In My Hero Academycouples were few and far between, with only one official romance, Gentle Criminal and La Brava, lasting longer. Many other adorable couples were heavily hinted at, but never officially made canon, until the epilogue chapter #431, titled "More", was released and finally brought some of the series' cutest pairings to reality.
The most surprising and unexpected of them confirmed My Hero Academy couples are, by far, former UA 1-B classmates, Kinoko Komori and Kuroiro Shihai. The first sparks of romance between them began to form during their time at UA, as they learned and trained side by side, and even then, their affection for each other was painfully evident. Unfortunately, their love was never made official, but the epilogue's time jump finally changed that.
Class 1-B students Kinoko Komori and Kuroiro Shihai have become an official couple
My Hero Academia The epilogue confirmed that this adorable pair is indeed Canon
Kuroiro's nervous crush on Kinoko was no secret, because whenever he spent any time around her, he became a nervous, blushing mess. Official My Hero Academy character guide books, titled Ultra Analysis, confirmed that his crush was indeed canon, if his behavior didn't already make that clear enough. Especially during the Joint Training arc, the duo not only worked together during various battles but also made special efforts to protect each other from harm. Kinoko made sure all her colleagues were safe, but paid specific attention to Kuroiro, making some fans wonder if she felt the same way as him.
In the epilogue of My Hero Academia, Kinoko and Kuroiro were pictured together in one panel looking at each other with love and shyly confirming that they are officially dating nowmuch to the shock of some UA classmates, such as Mina Ashido, who did not expect the pair to strike up a romance. This adorable scene was not only crucial because it made Kinoko and Kuroiro's relationship canon, but it also subtly hinted at some other popular characters. My Hero Academy couples that fans were eager to see, but didn't confirm any with absolute certainty other than Kinoko and Kuroiro.
Two other popular My Hero Academy The pairings were discussed in the epilogue
Deku and Ochaco's relationship has been confirmed, while Denki and Jiro's relationship has not been
When Kinoko and Kuroiro went public with their relationship, fans began to wonder if another duo, Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro, were also together. Jiro specifically made a point of stating that she and Denki are not a couplejust friends who work together, much to the chagrin of some shippers. Another hot topic was who Deku would end up with, and it looks like an answer to this burning question has finally been offered. Ochaco has always had a strong crush on Deku, and in chapter #431, he finally confirmed that he has similar romantic feelings for her.
In one of the final scenes, Izuku couldn't get Ochaco out of his head and directly confronted her to confess how he felt. Although he didn't specifically ask her out on a date, he expressed a desire to be around her more often and made it unequivocally obvious that he missed her in his life. Ochaco, of course, agreed with his feelings and the pair held hands while blushing, which seemed to hint at romantic undertones and a potential Izuku-Ochaco relationship. My Hero Academy It's been pretty light on the romance so far, but the epilogue definitely added more love to the story.