My hero academia Dobby Is one of the most complex, multifaceted villains of the series With perhaps the most devastating origin story. The sad and cruel family circumstances from which he came separated him from the other league of Wilner members, and explained how he received his terribly painful injuries. There is more to Dobby than meets the eye, and he is the definition of a tragic villain.
w/sam_mills On Reddit, Dobby perfectly cosplayed, depicting his true appearance. Usually, Dobby is pictured with dyed black hair, Obscuring his real identity as Toya Todoroki, brother of Shoto Todoroki And child of the pro hero, Endeavour. Dobby's childhood was traumatizing, so he was eager to overcome the difficult time in his life by dying his hair black and joining the league of villains. But in season 6, he revealed where he came from and the family he was a part of. In the image, he is wearing a white jumpsuit belted with a silver belt, different from his typical villain outfit.
In the cosplay, Dobby is different from his usual league of villains look
His natural white hair is shown instead of dyed black as normal
Using purple makeup, u/sam_mills has rMade Dobby's scar and burnt skin On their arms, chin area of their face, and around their eyes. Dobby got the scars during a heartbreaking childhood incident. His father, Endeavor, put all his time and energy into training Shoto, Toya's brother, thus neglecting Toya. Despite Touya's best efforts, he couldn't win his father's favor, no matter how amazingly he wielded his Blueflame Quirk. Touya eventually stops earning his father's respect, losing control of Blueflame in the process, and almost accidentally killing himself with his own flames.
Toya miraculously survived, but the scars and stops became a permanent part of him and A painful reminder of his father's abandonment. The disturbing characteristics of Dobby's appearance are depicted in u/sam_mills cosplay. Unlike Dobby's usual villainous raven-haired appearance, his hair is snow-white in this cosplay. White is his natural hair color which he chose to hide for years, until finally disclosing who he really was to his father Endeavor. It is understandable why Dobby became a villain, because heroes did nothing, except diminish him and put him down in the weakest childhood years of his life.
Dobby was faced with terrible neglect and mystery in his childhood
His father, striving, completely ignores him, leading to the life-altering accident
u/sam_mills looks positively evil in this cosplay, staring forward with a menacing glare and arms outstretched, as if daring someone to mess with them. They are standing in a narrow, dark alley with a fluorescent light overhead. The cosplayer has captured Dobby's angry, vengeful feelings towards the Todoroki family Perfectly, with a furious facial expression and clear willingness to fight depicted in the cosplay. It makes sense that Dobby hates his family, especially his father, due to all he was forced to endure during his youth, and u/sam_mills has flawlessly recreated this complicated My hero academia Villain.
Source: w/sam_mills on reddit