Warning: contains spoilers Montage of Avengers #3!!
The Marvel Universe was turned upside down after the events of Blood Hunt, who placed the Avengers and many other superheroes against a world full of darkness and thirsty vampires. In conclusion, vampires could walk in the sun unharmed, but a horrible group of vampire hunters called The Nightstalkers are trying to put an end to the updated status quo. It's up to the Avengers Assemble squad to stop the Nightstalkers' crusade - if they can.
The preview for Avengers Montage #3by writer Steve Orlando and artist Marcelo Ferreira, introduces the newest group of vampire hunters: The Nightstalkers. They're intimidating from the start and are clearly prepared (and eager) to take on a world full of freshly sunbathed vampires. Each member of the team seems uniquely suited to the hunt.
Marvel's most well-known Daywalker, Blade, has been a hunter for decades, but in his years of experience, he has never dealt with a situation like Blood Hunt left behind. Many innocent civilians have been left with fangs, and the Nightstalkers don't seem ready to make exceptions - leaving them at odds with the Avengers and the unexpected state of the Marvel Universe.
What The Nightstalkers Means for the Future of Marvel's Vampires
The Avengers face off against vampire-hunting Nightstalkers as terrifying as their prey
Although the preview only offers a glimpse of the new group of vampire hunters, they immediately make an impression. The Nightstalkers have five members: their leader, Abby Morris, Coma, Frank Drake, Voracious, and Bloodscream. Each of them is apparently equipped with unique weapons, including silver fangs on Voracious, which he sinks into one of the vampires' necks. Both Voracious and Bloodscream are possibly of the vampire or undead persuasion, while Coma sports blue skin and cyborg accessories, giving the group an overall violent, cyberpunk vibe. They are more attractive than the attacking vampires and are hard to miss.
Nightstalkers appear to have a lineup of impressive abilities that go along with their murderous appearance. Abby Morris claims to have been bred for the job, possibly meaning she comes from a family of monster hunters, Coma can absorb electricity, and Voracious is (potentially) a vampire turned against his own kind. Frank Drake and Bloodscream are a unit unto themselves, with Drake acting as a “pet lich” and vessel for nothing but slaughter, directed by Bloodscream. Even though their supposed goal is to rid the world of vampires, the Nightstalkers clearly don't claim to be heroes like the Avengers (or look like them).
Our Take: Nightstalkers Are Prepared to Deal With Vampires, Not Avengers
Vampires walking around in the sun by the thousands isn't an easy pill to swallow, and the Nightstalkers aren't the only ones who take issue with their presence, but the Avengers won't comply with the group's approach. This goes beyond Blade's long crusade, as they target innocent vampires along with the guilty. Their first attack is on a city that supposedly runs on "donated blood", which means taking innocent lives. They're obviously equipped to deal with blood drinkers, but a squad of hand-picked superheroes is another matter. The vampire-hunting Nightstalkers are terrifying, but the silver-tipped fangs and beasts probably won't keep the Avengers of your back.
Avengers Montage #3 is available 11/20 from Marvel Comics.