Michael Bay's $553 million sci-fi film is the only film in the last 26 years to hold this box office distinction

Michael Bay's 3 million sci-fi film is the only film in the last 26 years to hold this box office distinction

Armageddon is director Michael Bay's beloved $553 million sci-fi film, and the film is somehow the only film in the last 26 years to hold that box office distinction. Michael Bay is one of the box office kings, with his Transformers and Bad Boys series being famous for its incredible box office performances. However, the most notable box office record a Michael Bay film holds is held by Armageddonwith this unique fact about the film making it one of the most notable films of the last three decades.

While Armageddon received mixed reviews, the film was a huge box office success upon its release, with Michael Bay's film grossing $553.7 million on a budget of $140 million. Armageddon became the highest-grossing film of 1998 worldwide, being the second highest-grossing film domestically after Saving Private Ryan. Michael Bay's involvement, the epic premise and ArmageddonThe star-studded cast is to thank for Armageddonperformance, although the film could not count on a common box office factor.

Armageddon was the last non-franchise film to reach the top of the global box office

Thanks to this Barbie news

It turns out that the 1998 Michael Bay film Armageddon It was the last non-franchise film to top the global box office at the end of a year. Since Armageddon became the highest-grossing film of 1998, 26 years agoall subsequent films were either a sequel or spawned one. Some of them were sequels, like Mission: Impossible 2 or Toy Story 3prequels like Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menaceor began as original films and later spawned sequels, such as avatar or Frozen.

A piece of news took Armageddon recently claiming that record, and it all has to do with Barbie. Barbie was the highest-grossing film of 2023, meaning that, for a brief moment, it was the highest-grossing film of a year that wasn't part of a film franchise. However, Barbie 2 is now in the works, which means Armageddon is once again the most recent film to meet these criteria without spawning a sequel.

Why Armageddon Never Got a Sequel

There has never been any word on a sequel

Despite being a huge box office success, no one had ever heard of it. Armageddon sequel, to the surprise of many fans. One reason for the lack of a sequel may have to do with it being a difficult premise to follow, as another asteroid would have to come close to Earthand another team of drillers would have to be trained to destroy it. This is incredibly unlikely and would probably make a sequel feel unnecessary.

Another possible explanation is that Michael Bay simply didn't want to do another one. Michael Bay was full of ideas in the late 1990s when he finished Armageddon and moving forward to do Pearl Harbor, Bad Boys II, The Islandand Transformers. Bay was releasing all kinds of hits at the time, and it's possible he wanted to do something new rather than do another one. Armageddon film.