At the end of Moana 2the titular character turns into a demigod, which makes for an exciting and unexpected twist, but also creates a major problem for Disney's live-action adaptation plans. Eight years after the launch of Moana, Disney recently brought back the beloved franchise via Moana 2, which was first announced as a TV series but was later developed into a feature film. In the film, Moana receives another dangerous mission from her ancestors face the god Nalo and reestablish the forgotten island of Motofetu to reconnect with the island's people.
Moana 2 the ending is just as moving as the first film. Moana and her team are struggling to fight Nalo, when Moana decides to take matters into her own hands by diving into Motufetu herself. She manages to defeat Nalo, but loses her life in the process. In a particularly moving scene, Maui and Moana's ancestors gather around her and, using their powers, revive Moana and transform her into a demigod.. This twist not only leads to a happy ending for Moana, but also raises the stakes for the next one. Moana film.
Moana becoming a demigod means she shouldn't age after Moana 2
How Moana's Demigod Status Changes Her Character
Following Moana's demigod turn, audiences may have a number of questions and concerns about the character's future. For one, now that Moana is a demigod, she will never age again. Just like Maui, she will look the same for the rest of her life, which will obviously go on indefinitely. On the one hand, this means Moana could live forever within its franchise, spurring more films and content. On the other hand, her story is made more complicated by the demigod's twist, as she will inevitably outlive everyone she loves, except Maui.
As exciting as it is that Moana now has advanced powers and increased durability, the long-term consequences of this are grim.
Considering that Moana is aimed mainly at younger audiences, the fact that Moana exists beyond her loved ones is somewhat concerning. Obviously, this isn't a scenario Disney wants to show on the big screen, but it's a hard path to ignore. As exciting as it is that Moana now has advanced powers and increased durability, the long-term consequences of this are grim. This leads many to wonder what will happen to Moana over time. While she may live forever, her story will have to end eventually so it doesn't get too dark.
Moana Not Aging is good for animation – but live-action films can't copy it
This isn't Moana's only aging problem in live action
In addition to Moana's newfound immortality, her lack of aging poses another major problem, specifically for the live-action adaptation of Moana. Moana. Disney plans to release a live-action version of Moana in 2026, starring Catherine Laga'aiga as Moana. Right now, Laga'aiga is the perfect age to play Moana, at 17 years old. However, if the franchise continues into the live-action world, Laga'aiga's age will become an issue. It's impossible for the actress to stop aging the way Moana does at the end of Moana 2. That's why, Moana Live-action films cannot continue after the second film.
In fact, this isn't the only problem the live-action Moana has in terms of aging. Laga'aiga is the ideal age to play Moana at the moment, but if Disney intends to make a live-action Moana 2, your timeline will have to be a little quick. Although eight years passed between Moana and Moana 2, only three years have passed for the character. In this way, Disney will have to make a live-action Moana 2 within three years of the first live action Moana so that Laga'aiga does not age out of paper. Ultimately, Disney created several obstacles for itself.
Moana 3 May Need to Undo Its Demigod Twist to Help Disney's Future
Cons of Undoing the Moana Demigod Twist
A potential solution to maintain Moana alive and prosperous is to undo the demigod's turn in Moana 3. By doing so, Moana could age normally and avoid a somewhat depressing fate as an isolated magical being. Additionally, on the live action side, the Moana the franchise could continue being turned into live-action without too many concerns about Laga'aiga's age. Turning Moana back into a human would undo a series of questions that the end of Moana 2 created.
Of course, undoing this turnaround would also cause new problems. On the one hand, Moana's transformation into a demigod means she's much more invincible than before. One of the main themes Moana 2 was that the Motufetu mission was too dangerous for mere mortals. From now on, Moana will no longer have to face this problem. Additionally, undoing the demigod's twist can make Moana 2 It feels like a waste of time for the franchise. There's something to be said Moana 2 standing your ground and making the best of a complex (but not impossible) situation.