Modders should take inspiration from these cut areas from Baldur's Gate 3

Modders should take inspiration from these cut areas from Baldur's Gate 3

With Patch 7 introducing a built-in mod manager and Patch 8 bringing even more mod support, it's easier than ever to create new content for Baldur's Gate 3. Fans have created impressive additions to one of their favorite games, like an all-new quest series based on D&Dfrom Spelljammer. As the game approaches the end of updates, it's clear that fans won't run out of new content anytime soon.

There is a lot of content that didn't make it into the final version of the game. Baldur's Gate 3 scrapped Origin characters, areas, plots, and more. For a game as big as BG3this was obviously inevitable - many of these cuts ensured the quality of the game in the long run, although this didn't stop fans from being disappointed, knowing that their gaming experience could have been very different. With Larian ensuring that mods can be added smoothly, It might be a good idea for modders to turn to old content plans for ideas.

Baldur's Gate 3 players missed the opportunity to explore Avernus

The House of Hope wouldn't be all players saw of Avernus

Karlach with an ornate battle ax and armor in Baldur's Gate 3.

A Steam user called Settings created a comprehensive post detailing all the fans who know they were cut Baldur's Gate 3 at some point during development, and one of the things mentioned was that Avernus was originally going to be an explorable area",similar in size to the Underground." In the epilogue scenario where the player and/or Wyll take Karlach to Avernus, she will mention that she found some blueprints in Avernus to repair her engine. This implies that this could have been the original intended direction for Karlach's story to end, and that the player would have found the blueprints himself.

Karlach's dialogue after an ending where the player goes with her to Avernus would still make sense if they found the blueprints during the campaign. A new mission where the player traverses Avernus, assembling projects, could be added without any problems - perhaps somewhere during the House of Hope quest. There are already several hellish enemies in the game, such as imps, cambions and different types of demons. All that really needs to be added is a new area and maybe some unique items.

Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3 may seem short and there's a reason for that

There was originally a plot surrounding the Raven Queen

Many players noticed that Act 2 feels significantly shorter than Acts 1 and 3and this may be because a large part of the plot was cut. Originally there was going to be a plot with the Raven Queen, who is a deity of Dungeons and Dragons which originates from the Shadowfell, similar to Shar. Most players who find something related to her in the game are He Who Was, one of her followers. He is a Shadar-Kai – an elf tainted by the influence of the Shadowfell.

When it comes to modification, the small amount of content surrounding the Raven Queen may actually be an advantage - creators can get creative with their interpretations of their influence in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. There isn't much area to explore in Shadowfell in the base game, so a mod around the Raven Queen could add a little more to it. Since Shadar-Kai use the same base as elves, it wouldn't be too difficult to create more of them either.

A whole new class of equipment

Astarion with his hand on his chin in Baldur's Gate 3

In Early Access, there was another equipment slot for belts, still, players were unable to find any of the belts in the game. Considering it was a feature many players were hoping for in the full release, a mod that adds different belts could add more gameplay and exploration incentive for those who have already played the game. This would allow players to customize their avatars a bit more, as the only thing they can really change about their full body armor is the color.

The belts were likely removed for cosmetic purposes, as they may have had trouble fitting over certain pieces of armor. However, that's not a reason why any modder interested in adding this mechanic back into the game shouldn't give it a try. The reason why Larian made little content for a BG3 The DLC should ensure that everything put into the game is done with love and passion. With so much modding talent in the community, fans of Baldur's Gate 3 I can continue where Larian left off.

Source: Settings/Steam