World of Warcraft is one of the only highly populated MMORPGs that doesn't have any kind of housing system for players, but that will change next year. The latest expansion pack, The war withinwill be the first part of a trilogy of upcoming World of Warcraft expansions that follow some favorite characters from the main story, like Alleria Windrunner and Prince Anduin Wynn. Scheduled for late summer 2025, World of Warcraft: Midnight is set to be revealed after the Season 3 finale of The war within.
The biggest mention in this Midnight The announcement is that Blizzard will tackle an ambitious project with the expansion: housing players in Wow. Following Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct, game director Ion Hazzikostas admitted that player housing is one of the most ambitious features Blizzard has ever had in an expansion. Blizzard has used bases in previous expansions, like the Class Hall in Legion pack and garrisons in Warlords of Draenor, but it is no longer relevant content. This ambitious task leaves plenty of time for Blizzard to take on the community's ideas about what housing will actually look like in World of Warcraft.
How Blizzard Can Overcome the Garrison System
Released alongside Warlords Of Draenor in 2014
When current, the Garrison system in Warlords of Draenor it was the closest Blizzard came to using player housing. One of the best parts was the customization of the bases, as it was a fortress built by the players. This allowed players to build profession areas for each skill and other buildings, which essentially created a small town for players to call home. This should be the starting point for Blizzard to use when designing the player box in Midnight. Starting by allowing players to upgrade their homes, such as bases and garrisons.
The Garrison system was very effective at the time, but it meant that players no longer used large cities as centers of activity. Small changes can be made to improve the Garrison systemhow to allow tables of professions compared to trainers. The biggest update Blizzard could make to the use of the Garrison system is to allow players to choose their home location. Even though it's only accessible via portal like some Class Halls, the ability to live in Silvermoon City or Resendeath is a big component that players are looking forward to.
What types of housing should be available
Character variety and integration
The introduction of Warband in The war within is what many players hope Blizzard considers when deciding on housing options. In addition to being able to live in a tower in Silvermoon City or in the forests of Zandalar, What many players really want is character integration. Just like the recruitment processes for managing buildings in the Garrison, many players want their other characters to be present in housing. Of course, it will be highly customizable and will likely rely on some form of paid addition, but the ability to add decorations should also be available.
Very similar Genshin Impactteapot housing system, the ability to purchase different styles of buildings in faction cities and sanctuaries should be available. Although the teapot system was impossible to replicate for World of WarcraftHaving exemplary homes would be most beneficial, especially with the option to purchase different locations or styles of housing. While this may cause some uproar, Blizzard shouldn't initially include housing from every city, as covering 20 years of content for cities would be an impossible standard.
Player housing could change WoW forever
New customizations and social opportunities
As Hazzikostas mentioned, this is one of the most ambitious projects for World of Warcraft that Blizzard has already done. The implementation of player accommodation will cause a wave of contradictory reactions, but shows Blizzard's good way of receiving feedback from the community in the coming months for ideas. Player housing does more than just maintain World of Warcraft along with other popular MMORPGs, it's a demonstration of how much Blizzard cares about the greater gaming community to try to force players out of isolated states.
Player housing does not mean the death of capital city adventures, but the birth of longer-lasting guild meetings and communities. With the ever-expanding nature of Azeroth and its people, it's time for players to experience having a home of their own rather than claiming the odd pillar behind the bank. No matter the appearance, Blizzard must include the same key pieces of personality from each class it has designed. There should be an option for a limited portal room, a priest's pulpit, a warrior's armory, and even a cozy bed by the fire for the eldritch horrors that are loved by one. World of Warcraft hunter.
Source: World of Warcraft/YouTube