My biggest fear for Ella Purnell's new show came true in the first episode

My biggest fear for Ella Purnell's new show came true in the first episode

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Sweetpea Episode 1. This article also explores the death of a pet dog!

Well, it only took one episode for my big fear to come true SweetpeaElla Purnell's new dark comedy stars. Purnell has been on a hot streak as of late, leading two top-rated video game adaptations, Arcane And Falloutand serve as a pivotal character in Yellowjackets Season 1. She initially caught my attention in Netflix's Army of the DeadAnd I'm not surprised to see Purnell's career continue to take off. However, I can't say I expected to see her transform into a serial killer for a dark comedy.

Purnell, of course, is no stranger to playing a character who experiences trauma. Her character's fate in Yellowjackets Certainly supports the idea (and still haunts me), however Sweetpea is a different animal. Speaking of animals, I was happy to see that Purnell's Sweetpea Character, Rhiannon, has a small dog named Tink in the show. As a dog (and animal) lover, I always welcome seeing pets in movies and shows, unless the pets are harmed in any way. And just when I thought I was overly paranoid about Tink's fate for nothing, something terrible happened.

Sweetpea Episode 1 killed off Rhiannon's dog

Tink gets hit by a car at the Sweetpea premiere

Ella Purnell as Rhiannon with her dog Tink in Sweetpea

Like the book on that Sweetpea is based, Rhiannon has a small dog that serves as her trusty companion. After Rhiannon's father tragically passed away, the dog Tink was even brought to the funeral, wearing a cute little bow tie. Without her father, Tink quickly becomes the only bright spot in Rhiannon's life And a source of comfort that many dog ​​owners, including myself, can attest to. Then tragedy strikes Rhiannon yet again when Tink gets hit by a car near the bus stop.

I was afraid that something terrible would happen to the precious little dog before Sweetpea Episode 1, but I really hoped I'd be wrong.

After her father's death, Rhiannon's emotional spiral is worsened by several factors, including the return of her former bully, Julia. Not only is the woman back in town, but Rhiannon's own sister orchestrates a plan to sell their dad's home with Julia's help. While looking at a billboard of Julia outside the bus stop, Rhiannon drops Tink's leash before he unexpectedly runs into traffic and is killed. Unfortunately, I fear that something terrible would happen to the precious little dog before Sweetpea Episode 1, but I really hoped I'd be wrong.

Why I was worried about the fate of the dog during Sweetpea episode 1

There was reason to fear Tink's fate in Sweetpea

Ella Purnell as Rhiannon Lewis looking up while standing next to her dog in Sweetpea-1

After the funeral, Rhiannon is shown walking home with Tink, and although the sequence is clouded in sadness due to the character's grief, I can't help but focus on how dangerously fast the cars are moving so close to the sidewalks. The house Rhiannon lives with her father is very close to busy streetsAnd it's confirmed early on that the character relies on walking and public transportation to get around town. Unfortunately, my worries were justified soon after.


For those like me who are deeply affected by pets being hurt or dying, which should really be everyone unless you're a monster, the next few scenes in Sweetpea are difficult to stomach. Rhiannon discovers Tink's dead body after she is distracted by the billboard, something she obviously did not intend to happen. Then she buries the little dog in her yard, after wrapping his body in a blanket. with this, Tink's death becomes another aspect of Rhiannon's life that drives her to become a killer.

Since the show opens with Rhiannon declaring a list of people she would like to kill, I should have been prepared for something. But the death of a dog is a key element in the character's serial killer transformation is still quite surprising. Then again, grief can do wild things to people. This is not to say that I would expect to become a serial killer if something happened to my pets. however, Sweetpeas focus on Rhiannon hitting her breaking point due to new and renewed trauma is an intriguing premise. I just hope the show doesn't sacrifice any more pets in the process.