Move, Cobra Commando. The recent return of GI Joe has just given the series a great honor

Move, Cobra Commando. The recent return of GI Joe has just given the series a great honor

The Energon Universe has been a huge success, and the recent GI Joe the re-release continues this trend by being the best-selling single released by Image Comics in the month of November. Skybound is shared Transformers / GI Joe universe took the comics industry by storm with 2023 release Void Rivals #1 by Robert Kirkman and Lorenzo De Felici, and the brand shows no signs of stopping as it continues into its second year.

According to Image Comicsthe publisher's best-selling book in November was GI Joe #1 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton, the relaunch of the forty-year-old property.

Comic book cover: the Joes and Cobra reunited in the Energon Universe.

GI Joe #1 was easily one of the biggest releases of the year, but Skybound's entire line of Energon Universe titles occupy the top three spots in Image's entire catalog for the month of November, since the 2nd and 3rd places belong to Transformers #14 and Void Rivals #14, respectively.

GI Joe #1 Best-Selling Image Comic of November

Variant cover by Jonboy Meyers

Comic cover: RIsk and Baroness stand side by side on the battlefield.

The new GI JoeThe success of should not surprise readers who follow the Energon Universe, as each new title released within the line was bigger than the last. GI Joe #1 had a year of preparation, with the miniseries Duke, Cobra Commander, Scarlett, and Destroy all released last year to much success and acclaim. Fortunately for fans, GI Joe #1 more than lived up to all the hype leading up to its release, as the creative team found the perfect way to reboot the entire franchise for a whole new generation of fans.

The success of the new series is an incredible story in itself, but There's more good news for the old school GI Joe fans. Incredible as it may seem, image lists GI Joe: A True American Hero #311 as the 8th best-selling title of November – a surprising feat given that it continues Larry Hama's original series of GI Joe which began at Marvel in the 1980s. Hama returned to the classic series at previous publisher IDW with GI Joe: ARAH #156 in 2012, and Skybound took over Hama's race with #301 in November 2023.

The Energon Universe dominates Image Comics bestseller lists

Including Transformers, Duke, Cobra Commanderand more

Energon Universe not only topped the November sales charts for individual issues, but also Image Comics' best-selling trade paperbacks and graphic novels. Transformers Vol. 2: Transport to oblivion placed first on this list, with the collections of Scarlett and Destroy the miniseries was also among the top five book releases of the month. For fans who want to enter the Energon Universe, GI Joe #1 is a great starting point, with the rest of Skybound's successful branding readily available in commercial collections.

GI Joe #1 is now available from Skybound Entertainment.

Source: Image Comics