Myrdania (Amelia Kenworthy) was one of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain elven-middling and Celebrimbor's (Charles Edwards) protogy, with her fate in The rings of power Even more tragic than her mentor. Myrdania, like the elves of Eregion (and most of Middle-earth), is manipulated by Sauron (Charlie Vickers) into helping craft the Rings of Power before meeting her death at his hand. Celebrimbor was also seduced by Sauron, with the same fate, but there was one significant difference between their deaths.
Mirdania s Rings of power Character fortells, almost verbatim, what is to happen Celebrimbor. Celebrimbor often mimics her actions in the proceeding scene or episodeCreating a symmetry between the letters. Mirdania and Celebrimbor both offered shelter to Sauron, though they were told to do otherwise. They also both help him craft rings for men. After initially aiding Sauron, they glamped at who he really was but still manipulated into not seeing his true corrupt state, continued their work. And in the end, they were both murdered by Sauron's hand. However, despite the similarities, Myrdania's death is even more devastating than Celebrimbor's.
Myrdania and Celebrimbor both meet tragic ends because of Sauron (but Myrdania's is worse)
Myrdania and Celebrimbor were both killed by Sauron, but Myrdania's response to his influence was far worse. Mirdania believed she was thrown over the city walls by a tethered version of her friend And Lord, Celebrimbor. She was blinded by Sauron's deception until her death, even after seeing his true form and being told of his identity. Myrdania never pushed against the illusion created by Sauron and eventually fulfilled his ultimate role for her by becoming the reason for others to distrust Celebrimbor. Myrdania assisted Sauron to the end, even with her own death.
Although Celebrimbor's actions and death mirrored Myrdania's, he came to the very difficult understanding that the Dark Lord was influencing and manipulating him to see a world contrary to reality. Celebrimbor, realizing that Sauron had made him a pawn, came to oppose SauronHoping to prevent the spread of his influence. He also comes to identify his true allies, something Myrdania failed to do, by trusting Galadriel (Marfydd Clark) with the Nine. Celebrimbor died to see the world as it was when he defied Sauron with his death.
Celebrimbor's Rings of Power season 2 ending allows him to go out on a high note
Celebrimbor understood his role in the destruction of Ost-in-Edhil and in the formation of the Nine. Although this realization led to a heartbreaking end for the elven smith and lord, He bravely accepted the truth. Tolkien's study has Celebrimbor revealing the location of the Nine under Sauron's torture, as shown in Unfinished Tales. The rings of power takes a different approach, allowing him to maintain a steadfast resistance against Sauron, never revealing their location. Celebrimbor, for all his mistakes, died a triumph.
Celebrimbor met the same end, but evolved from Myrdania's doomed conclusion by overcoming his fear and delusions of grandeur...
Myrdania died under the impression that she was resisting darkness, but she was ultimately one of Sauron's puppets until the end. Celebrimbor met the same end, but evolved from Myrdania's doomed conclusion by overcoming his fears and delusions of grandeur, thereby redeeming his character. The rings of power Building Celebrimbor into a complex individual who, amidst his many faults, came to see clearly and act with dignity, shows his fate as less tragic than Myrdania's.