moon night is such a radically non-traditional hero that some fans question whether he can even be considered a hero at all. Although most consider his dissociative identity disorder to be the primary element that makes Moon Knight different, it's not; This is his dedicated service to an ancient god, Khonshu, who demanded a price from his champion, and now it is time to pay.
Revenge of the Moon Knight #9 - written by Jed MacKay, with art by Devmalya Pramanik - delves into the consequences of Moon Knight's recent return from the dead, and the price he owes to Khonshu.
Still as manipulative as Honshu is, The Egyptian god's price for Mark Spector's life is the life of another: Max Coleridge. Having agreed to indiscriminately take a life to save his friends, Moon Knight fully intends to submit to his Heavenly Father's whims. It is precisely this level of blind devotion to Honshu that questions whether Moon Knight can ever be a true hero.
Moon Knight is no wonder superhero; He is nothing more than Honshu's puppet
Revenge of the Moon Knight #9 - Written by Jed MacKay; Art of Devmalia Pramanik; Color by Rachel Rosenberg; Lettering by Corey Petit
Khonshu and Ra have spent several years pitting their avatars, the Moon Knights and the Sun Kings, against each other, including manipulating Marc Spector into being Khonshu's most loyal servant, designed to carry out the God of Vengeance's fleeting whims.
When Mark Spector first swore his allegiance to Khonshu, bleeding out at the foot of a statue in the image of the god, He became just one of a long line of dedicated Avatars who each share the title of Moon Knight. Although he may be the best of Honshu, Mark is certainly not the first of Honshu. Near 1,000,000 BCE, the "Stone Age Avengers" formed, a prehistoric team consisting of the Phoenix, Odin, Agamotto, the first Black Panther, the first Iron Fist, a ghost rider, and a Starbrand. Jealous that he had no place on the team, Honshu created the first Moon Knight.
Soon a cult developed around the moon god, which produced a long line of moon kings who would serve as Khunshu's earthly avatars. Khonshu, being the envious and selfish deity that he is, used the Moon Knights only to increase his influence and rebel against his elder god father, Amon Ra. Khonshu and Ra spent several years pitting their avatars, the Moon Knights and the Sun Kings, against each other, including manipulating Marc Spector into being the most loyal Servants of Honshu, designed to carry out the fleeting whims of the God of Vengeance. Unfortunately for Marc, and every other Moon Knight, their will is Honshu's.
Honshu calls for the death of the "False Moon Knight", pitting Mark Spector against his replacement
Revenge of the Moon Knight #9 - Available September 11th from Marvel Comics
For Khunshu, Max was not a devoted follower, he was an impostor, who appointed himself as a moon knight in Khunshu's net.
In the present, Marc Spector, Steven Grant and Jake Lockley have proven themselves to be Honshu's most loyal and most manipulated avatars, ready to follow their "father's" Every order. Despite his drive to follow his gut and do what he believes to be right, Mark has already earned a precarious reputation as an unpredictably violent soldier. As far back as the Avengers Civil warMoon Knight is considered an enemy to both factions, ranking even higher on the "most wanted" list than the Punisher.
Now, after Mark's resurrection and Khonshu's release from Asgard, the time has come for Moon Knight to pay what is owed: a life. Specifically, the life of Max Coleridge, a mentally unstable anti-hero who was empowered with Darkforce energy by a ritualistic death cult and who eventually took over as Moon Knight after Marc Spector's passing. For Honshu, Max was not a devoted follower, he was an impostor, who appointed himself as Moon Knight in Honshu's absence; now, Honshu wants the death of the "False Moon Knight", and Mark Spector will deliver.
Moon Knight can never be a hero as long as he serves Honshu
The fists of Honshu are only tools for their god's will
Unfortunately for Marc Spector, as long as he's Moon Knight, a role he devoutly begs to keep, he'll never be a hero.
It's the hard thing about calling Moon Knight a hero; He can't be one. Mark and his alters may be as brave as one can be, but that doesn't matter. Moon Knights are not heroes, they are the fists of Honshu. If he says to protect, the Moon Knight protects. If he says to kill, the Moon Knight kills. Moon Knight can never be more brave than Honshu will let him, and The God of Vengeance is not known for being fair, let alone brave.
Unfortunately for Marc Spector, as long as he's Moon Knight, a role he devoutly begs to keep, he'll never be a hero. Mark Spector was, is now and always will be a puppet of Honshu's will. To this point, he is by nature unpredictable and untrustworthy. Behind his many masks, the beloved unpredictable "Protector of the Night's Travelers" is not a hero, and he is not Mark Spector, or Steven Grant, or Jake Lockley, he is only Honshu's loyalist. moon night.
Revenge of the Moon Knight #9 Will be available September 11, 2024 from Marvel Comics.
Moon Knight stars Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant, a gift-shop employee in London who discovers he has dissociative identity disorder. He shares a body with Marc Spector and together, they travel to Egypt to uncover a deadly mystery surrounding the gods. moon night Consisted of six episodes and was the fifth live-action television show in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Phase 4. Also starring in the series is Ethan Hawke as the Villains Arthur Harrow and May Kalamavi as Layla El-Faouli.