smartest characters, especially in the prequel trilogy era. She anticipated many problems, often before the Jedi Council, and maintained her morals even when it was difficult (for the most part; the Tusken Raiders incident was one of her worst and least explained moments). Of all of Natalie Portman's incredible moments as Padmé Amidala, these 10 represent the best.
Padmé puts Anakin in his place on Naboo
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Few people put Anakin Skywalker in his place outside of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but Padmé Amidala was certainly on that list. In Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesAnakin and Padmé traveled from Coruscant to Naboo to protect Padmé after the assassination attempt on her life. Although Anakin was still just a Padawan (as Padmé brutally and immediately pointed out in front of everyone present), he tried to dictate how they would keep Padmé safe on Naboo.
Few people put Anakin Skywalker in his place outside of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but Padmé Amidala was certainly on that list.
Padmé quickly interrupted Anakin, reminding him that Naboo is her home planet, and she knows best how to handle the situation. In response, Anakin surprisingly not only backed down but also apologized to her. This also wasn't the only time Padmé interacted with Anakin in this way. Previously on Attack of the ClonesPadmé told Anakin not to look at her in a way that made her uncomfortable, and she later explained to Anakin why they couldn't be together, although she eventually changed her mind.
Padmé hatches a plan to use herself as bait for the bounty hunter
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
At the beginning of Attack of the ClonesOne of Padmé's servants and doppelgangers, Cordé, was sadly killed when Padmé's ship exploded. This confirmed that someone was indeed after Padmé, which was exactly why Obi-Wan and Anakin were assigned to protect her. During this mission, Obi-Wan was horrified to learn that Anakin was essentially using Padmé as bait, luring the bounty hunter into attacking her while she slept in her bed.
However, Anakin revealed that It was Padmé's idea to put herself at risk so they could try to identify this killer. This is a prime example of the brave and determined woman Padmé was. She was never afraid to put herself in danger, whether because of the trap she planned with Anakin or her decision to remain on Naboo when her people were under attack by the Trade Federation. This ferocity defined her character and is a trait she clearly passed on to her children, especially Leia.
Padmé decides that they will save Obi-Wan whether Anakin agrees or not
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
During Anakin and Padmé's time on Naboo, Anakin's nightmares about his mother began to worsen, so he and Padmé traveled to Tatooine, where he unfortunately discovered that his mother had been captured by the Tusken Raiders and carried out the first of his many massacres. . After these terrible events, Anakin received a distress signal from Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had been captured by Count Dooku on Geonosis. Perhaps because of everything that had just happened, Anakin responded in a rather strange way, saying that he couldn't rescue him.
However, Padmé took matters into her own hands by reminding Anakin that his mission was to protect her, so he would have to follow her to Geonosis because she was going to rescue Obi-Wan anyway. Not only is this another example of Padmé's fierce personality, but it also revealed how much Padmé truly cared about Anakin and Obi-Wan. Despite how Anakin responded to the distress call, Padmé knew that Anakin would never forgive himself if something happened to Obi-Wan and they didn't go. She once again put her safety at risk to help those around her.
Padmé convinces the Gungans to fight on her side
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
One of Padmé's most impressive political moves involved a rather unlikely group. In Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, When the Trade Federation was attacking Naboo, Padmé sought help from the Gungansthe amphibious species native to Naboo. Although both Padmé's people and the Gungans shared the planet Naboo, there was a great divide between the two. Gungan leader Boss Nass specifically articulated that the Gungans felt as if the other people of Naboo considered themselves superior to the Gungans.
Wisely taking these words to heart, Padmé asked for the Gungans' help by kneeling before Bass Nass and asking him to join the fight. Given that Padmé was Queen of Naboo at the time, this was a truly remarkable moment for all of Naboo's citizens, and in the end, Padmé was successful. It was only because Padmé was willing to humble herself before the Gungan leader and sincerely ask for his help that the Gungans agreed to help in the battle, which ended up helping Naboo win the day.
It was only because Padmé was willing to humble herself before the Gungan leader and sincerely ask for his help that the Gungans agreed to help in the battle.
Padmé is the only one who accurately guesses that Count Dooku wanted her murdered
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Throughout the prequel trilogy, Padmé proved to be incredibly perceptive. This included during the assassination attempts on her life, when she accurately predicted that it was Count Dooku who was behind these attacks. As he was once a Jedi, however, the Jedi Council refused to believe that Dooku could be the one trying to kill her. Mace Windu in particular said: “It’s not in his character,” ending Padmé's argument that they should consider him a suspect and displaying the same arrogance that contributed to the downfall of the Jedi.
Once again, this moment proved how perceptive Padmé truly was. Even while everyone was blinded by Count Dooku's story, Padmé somehow correctly identified him as the threat. She also never took the opportunity to point out that the Jedi looked down on her when she was right; For everything that was shown on screen, Padmé accepted this entire situation with grace.
Padmé anticipated that the Republic had become corrupt
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Just as Padmé correctly guessed that it was Dooku who was behind the assassination attempts, Padmé suspected that the Republic had become corrupt long before many others did.. She even expressed these concerns to Anakin directly in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sithbut unfortunately, Anakin was not receptive to that conversation. Instead, he told Padmé that she looked like a Separatist, ending the conversation about her fears, just as the Jedi had done a few years earlier.
Padmé's efforts to resolve the Republic's growing problems didn't stop there. In one of the deleted scenes in Revenge of the SithPadmé, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and several other senators meet to discuss their concerns about Palpatine's growing power. In fact, it's a shame that these scenes weren't included in the final version of the film, as they confirmed that Padmé actually helped start the Rebellion. However, it's clear that Padmé knew from a very early age that things were wrong, and if more people had listened to her, perhaps many lives - especially those of the Jedi - could have been spared.
Padmé escapes her chains on Geonosis before Anakin or Obi-Wan
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
One of Padmé's most iconic moments ever Star Wars happened on Geonosis in Attack of the Clones. When Padmé and Anakin went to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan from Count Dooku, they were unfortunately captured as well. Obi-Wan, Padmé, and Anakin were then chained to pillars, and three monstrous creatures were released to destroy them. While Obi-Wan and Anakin were deciding what to do, Padmé had already freed herself from her handcuffs and was climbing to the top of her pillar.
What makes this moment even more incredible is the fact that in this scene, Padmé was faster than two Jedi, one of them being a Jedi Master and the other being The Chosen One. This, like many of these moments, is an incredible demonstration of Padmé's wisdom and capabilities. After all, it wasn't brute force that got Padmé out of this precarious situation – it was her quick thinking.
Padmé is the only one who keeps her faith in Anakin... until Luke
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Although Padmé's death and the circumstances surrounding her horrific death were heartbreaking and quite disappointing, her final moments reinforced what an incredible person she was. Despite everything she witnessed of Anakin, including him turning on her at the end when she was dying, Padmé told Obi-Wan that she knew there was still some good in him. While this could be misinterpreted as Padmé being naively attached to Anakin, it is clear that was not the case, as Ultimately, it is her own son, Luke Skywalker, who proves her right.
Even Obi-Wan, who essentially raised Anakin, didn't share the same faith.
What makes this even more surprising is that even Obi-Wan, who essentially raised Anakin, didn't share the same faith. Padmé's sense of loyalty was truly admirable, and in the end, it proved to be more than just heartbreak or optimism speaking. Padmé was right; despite all the atrocities, Anakin still had some good in him. Of course, Anakin's redemption doesn't eliminate the devastating way Padmé died, but her belief in him remains an incredible moment for the character.
At 14, Padmé wasn't afraid of Darth Maul
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
It's easy to lose, but in The phantom menace, Padmé Amidala, 14, came face to face with a Sith Lord and didn't even seem shaken. As Padmé, her handmaidens, and her guards ran through Theed's Royal Palace, a door opened, revealing the formidable (and legitimately terrifying) Darth Maul. Despite how frightening this encounter must have been, young Queen Amidala barely reacts. Instead, when Qui-Gon Jinn says he and Obi-Wan will take care of it, Padmé says casually: "Let's take the long way around."
This moment just shows how remarkable Padmé is. Few people - particularly non-Force users - could come into such close contact with a Sith and not appear shaken, especially at such a young age. Although it is a very brief moment, this is nevertheless one of Padmé's best, simply because it reveals that she remains between Star Wars braver characters, even if hers is a quiet, graceful bravery.
Padmé perfectly captures the fall of the Republic with her iconic line
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Of course, perhaps Padmé's best-known moment is her response to Palpatine's speech in Revenge of the Sith. After hearing Palpatine's plan to effectively take total control of the galaxy, Padmé says: "This is how freedom dies... with thunderous applause." This has become one of the most iconic quotes in the entire franchise, and for good reason. Once again, Padmé's wisdom was subtle, but this simple statement perfectly sums up what the fall of the Republic and rise of the Empire meant for the galaxy.
As these moments make clear, Padmé is truly one of the Star Wars greatest characters. She has always proven herself to be brave, compassionate, and wise, and if more people had demonstrated Padmé's grace and thoughtfulness, the fate of the galaxy would undoubtedly have been very different. Of everything that is incredible Padmé Amidala scenes in Star Warsthese 10 are easily her best.
The beginning of the Skywalker Saga, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace sees young Anakin Skywalker on his path to discover his ability to influence the Force. As they try to thwart the nefarious Trade Federation in their plans for the planet Naboo, two Jedi discover a slave exceptionally gifted with the ability to wield the Force. Little do they know that rescuing him is just the beginning of a saga that will span generations of the Skywalker family.
Years after the events of The Phantom Menace, the Skywalker Saga continues with Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones. When Senator Padme Amidala's life is threatened, Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are tasked with protecting her. While Obi-Wan discovers a secret army of clones, Anakin falls in love with Padme, marking the beginning of his inevitable fall to the dark side of the Force.
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith is the sixth film in the Star Wars franchise and chronologically the third in the Skywalker Saga. Set three years after the events of Attack of the Clones, Anakin Skywalker is tasked with keeping an eye on Chancellor Palpatine as other Jedi fight across the galaxy. In the background, however, a mysterious Sith lord begins to act to destroy the Jedi once and for all.