Metaphor: ReFantazio – How to Increase Courage

Metaphor: ReFantazio – How to Increase Courage

Courage, one of the five royal virtues in Metaphor: ReFantazioit is a measure of the main character's bravery and willingness to face danger. A higher Courage stat unlocks unique dialogue options, deepens relationships with your followers, and even grants access to special missions and activities. It's a great virtue to focus because it often allows you to say things that the protagonist would be afraid to say otherwise, and these situations make you feel like a real hero.

There are many more ways to increase your courage than in other Atlus games. The developers seem to know that players want many more ways to increase courage than randomly"eat this food that you only find on this day"option. Metaphor: ReFantazio There are better ways than Person 5 because of these changes, so you're not stuck looking for the most random places to increase this stat. Although it is much simpler, it takes a lot of time to do.

How to increase your courage

The best ways to increase courage

The party surrounded by soldiers in Metaphor_ ReFantazio

Similar to increasing your Wisdom level, the most direct way to increase your Courage by Metaphor: ReFantazio is to tackle missions, carry out certain activities and complete rewards. These activities usually involve participating in challenges, competing in the Coliseum and spending time with Strohl. If you've already completed most of the activities, the Recruitment Center is a great place to find a variety of missions and rewards. These are a constant stream of ways to increase your courage and income if there are no other quick options.



The mission of the right to govern

Bardon Follower Bond Rank 6 Location

Secret poetry! Don't read! book activity

Found on the Gauntlet Runner shelf after 8/13

Old Castle Town Kidnapper's Mission

Found by following the main story

Spend Time with Strohl Activity

Gauntlet corridor location

Ivoryshaw Superior Mission

Merchants' Bazaar, Port Brilehaven Location

Diving competition activity (optimistic youth)

Merchants' Bazaar, Port Brilehaven Location during the day

Trial of Power Mission

Opera House Square, Altabury Heights Location

The search for man's best friend

Recruitment center location

The mission of the new imp king

Recruitment center location

Goblet of Mourning Ghost Quest

Recruitment center location

The Great Mission of the One-Eyed Scoundrel

Recruitment center location

Quest The Demon in the Frozen Forest

Recruitment center location

Cockatrice's mission in the Clouds

Recruitment center location

The Apostles of the Apocalypse Mission

Recruitment center location

The Mission Incarnate in the Forest

Recruitment center location

An optimistic embargo mission

Sunlumeo Street, Grand Trad location

A Haunted Heritage Quest

Sunlumeo Street, Grand Trad location

Gauntlet Challenge Activity

Varmareno Coliseum, Port Brilehaven Location

A dagger, a ring and a rake quest

Praça da Via Pública, Martira Location

Test of Courage Activity (Spirited Youth)

Praça da Passagem, Martira Location

Curiosity Peak Mission

Heathen Village, Virga Island Location

There is also a book called "Secret poetry! Don't read!" This book, hidden in the Gauntlet Runner, offers an easy way to increase your Courage. Each time you read it, you earn Courage points, making this an easy and repeatable activity. The best way is to always spend time with Strohl in the Gauntlet Runner. For those who want a more engaging way to increase courage, it's a great idea to go to the Coliseum.

Five distinct classifications

Screenshot How to Achieve Informed Wisdom in the ReFantazio 0-2 Metaphor
Player Heroes

In Metaphor: ReFantazioyou don't have to rely on your best guess to know how brave you are. You will go through a series of ratings that indicate how much courage you have and that determine how well you handle certain situations. As seen in the demo, you start with Craven, but gain courage as you perform activities that increase your Courage. As you progress, you will unlock five distinct courage levels: Cowardly, Spirited, Fearless, Fearless, and Heroic, as seen in Legendary#7video on YouTube.

It can be difficult to level up in the game, and even if you focus on one skill, it takes a while before you see it near the top. Unfortunately, if you try to work on everything at once, you may not make much progress on any one skill. Therefore, it's a good idea to focus on the skills that are most important to you. You can also undertake special missions and fight harder bosses only when you have higher courage stats. This is a favorite Atlus stat for many players, so it's no surprise it's here in Metaphor: ReFantazio.

Source: Legendary#7/YouTube


PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S


October 11, 2024


Studio Zero



