Michael Ilesanmi of 90 Day Fiancé accuses Angela Deem of freezing GoFundMe

Michael Ilesanmi of 90 Day Fiancé accuses Angela Deem of freezing GoFundMe

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Star Michael Ilesanmi suggested that Angela Deem reported his GoFundMe campaign, which he launched to fight her in court after Angela filed for an annulment. Michael and Angela met in 2017, but it took Michael seven years to come to the US. it. After facing a visa rejection and delays. Angela was abusive to Michael during the relationshipAnd the fact that he decided to leave her after coming to America raised some red flags about him. Angela accused Michael of fraudulently inducing her into marriage in order to obtain permanent resident status.

Michael Ilesanmi from 90 day fiance released a statement that addressed all the rumors and speculation about his GoFundMe fundraiser and love life.

Michael recently shared a post with a statement that provided a “Update on legal proceedings, media inquiries, rumors and GoFundMe campaign," Released by his PR, Advance Marketing. The statement said Michael did not spend his fundraiser money on buying any vehicles or covering any"Moving costs." He revealed that his GoFundMe account is “Temporarily frozen" When someone who lives in Hazlehurst, Georgia, reported it for fraud. Michael's account was frozen from August 14 until the end of the month, during which an investigation was conducted. Michael was able to access the money only after the investigation found in his favor.

What Michael Ilesanmi's new accusation against Angela Deem means

Angela keeps trying to discredit Michael, but he keeps winning

Angela's reaction to Michael launching a fundraiser after he found out about the annulment case suggests that she may have tried her best to make sure the fundraiser failed. Angela called out to her young Americans and asked them to wake up. She wanted them to see that there are more deserving people who need the money. Angela even got help from her 90 day fiance Castmates, such as Loren Brovarnik and Scott Wern, in spreading rumors That Michael used the money to buy a Mercedes. Fans did not care about what Angela was saying. They gave Michael over $52,000 in a few days.


Michael is now trying to insinuate that Angela reported the fundraiser as a fraudulent means She was probably working behind the scenes to make sure he didn't win. If she couldn't get fans to listen to her claims about Michael being an alleged scammer, she would take matters into her own hands. However, Michael's appeal to fans was genuine. He needed the money to fight the bankruptcy and had no income to pay his lawyer's bills. None of Angela's attempts to discredit Michael have worked so far.

Our take on Michael Ilesanmi's new accusation against Angela Deem

It's time for Angela to move on

Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi from 90 Day Fiance posing outside

Angela first tried to prove that Michael was scamming her and cheated on her with a Nigerian woman named Chita by hiring a private investigator. The detective proved Angela wrong and embarrassed her in front of her 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? co-star. The "Tell All" episode also came out at the right time when Michael decided to promote his fundraiser. Any doubts that fans had about Michael scamming Angela ceased to exist Because of the findings of Angela's own detective. She just needs to give up now and move on, since Michael's proving just how lucky he is.

Source: Michael Ilesanmi/ Instagram