Michael deserves spousal support from Angela (will she be forced to give him money?)

Michael deserves spousal support from Angela (will she be forced to give him money?)

90 day fiance Star Angela will not like to pay her wayward ex Michael Ilesanmi spousal support, but she may have to, because, in the eyes of the law, he may really deserve it. When Angela married a scammer from Nigeria, She should have considered the worst-case scenario, ie a messy breakup and money issues linked to a divorce. Love is always a gamble and when it's an international romance between an American and someone from a foreign country, things can get even more difficult. At heart, people can lose themselves and make mistakes. This is what happened to Angela.

Angela saw the red flags and ignored them - she always had her doubts, but she brushed them off. Inside each person, there is a primal voice that shouts warnings. It is the animal in a person, let them know that certain choices will lead to disaster. Angela heard the voice, but it tormented her. Now, he steals her fans, and Michael's flaunting an American lifestyle that does not include her. Michael is humiliating Angela. To add insult to injury, she may need to fork over some serious cash. If she does, she will become even more bitter than now.

Michael was her husband and probably earns less money

Michael is financially dependent on Angela

In the clip above, by Moving mad! In YouTube, Angela says that Michael is just greedy. However, that doesn't mean he won't get more of her money. When there is a real imbalance in terms of two divorcing people's incomes, the courts will typically try to fix it. This is why spousal support can be awarded to the party with less money, so they can maintain the standard of living they had during the marriage.

In fact, it's common and one of the reasons smart people get prenups, even though it's so awkward to discuss these unromantic documents. They show a lack of faith in the future, but also realism. Angela probably didn't have a prenup, and she should have gotten Michael to sign one.

Angela Paid Michael's Way

She took care of him

Michael was Angela's dependent. Yes, he had her hooked from day one, luring the lonely Miami with his sweet words on Facebook. However, the feisty and charismatic Georgia Peach should have known better. Blinded by flattery, which was so unrepentant, she fell for Michael, who was on the hunt for a green card. This stuff happens every day of the week. The problem is that she married this guy. That added a layer of complication. Now, Angela must deal with heartbreak while possibly emptying her wallet.

Angela seems comfortable but not rich. She's busy all the time, doing "meet and greet" tours, hawking products, and showing up at the franchise whenever she can. She may have pocketed some money while working as a hospice nurse, but the cost of keeping Michael in the picture was probably high. At this stage, she may have burned through a lot of her savings. If that's the case, it could be a nasty legal battle over the spousal support issue. However, when Angela brought Michael on a K-1 visa, he became her financial responsibility.

As Michael moves forward, flaunting a "God Got Me" T-shirt to gain sympathy in GoFundMe, he sees dollar signs. He wants money to fight Angela, who is desperate to get an annulment so she can try to get him deported. The situation is messy beyond belief and showcases the minefield that is a dysfunctional one 90 day fiance Relationship.

If the courts decide against granting the contempt, and Michael remains Angela's legal husband when they proceed with divorce, it is quite possible that he will receive a payout. The prospect of paying Michael, who is flaunting his new "Paradise People" group (seemingly a hub for gigolo scammers looking to get rich Americans) must really sting. They say "you never really know a person until you divorce them" - splits bring out the absolute worst in people.

Those who give user and cheater Michael money at GoFundMe Believe that Angela had it coming. They remember her tirades, her violence, and her ego. Angela is known for her Miss Piggy-style antics. They realize that she was (and is) a human tornado. When Michael wronged her, by beating her for money and having sex with another woman (she gave him oral sex in exchange for getting a ride in his car), he should have known that he would eventually need to duck and cover.

When she wasn't shoving a strawberry cake in his face or trying to wreck his car, she was flashing on the phone. Angie is out of control. She is the train, bustling down the tracks at breakneck speed, about to derail. When Angela loses it, she forgets everything, detaching from reality. This is something she needs help with.

Michael kept provoking her by being a fake husband. The situation is just nightmarish. She could have been terrible for him anyway, but thanks to his cheating, lying and other "activities" of Cereal, fans do not know what Angela is like in a "real" relationship. Since famous women of a certain age attract losers regularly, no one can ever know how Angela functions in genuine romance.

Yes, in some ways, her all-encompassing passion and sense of wild abandon are interesting. She doesn't do things by halves - Angela didn't become such a famous woman because her onscreen persona wasn't electrifying. She is a grown woman who is deeply alive - she is on fire. However, violence is never the answer, and because she is used to it Get her emotions and get her pointMichael has a lot of supporters.

On the other hand, this guy is just poison. What has he ever offered you that is sincere? None. Just a bunch of lies, not to mention the money drain and the other women. Michael is not a good person. These two are toxic, but that doesn't mean they won't get together someday.

Sometimes, there is co-dependency in these types of relationships. The dynamic may be disturbing, but it is real. The best thing Angela can do is respect the court's decision and try to move on. It won't be easy, but she's come this far - Angela will always find a way to survive.

Michael has fame now, but only by riding her coattails. Angela has all the star power. She is the one who powers the engine that is their shared reality TV success. Yes, Michael can land on 90 Day: The Single Life Or something like that, but he can't captivate viewers without his sometimes maniacal ex. In contrast to Michael, Angela is:

  • funny

  • Larger-than-life

  • Pronounced

  • Opinions

  • Bold

  • Fearless

Angela is hated by many people, but not by everyone. That's why she keeps getting cast in the franchise, which will be. The 90 day fiance Angela Diva is like a cat with nine lives. Those who threaten to cancel you end up watching on TV instead. This is probably the way it will always be.

Fans can watch 90 day fiance on the Discovery+ streaming platform.

Sources: Moving mad!/ YouTube. GoFundMe