Paramount+ Film by Michelle Yeoh, Star Trek: Section 31would be the perfect way to Star Trek to introduce a young Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). In Section 31Yeoh reprises his role as Star Trek: DiscoveryEmperor Philippa Georgiou. After the USS Discovery jumped to the 32nd century, Georgiou needed to return to a time when the Prime Universe and the Mirror Universe were closer together. The Guardian of Forever (Paul Guilfoyle) sent Philippa Georgiou back to the beginning of the 24th century– also known as Star Trek"Lost Era", among Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Some Star Trek projects were set in the "Lost Era" before Star Trek: Section 31, but Star Trek: The Next Generation occasionally made reference to this elusive part of the Star Trek timeline. Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 6, Episode 14, "Tapestry", spends a significant amount of time in the "Lost Era", when Q (John de Lancie) takes Picard to his first year out of Starfleet Academy in 2327. Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) views a posthumous recording of his father, Lieutenant Commander Jack R. Crusher (Doug Wert), in TNG season 4, episode 2, "Family."
Section 31 Could Introduce Young Picard to Star Trek
Star Trek would have to recast young Jean-Luc Picard
Star Trek: Section 31 could introduce a younger version of Jean-Luc Picard to Star Trek. Depending on when Star Trek: Section 31 it happens, Picard would either be a Starfleet Academy cadet or be in the early days of his Starfleet career. The promotional material doesn't include a younger Picard on Georgiou's Section 31 team, so if Picard is around Star Trek: Section 31action, it will probably just be a cameo. An Easter egg could reference Picard as an ensign aboard the USS Reliant, or even the young captain of the USS Stargazer if it's after 2333.
While Picard appears in Star Trek: Section 31 It's unlikely, it might not be so out of bounds for Picard to have a history with Section 31. TNG2011's "Tapestry" showed that Jean-Luc was much more reckless in his youth than the distinguished captain of the USS Enterprise that Picard eventually became. Section 31 agents are not allowed to retire or even refuse service, so Captain Picard's morals wouldn't really be relevant if Ensign Picard took the chance to spy. Picard's secret mission in TNG Season 6, Episodes 10 and 11, "Chain of Command," may even have been a Section 31 operation.
Young Picard Allows Star Trek to Bring Young Jack and Beverly Crusher
Picard and Jack Crusher were best friends on the USS Stargazer
A young version of Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek would also pave the way for Star Trek to feature younger versions of Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) and Lieutenant Commander Jack R. Crusher. Star Trek: The Next Generation alluded to the strong friendship between Jean-Luc and Jack, which expanded to include Jack's fiancée, Beverly Howard. The trio of Jean-Luc, Jack and Beverly would certainly have had their fair share of adventures before Lieutenant Commander Crusher's death in 2353. Admiral Picard recounts one such adventure to his son, also named Jack Crusher (Ed Speleers), in Star Trek: Picard season 3.
Younger versions of Picard appeared in Star Trek before, but would not be eligible to return. Tom Hardy's Shinzon was a clone of Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: Nemesis and David Birkin played 12-year-old Jean-Luc in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 6, episode 7, "Rascals." Interestingly, Hardy and Birkin turn 47 in 2024- the same age Patrick Stewart was when Stewart began playing Captain Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Star Trek: Section 31 It would have to recast a much younger actor to play Picard in his 20s, so it's possible.