Michelle Yeoh's return in Episode 31 Star Trek movie will tell a story that goes where the franchise has never gone before

Michelle Yeoh's return in Episode 31 Star Trek movie will tell a story that goes where the franchise has never gone before

Star Trek: Episode 31 will tell a story Star Trek Didn't tell before. Directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi and written by Craig Sweeny, Section 31 is the first Star Trek Movie made for streaming on Paramount+. When it premieres in 2025, Section 31 Will also be the first Star Trek Movie in 9 years, like the last theater Star Trek Film was Star Trek Next in 2016. Star Trek: Episode 31 is headlined by Academy Award winner Michelle Yeoh, reprising Emperor Philippa Georgiou, the former ruler of the Mirror Universe turned super spy.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 1 introduced Emperor Georgiou and Brought Star Trek Back to the Mirror UniverseWhat was last seen in Star Trek: Enterprise Season 4's "In a Mirror, Darkly" two-parter. Emperor Georgiou was absolute ruler of the Terran Empire until 2256 when she was overthrown by Captain Gabriel Lorca (Jason Isaacs) in a coup. After Lorca's death, Georgiou joined the USS Discovery on his return to Star TrekS Prime Universe. Georgiou, posing as her Prime Universe counterpart, joined Section 31 and then jumped to the 32nd century with the USS Discovery. Died from crossing time and universes, Georgiou is sent back in time by the Guardian of Forever (Paul Guilfoyle). Star Trek: Episode 31 reveals Georgiou arrived in the "Lost Era" of Star TrekMiddle of the 24th century.

Star Trek: Episode 31 will tell the origin of the Mirror Universe Emperor for the first time

Star Trek never told this story

While Star Trek: Episode 31The main story seems to take place in the early-to-mid 24th century, Star Trek: Episode 31s trailer indicates that there will be flashbacks to the young Philippa Georgiou (Miku Martineau), depicting As she rises to become the Terran Emperor. Georgiou is instructed with the rules of how to be an emperor: "An emperor can only be faithful to duty, that's how the empire stays strong. That's how it grows." The story of how the Emperor of the Terrans was created is a story Star Trek Has never told before Section 31.

It is logical to assume that Georgiou's rise to power was not easy and was fraught with tragedy.

Philippa Georgiou is the only Mirror Universe Emperor Star Trek Has delivered in detail. Other Terran Emperors have been mentioned elsewhere Star Trek series set in the Mirror Universe's 22nd and 23rd centuries, but Georgiou is a fully fledged character who became an ant heroine on Star Trek: Discovery. However, it is logical to assume that Georgiou's rise to power was not easy and was fraught with tragedy. Star Trek: Episode 31 will likely introduce Georgiou's parents and family, Clarifying the succession to Terran Emperor for the first time.

Will episode 31 reveal that Emperor Georgiou is connected to the Hoshi Sato of Enterprise?

Hoshi was the first female emperor that we know of

A question that has lingered since Michelle Yeoh's Empress Philippa Georgiou debuted in Star Trek: Discovery Is Philippa descended from Empress Hoshi Sato (Linda Park). Star Trek: Enterprises "In a Mirror, Darkly" ended with a shocker as Sato betrayed Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula), taking command of the 23rd century U.S.S. defiant, and arrived on earth to declare herself empress. Star Trek Didn't reveal what happened next or if Hoshi actually became the ruler of the Terran Empire In the middle of the 22nd century, but presumably the Empress Hoshi Sato sat on the Terran throne, but that's something Star Trek: Episode 31 can canonically verify.

Chronological Mirror Universe appears in Star Trek

Key events

Star Trek: Enterprise Season 4

Terran Empire begins (21st century), discovery of USS Defiant, Hoshi Sato declares herself Empress (22nd century)

Star Trek: Discovery Season 1

End of Philippa Georgiou's reign as Emperor, Georgiou jumps to Prime Universe (23rd century)

Star Trek: Discovery Season 3

Guardian of Forever returns Georgiou to the 23rd Century Mirror Universe to determine that Georgiou has changed

Star Trek: The Original Series Season 2

Prime Kirk meets Mirror Spock, encourages him to make changes to save Terran Empire (23rd century)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

The conquered Terrans rebel against and defeat the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance (24th century)

Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2

Terran Armada Returns to Conquer the Galaxy, Mirror Admiral Janeway and Chakotay Meet Prime Universe USS Protostar Crew (24th Century)

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5

Captain Michael Burnham finds ISS Enterprise, brings it into the 32nd century, teaches mirror refugees crossed into Prime Universe

Although they are both Asian, Empress Hoshi Sato is of Japanese origin, while Empress Philippa Georgiou is of Malaysian descent, so it is quite possible that they are not related. Yet it is a fascinating story of succession that Star Trek: Episode 31 Can Illuminate: How did the Hoshi family fall by the wayside so Georgiou could claim the Terran throne? How powerful was the Georgios family already, and from whom did Philippa inherit? Section 31 Can't dwell on the details, though There is a generational story there that can be fascinating as well Star Treks version of The crown.

Star Trek made the Mirror Universe more important than ever

Emperor Georgiou changed the game when it comes to the Mirror Universe

Star Treks mirror universe was a novelty, But it became much more thanks to Star Trek: Discovery. in Star Trek: The Original Series, The Mirror Universe was seen only once, although it left an indelible impression. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Updating the Mirror Universe in the 24th century, giants turn to the twisted alternate timeline as a welcome change of pace from DS9s all-encompassing Dominion War saga. Star Trek: Enterprise's Mirror Universe two-parter was another offbeat romp, though it could have been more if Enterprise Season 5 happened.


However, most events in the Mirror Universe stayed in the Mirror Universe - until Emperor Georgiou crossed into Star Treks prime universe in Star Trek: Discovery. Georgiou rewrites the book about the relationship of the Mirror UniverseAs his Emperor became a major figure affecting Prime Universe events, and she will continue to be in Star Trek: Episode 31. More and more, the Mirror Universe is leaking into the Prime Timeline. Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 brought the Mirror Universe's ISS Enterprise into the 32nd century, and Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) learned that Mirror refugees had crossed over and made new lives for themselves in the Prime Universe. The Mirror Universe remains a favorite as an abundant source of Star Trek Stories.

The next Star Trek movie may also reveal the origin of Section 31

Will the secrets of Section 31 be revealed?

It is possible Star Trek: Episode 31 Could stealthily be a double origin story. Along with the details of how Philippa Georgiou became the Emperor of the Mirror Universe, the following Star Trek The movie may also finally reveal how Section 31 rose to power. after all, Section 31s logline hinted that Georgiou would face both the sins of her past and the sins of Section 31. While Section 31 apparently came into existence side-by-side with Starfleet and, later, the United Federation of Planets, Georgiou may uncover buried truths About its origin.


Presumably, Emperor Georgiou becomes the leader of Section 31, or her own faction of it, in Star Treks first streaming movie. Section 31 Will also update what happened since Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 when Commander Ash Tyler (Shazad Latif) became the head of the agency, picking up the story decades later. Star Trek: Episode 31 is described as the "Meek Star Trek," But that's also fitting for a movie that goes into the nitty-gritty of both the Mirror Universe and Section 31. Hopefully, Star Trek: Episode 31 Pulls back the curtain on the Mirror Universe and the darkest secrets of Section 31 for the first time.