The weather system in Metaphor: ReFantazio it can be a subtle but frequent annoyance, even more so as time goes on in the Atlus RPG's long campaign. While your many enemies are more powerful in bad weather, they also yield more XP for farming. However, this also won't net you the extra turn icon you normally get from hitting an enemy weakness with the right type of attack. Because of this, it's never a good idea to enter a dungeon during bad weather if you want to more easily traverse your long passages to a boss on a calendar day.
However, there is a way for players to check the time in Metaphor: ReFantazioand there is only one that can be approached in the game to change it as well. However, you must reach a specific point in the game to unlock this weather-changing ability. This will require even more persistence than it takes to place a pot of queen honey. Metaphor: ReFantazio for a special trophy, but the ability to overcome bad weather will give you a lot more flexibility to spend your limited free time dungeon crawling however you want compared to normal.
How to check the time
Go to your local psychic
To check the current and future weather, Metaphor: ReFantazio players by talking to a psychic. For the price of 250 Reeve, a Seer is available in every major city in the game to talk to and provide a weather forecast for the next three days in every map location you've visited so far. Each Seer looks different, but you can easily identify them by looking for the crystal ball icon above their heads.
We hope this gives you more ability to plan your free time in advance based on bad weather days and clear days. For example, if you were to spend the next day progressing through the last dungeon before the Seer tells you that the weather will be bad, you can move on to doing that the next day to make the weather easier on yourself. On the other hand, if you want stronger enemies to get more EXP for leveling up, you can also plan your next few days accordingly depending on your preference.
How to change the weather
Campaign progress
You can only change the weather in Metaphor: ReFantazio put talking to Edeni after finishing the main story chapter regarding the fourth city of the campaign. After clearing the Dragon Temple dungeon and defeating Homo Margo, being able to explore once more after completing this part of the story will allow you to go to Edeni near the Virga Island Dragon Statue and ask him to change the weather of a location .
Edeni can also be used to check the time instead of a Seer once you have unlocked it.
Please remember that this can only be done for three days, including the day you make the request. It's as easy as unlocking the Cautious Shopkeeper and his entire inventory in Metaphor: ReFantazio. However, using this new game ability to change the mood with Edini is not free; In exchange for his services, you will need to give him 20 units of Marbled Bluefin Tuna or Almighty God Stew.
How to Get Almighty Gold Stew Marbled Bluefin Tuna
Cuisine and the fishmonger
Marbled bluefin tuna is the easiest to obtain, and can be obtained in Metaphor: ReFantazio buying them at Fervent fishmonger in Brilehaven at a cost of 1000 Reeve each. To get Almighty God's Stew into the game, you need to prepare the recipe for a Limp Goldfish, a Mellow Milk, and a Lumbiee together. Although 1000 Reeve for a single marbled bluefin tuna seems expensive, it shouldn't be too hard on your in-game wallet if you know how to farm money. Plus, it doesn't cost any free time on the calendar to get it.
Preparing an Almighty Golden Stew, however, requires you to spend part of the day cooking it unless you've learned how to unlock Quick Cooking. With Marbled Bluefin Tuna, you can buy as many as you need without wasting extra time. As long as you check your local Psychics and talk to Edini, you will be able to check and change the weather in Metaphor: ReFantazio no problem.