Mysterious 'New X-Men' series wonder canceled without explanation finally explained

Mysterious 'New X-Men' series wonder canceled without explanation finally explained


  • Marvel generated a lot of excitement when it announced a new volume of New X-Men - only to cause confusion among fans when it later disappeared from the publication schedule.

  • The series originally entitled New X-Men is renamed Weapon X-MenA more appropriate title for a miniseries featuring a team of Wolverine variants hopping through the multiverse.

  • The name change from New X-Men to Weapon X-Men It is necessary to avoid confusion with previous New X-Men Runs, as the final title for the series gave fans a clearer idea of ​​what to expect.

Marvel sent a wave of excitement through the X-Men Fandom last year by announcing an upcoming "New X-Men" title, only to drop the series from their publication schedule; now, outgoing X-Men Editor Jordan D White settled the debate surrounding the series, although the explanation was not what readers expected.

Talk to AIPT for X-Men MondayWhite revealed that the mysterious 'New X-Men' title, which was dropped after its first teaser, actually became the miniseries Weapon X-MenWith a multiverse-hopping all-Wolverine team. Marvel announced New X-Men at San Diego Comic-Con 2023 with a logo teaser that promised to reveal more that November.

Marvel's San Diego Comic Con 2023 Teaser: "Who are the new X-Men?"

Fan speculation throughout the series highlighted its use of an X-Men logo treatment from the 1990s, as well as possible connections to previous books called New X-Men. However, as it turns out, the series was eventually given a more appropriate title.


Marvel Editor Confirms What Happened to New X-MEN: It Became Weapon X-MEN

Weapon X-Men - Written by Christos Gage; Art by Yildiray Cinar; Color by Nolan Woodard; Lettering by VC Clayton Cowles

Until White's explanation, Marvel's radio silence on the project only served to fuel conspiracy theories among fans... It's valuable then that White came forward and clarified the situation, even months after the fact, and even if several Questions remain.

When Marvel tentatively revealed that one of its upcoming X-Series would be entitled New X-MenIt led to immediate hype among the fandom. The later "cancellation" of the book, in turn, asked what became of the title. According to editor Jordan D White, the truth of the matter was straightforward. As he revealed in an exchange with AIPT:

AIPT: The next question is a question that doesn't go away - X-Fan KingdomX wanted to know if you had any final teases on what the pitch for "New X-Men" was?

Jordan: I'll just tell you. It was Weapon X-Men. It was Weapon X-Men and the name was changed.

The answer prompts fan speculation about what the new series could have been - but It also raises further questions about why Marvel would assign such a vaunted title to the miniseries that has become Weapon X-Men In the first place.

Until White's statement, Marvel's radio silence about the project only served to fuel conspiracy theories among the fandom. For some, this was just more proof that X- The writers were blinded at the end of the Krakan era, and this New X-Men There was some massive book that was canceled in this shift. For others, it confirmed their biases that Marvel is somehow in disarray. It is then valuable that White came and explained the situation, even months after the fact, and even if some questions remain.

"New X-Men" isn't the right fit for "Weapon X-Men" anyway

A "strange" decision that Marvel went back

Grant Morrison's New X-Men, including Xorn, Wolverine, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Xavier, Jean Grey, & Beast.

Not either [previous New X-Men] Running has something to do with what has become Weapon X-MenAlthough both have dedicated fans who got their hopes up thanks to the odd name choice.

The name change from New X-Men Makes a lot of sense from a marketing perspective. For a start, the title New X-Men is most closely associated with two previous series of the name. The first is writer Grant Morrison's bold and beloved run from 2001. The other is the subsequent New X-Men (Vol. 2)which served as a relaunch of New mutants in 2004, introducing readers to a new generation of younger mutant heroes. Not running has anything to do with what has become Weapon X-MenAlthough both have dedicated fans who got their hopes up thanks to the odd name choice.

Even apart from the specifics, Weapon X-Men Is not a huge book like both New X-Men runs. That readers were so confused about its potential cancellation, even before they knew what it was, just shows how potentially misleading the name is. It makes perfect sense that his name was eventually changed to something more associated with Wolverine to let fans know what they were getting into, hence putting Weapon X in the title. If nothing else, At least the mysterious ones X-Men Book that fans imagined is published, even if fans did not know it at the time.