Metaphor: ReFantazio - How to capture and beat Homo Flaemo (boss guide)

Metaphor: ReFantazio - How to capture and beat Homo Flaemo (boss guide)

Metaphor: ReFantazio has several bosses in its dungeons, including Homo Flaemo, an opponent shaped like a giant human ear who you must capture first before you can beat him. This mini-boss is found in one of the game's largest dungeons and contains the key to progressing through it. By exploiting its one weakness, you can easily eliminate this threat without depleting your party.

Homo Flaemo is a boss you encounter when exploring the Drakongrace Shinjuku civilization hidden beneath the Dragon Temple dungeon in Metaphor: ReFantazio. This area is huge, but the only way to advance in it is to defeat Homo Flaemo. With many other powerful enemies lurking in this space, it might be best avoid other encounters before fighting the mini-boss.

How to Prepare for Homo Flaemo

Explore where it appears

Metaphor ReFantazio Party looking at Drakongrace Shinjuku, Dragon Temple dungeon lost civilization area

One of the best ways to prepare for Homo Flaemo is bring consumable items that help strengthen your party or damage the boss before engaging him in battle. Some foods you get when placing cooking ingredients Metaphor: ReFantazio together they can be of great help in this fight. Don't be afraid to use Magla Hollow if you want to return to your base, grab some items, and heal up before the fight.

A great strategy for you to prepare is explore the area where Homo Flaemo spawns. This section of Drakongrace Shinjuku, called The ghost town of dreamsandworks similarly to other locations like the Steel Rendezvous in the dungeon. Steel Rendezvous is also worth exploring, as various objects in its space will play a key role in keeping the boss in place for your party to fight.

Since you are in a dungeon, you can also fight some enemies to level up or look for treasures on other floors of the Temple. Homo Flaemo is around level 45, so your team should try to be at least one or two levels above or below that threshold.

Best party combo to beat Homo Flaemo

Have at least one mage on your team

Metaphor: ReFantazio group fighting the Homo Flameo boss in the Dragon Temple

The best party combos in Metaphor: ReFantazio to face Homo Flaemo needs at least one Mage with Electric skills in your group. Homo Flaemo's only weakness is electrical elemental abilities, so you should have at least one ally capable of inflicting this type of damage.

You should have a party member dedicated to healing to clear debuffs or restore other people's health. Although there is no "right" Answers for the perfect party against Homo Flaemo, this one might make the fight easier to deal with:

  • Protagonist - Wizard
  • Strohl - General
  • Hulkenberg - Magic Knight
  • Junah - masked dancer

The Protagonist's Mage can provide the most DPS in this party composition, while Strohl's General increases the main character's Attack and Defense. On the other hand, Hulkenberg's Magic Knight Archetype in Metaphor: ReFantazio can also provide some support by physically attacking Homo Flaemo to do more damage. Finally, Junah's Masked Dancer is great for restoring the Protagonist's MP to maintain pressure.

The Mage, General, and Magic Knight are advanced archetype classes in the game, which can only be unlocked by increasing bond levels with certain party members and spending MAG.

How to capture Homo Flaemo

Lock the boss in an area

Metaphor ReFantazio Strohl commenting on catching Homo Flaemo's boss for a fight

When you are forced to fight Homo Flaemo to progress through the Dragon Temple, any attempt to pursue him will result in your party boss escaping. Unlike the similar-looking Homo Orelon enemies that chase you in the dungeon, this time you must chase him. The only way to trap Homo Flaemo is to activate several gates in the Ghost Town of Dreams area..

The gates in The Ghost Town of Dreams can only be activated once power is restored to the dungeon, but the switches for each one appear on your map once this is done.

Three gates can be found in The Ghost Town from its previous preparation, but the switches to activate them are in The Steel Rendezvous area. Return to the Steel Gathering and avoid enemies there before activating every switch you see. This will prevent Homo Flaemo from escaping when you chase the boss again.

How to defeat Homo Flaemo

Target this enemy's only weakness

Metaphor: ReFantazio Homo Flaemo mini-boss about to attack the group

Again, Homo Flaemo is only weak to electric attacksbut luckily you don't have to worry about blocking the boss or nullifying any other type of damage. The distribution of weaknesses and resistances for the boss looks like this:



















This means that any attack against the boss will deal normal or weak damageopening up many skills to be used. However, using electrical abilities can provide additional turn iconsallowing more members of your party to act per round. If one of your strongest archetypes in Metaphor: ReFantazio uses a strong Electrical Synthesis attack, can open up the rest of your party to inflict damage, heal, or apply various buffs.

Create your opportunity and keep putting pressure on the boss to eventually take it down. Beware of the boss's highly damaging attacks and be ready to heal your allies if they are targeted. After managing to defeat Homo Flaemo in Metaphor: ReFantazioyou will be rewarded with the Filleting Katana, a powerful weapon for specific members of your party.






October 11, 2024


Studio Zero




T For Teen // Blood, Language, Mild Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence