My Hero Academia's anime finally brings back one underrated hero and proves why he is the strongest

My Hero Academia's anime finally brings back one underrated hero and proves why he is the strongest

Warning: Spoilers for My Hero Academia Season 7, Episode 17

in My Hero Academy Episode 155 In the fight against All for One in the Gunga Mountains, the heroes' side receives unexpected help from familiar returning faces, Inasa Yoarashi and the students of Shiketsu High Schoolwho were originally assigned to the evacuation of civilians, but decided to lend a hand on the battlefield. so, Inasa finally got his time to shineNot only turning the tables in the battle but also showing his overwhelming strength to its fullest for the first time in the series, proving that he has been a criminally underrated character until now.

Inasa Yoarashi's quirk Whirlwind is considered one of the most powerful quirks in the series as it allows him to control the wind and use it in multiple ways. Inasa was also the highly recommended student at the UA, surpassing even Shoto Todoroki. Unfortunately, he didn't have many moments to show his abilities. however, MHAThe last episode just proved why Inasa is one of the strongest heroes, not only among the students but in general.


Inasa Yoarashi easily stopped the danger of Toga's death parade of sad man

My hero academias anime demonstrates the true potential of Yoarashi's quirk

INASA has excellent control over his indeed, As demonstrated by eliminating 120 students at a time during the provisional hero license exam. But in the last MHA episode, Inasa showed the true extent and potential of his charming whirlwind in a real life battle, as he was able to stop Toga's sad man's parade with incredible control and precision. Inasa easily handles Toga's clones, only lifting them and not his allies, even after receiving an attack from AFO and gaining more power from the wind caused by the heavy storm. INASA even gives an epic response after AFO's boasting.

I'm the guy who decides which way the wind blows!

also, Inasa has shown that his charm is suitable for assisting other heroes and enhancing their powers in battleE. Just as he combined his strength with Todoroki to trap Gang Orca in the provisional license exam, Inasa sent a tightwind to boost Tokuyami's Light of Baldur and deal more damage to AFO. Which proved to be successful, as their attack landed directly on a Prime AFO whose body rewinded to the time when he was at the peak of his powers.

INASA controlled the outcome the most feared during the Paranormal Liberation War arc.

Inasa's power may have given the hero side an advantage during both wars

Inasa managed to control the death parade of the sad man, the situation that worried Hawks the most during the paranormal war arc, because he considered it the worst outcome for the heroes in the war, his reasoning behind killing twice. Inasa's power lifts all the clones while still giving him room to fight, and he doesn't even have disadvantages of overusing his quirks like other heroes like Uraraka.

This shows how useful Inasa could have been if he had tagged along during the Paranormal Liberation VAr as part of the vanguard team or at the beginning of the final war in the battle in UA to help control Shigaraki instead of just being in the evacuation team, because he could have kept him from touching the floor and activate his quorum and help Mild criminal keeping the school afloat.

Inasa was strong enough to impress even all for one

Inasa's Quirk is targeted by AFO

AFO Thinking About Steal Quirks My Hero Academia Episode 17 Season 7

INASA's Whirlwind is a really overpowered quirkAnd he uses it in a creative way to be useful in defense and offensive, even preventing the villains from moving when he infuses away pressure from air to create a cage of wind, something that even impresses AFO. So it makes sense that AFO has expressed its interest in stealing INASA's quorum. Just as stated in the episode, for AFO to be able to take an extraordinary, it is not enough to touch the effects they produce, like the flames of Endeavor or Tokoyami's shadow, but he must touch the main body directly.

Inasa has speed and offensive skills, but if AFO could still sneak behind him and steal his hire, it would result in the clones of the Sad Man Parade causing chaos on the battlefield and attacking all the heroes, leaving many casualties. Also, it would tremendously power up AFO, who could use Whirlwind to attack the heroes at once and fly even faster to arrive and seize control of Shigaraki.

Inasa continues to be an underrated hero despite his achievements

My hero academias episode 155 reveals a sad truth about the series

Close up of Inasa Yorashi looking tense.

In the fan voted most valuable hero get results from My hero academia Episode 155, which were posted in the Series' official X accountDespite his many contributions in the battle, Inasa didn't even make it to the top three, losing to Tokuyami, Hawks and Kamie. Although they also had important roles in the episode, Inasa's part should have been more recognized as he saved many heroes and helped Tokuyami during the episode.

This shows how much MHA's Viewers do not evaluate the overall contributions of the characters when choosing the MVP hero, but instead make it a popularity poll. nevertheless, Inasa's return to the story shows how overpowered he is, and that he should be considered one of the strongest in the series.How he turned the situation in favor of the heroes in the final war arc in My hero academia.

Source: My Hero Academia X account.