With all the latest material released for Monster Hunter WildsIt looks like the game will take the series forward similarly to VI What a world Has returned in 2018 - especially when it comes to the handler. Just visually, the game is already a massive step-up, but the title also benefits from bigger environments, larger ecological elements and a myriad of new monsters to hunt. There are some elements that players can take or leave, such as palicoes and the player character being voice acted, but it's clear that there will be a lot of changes.
That's what I said, The game will still feel like Monster HunterIf the promotional material released is properly representative of the full title. The combat offers players new moves with a wide range of weapons, but the weapons are still deliberately clunky and heavy, as they should be for their size. Although there are new faces and new monsters, the hunter still has their trusty palico companion, a blacksmith to make new gear and a handler to handle their quests. In fact, the handler is an aspect in which Wilds Seems to have been improved over its predecessor.
Alma shows a big improvement from Monster Hunter Wilds
MH World's Handler is notoriously disliked
The dealer of Game Monster Hunter World is pretty infamous for being disliked by the player baseAnd that's for good reason. Handlers are supposed to handle a Hunter's quests and provide some guidance during their exploits regarding the quests to help them succeed. Of course, the handler can help determine the hunter's quests, but she treats the relationship as a partnership, which is not the case. If anything, the partnership is between the hunter and their palico, because the two are in the field and are thrown by monsters.
The handler doesn't want to be much of a handler What a world Or, especially in the Iceborn expansion. She often runs away to do some research, despite there being many researchers in Astera and CelianaAnd there are a lot of cinematics where she runs into a monster, gets attacked, and requires saving by the Hunter. This wouldn't be a problem if the dealer wasn't the only one who constantly gets into trouble, which the hunter has to give her out.
In general, it feels like the handler wants to be a researcher, but is stuck as a handler and uses the hunter to do what she wants. When she often calls the player partner or Ford On top of that, it can be quite annoying, and this is often described as the handler's main flaw. It doesn't help that she does very little mechanicallyAnd while it's not enough to make a proper judgment, it seems like Alma improves the handling based on the latest trailer for Beginner's Guide Capcom.
Alma could be everything the handler should have been
Being put in a camera helps her case too
Handlers should offer some form of guidance for the hunter, and Alma does this in an interesting way, especially for newcomers. She has a quiz that helps players figure out which weapon will suit them based on their preferences. For example, she would likely suggest something like the Longsword or the Dual Blades if the player says they favor speed over power. This gives you an additional mechanical goal What a worlds handler.
It also helps that she is Part of a unit, including a Hunter, Palico, Handler and SmithThat helps better define everyone's roles. That way, she probably won't claim to be the hunter's partner and deduct Palico's contributions What a worlds handler tends to. In general, Alma seems to be less high-energy than the handler of WorldWhich many found annoying, and she is seen in the tent with the hunter, making her feel a little more involved during the hunt. She is there to offer guidance, and seems to do it well.
It is not clear whether Capcom has listened to the criticisms of What a worlds dealer and made Alma for it, but it is clear that she is already an improvement over her predecessor. Greater mechanical uses and being part of a unit both help her case, and a lower energy personality seems to make her less annoying compared to her World opponent. It seems like Alma is just another aspect that Monster Hunter Wilds is getting rightAnd what Fans should have February 28, 2025, marked on their calendar.
Source: Capcom/YouTube