As new generations vie for the coveted chance to become the next shonen battle manga sensation, a panel of Shueisha's best recent mangakas recently gathered, including the creators of Bleach, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, and Black Clover. In addition to judging a creative competition where entries have the chance to appear in Shonen Jump Weekly or Jump GIGAthese four brilliant creators were recently given an interesting task, to identify favorite battles from other creators' work. Kohei Horikoshi was asked what his favorite was Black Clover fight was.
For those who have read the previous events of Black Clover Season 4, Horikoshi's choice is indeed one of the most exciting in Black Clover extensive list of the best fights, with a clear reasoning behind why My Hero Academy the creator selected it. In addition to raising hopes for the 5th season of Black Clover To see this battle animated, it's worth diving into how the fight represents many of the series' common themes.
My Hero Academia creator's favorite Black Clover fight is a gutsy brawl
The Soul Chain Deathmatch Forever
As part of the Jump Next Generation Battle Manga Award event promotion, Kohei Horikoshi chose Magna Swing vs. Dante Zogratis as your favorite Black Clover battle. Fans quickly took to social media with the news, recognizing just how big the fight is, affirmed by Horikoshi's succinct assessment of how Magna seizes the occasion to enter a Soul Chain Deathmatch that levels the playing field. With a furious one-on-one fight where Dante's vast magical advantage is completely removed, the result is the kind of Black Clover fight that will make readers and viewers cheer.
As the story reaches its climax and the scale of the battles increases, this is a very bitter struggle that ends in a brawl. It represents the underlying theme of Black Clover, the rise of the common man, while also being a very unexpected piece of manga, which is very good.
-Kohei Horikoshi on his favorite Black Clover match, Magna Swing vs.
The fight, as noted by Horikoshi, exemplifies Black Clover excellent qualities as a shōnen manga, with Magna, an oppressed member of the Black Bulls squad, gaining prominence from main characters like Asta or Noelle. With Dante, a member of the Spade Kingdom's Dark Triad who has the power of Lucifero's host and is perpetually healed by his Body Magic, a threat from someone he considers a peasant is initially seen as ridiculous. But As Magna takes the advantage of his opponent, he, as a commoner, can maintain through pure courage and a better grasp of your limits.
Why Kohei Horikoshi's Favorite Black Clover Fight Is the Perfect Choice
An underdog rising up to defeat a great villain
On top of Black Clover Filled with moments where Asta shows off the fruits of his labor as a boy unloved by magic who aspires to be the Wizard King, Magna is another example of the series' love for underdog fighters. This fight is possibly louder than any other Black Clover fight to be the final triumph of a commoner over one of the rulers of the Spade Kingdom.
With My Hero Academy being no stranger to such traditions, having Izuku Midoriya as the ultimate underdog heroit makes sense that a magical fight that turns into a brawl and an endurance fight would work perfectly.
Magna x Dante and other Black Clover fights fuel fans' desire for season 5
Fans can draw similarities between this fight and Deku's battle with Tomura Shigaraki and All For One, as well as any number of fights, as the series is based on themes of perseverance, overcoming disabilities, and self-sacrifice. Fans connected @BlackCloverNews' The X post was almost unanimous in praising this choice, believing it to be especially correct and sensible, while others lament that the anime now more than ever needs to bring this moment to the screen. With Magna vs. Dante still unadapted and without confirmation of Black Clover Season 5, many of the best fights remain untouched.
Sources: Jump Next Generation Battle Manga Award, @BlackCloverNews on X