Warning: Contains spoilers for Miles Morales: Spider-Man #25!like Miles Morales' tradition of getting the coolest Spider-Man Costumes continues with his massive suit upgrade, Marvel provides even more details on his Black Panther talent and his many powerful enhancements. After a transformative summer, Miles needs some extra help navigating his new status as a vampire. A costume with Wakandan tech Help Miles control his bloodthirsty urges with additional perks that really innovate the Spider-Man costume.
Although Marvel has already released first look art of the Vibranium Spider-Man suit, more information revealed in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #25 - written by Cody Ziglar with art by Federico Vicentini - highlights just how powerful the new Spidey suit is. Black Panther walks Miles through some of the advantages of the Wakanda costume, Including super-strong vibranium-laced webbing.
After briefly discussing the all-new web formula and a handful of other features that surprise the latest Spider-Man suit to one of the most powerful franchises ever, T'Challa tells Miles that it would be best for him to experience the suit upgrade in action .
Miles' Wakandan Upgrade: The New Vibranium Suit, Explained
The brand new suit with Wakandan technology from Black Panther is one of the best Spider-Man costumes to date, for its sleek design and the boost in power. The new Vibranium suit gives Miles a real upper hand with stronger control over his vampirism, formidable material and webbing, and the ability to hold his energy longer than ever before. Miles' new vibranium mesh and lace webbing put Miles' costume on par with some of Marvel's greatest heroes, with new access to the material used in Black Panther's suit and other technology and part of Captain America's iconic shield .
However, the details of the suit keep Miles from becoming too overpowered, just keep him safe from "Most"Potentially deadly attacks. The material is thinner and more flexible for miles, and his Venom charge and personal strength won't be quite as strong with their newfound boost in energy and fluidity. Still, with vibranium being one of the most powerful materials in Marvel's entire multiverse, the suit is a major step forward for Miles and also keeps his vampire bloodlust under control as he embarks on his next adventure, teaming up with Black Panther on a quest to Wakanda.
Black Panther's gift to Spider-Man helps tame the vampire within
Both T'Challa and Miles were transformed into bloodsucking creatures of the night during Marvel's summer event Blood dogBut the circumstances of Miles' transformation mean that his monstrous turn has remained constant so far. By the end of the event, Miles is able to walk into the daylight and mostly keep his vampire urges at bay, but he is slowly struggling to keep his cool as time goes on. After brutally attacking his girlfriend's grandfather, the Vulture, and having real concerns about keeping his friends and family safe, Black Panther's new costume and training comes at the right time.
Black Panther empathizes with Miles' vampire predicament, though he is able to regain his humanity after Blood dog. When T'Challa tests the control Miles has over his vampiric hunger, he explains that Shuri did the same thing to him to make sure he was all clear of the monstrous symptoms. Although the new Vibranium suit helps Miles from succumbing to his vampire nature, he still needs to find a cure, and the secret to recovery may lie in Wakanda. Blood dog Revealing that another piece of Black Panther lore can be life-saving, how Wakanda's heart-shaped herb can cure vampirism.
The new design of Miles Morales is one of the best characters yet
The Vibranium Spider-Man suit sort of functions as an update on the Iron Spider formula. Instead of giving Peter Parker a suit made from Tony Stark's tech, Miles gets a cool upgrade across the Black Panther corner of the Marvel Universe. It may not remain the main costume for Miles' iteration of Spider-Man, but should be valued as one of his strongest looks overall. Although he has had quite a few new powerful costumes across Marvel Comics, The vibranium suit is one of the designs that works best to represent the individuality of Miles Morales' Spider-Man.
Swapping the traditional web fluid for a compound containing vibranium, the Wakandan upgrade to Spidey's suit helps him achieve even more than just "What a spider can do". Unbreakable webs, near-indestructible fabric, heightened energy and control over vampire hunger are just the advantages revealed so far for this new addition to Miles Morales' rotating wardrobe of superhero suits, with more seemingly to be revealed over his next arc along with T'Challa.. Black Panther's brilliant upgrade to the Spider-Man Costume helps give Miles Morales A powerful new suit and the strongest webslinging that the Marvel Universe has yet seen.
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #25 is available now from Marvel Comics.