After collecting a reward and going to Martira to arrest the kidnapper in Metaphor: ReFantazioyou will eventually come face to face with the Homo Jaluzo boss. This boss concludes the mystery of Martira's disappearance, but it won't be an easy fight and is potentially one of the most disturbing in the entire game.
***Warning: This article contains spoilers for the main story of Metaphor: ReFantazio***
Once you've progressed enough to realize that Heismay isn't the kidnapper he's accused of being, you'll begin the town's real dungeon, Castle Kreigante, with Heismay at your side as an ally. As you progress through the dungeon, you'll get quick glimpses of the silhouette of the final boss waiting for you at the end, Homo Jaluzo.
How to prepare for Homo Jaluzo
Stock up on supplies and prepare your archetypes for weaknesses
Homo Jaluzo is, horrifyingly, Joanna's human baby who is responsible for all of Martira's missing people. While it may not seem as immediately intimidating as some of the other bosses in Metaphor: ReFantazioDon't let your guard down. This baby is highly tanky and deals damaging attacks that are enough to destroy the entire party in just a few turns. To give you the best fighting chance, you'll want to make sure you're properly prepared to take advantage of their weaknesses and be aware of your own.
Unfortunately, Homo Jaluzo's real body does not show any weakness or resistanceso your main priority is to worry about dealing as much damage as possible on your turn. Fortunately, though, you'll reach a point in the fight where you'll be told to aim for the eyes, which have a weakness. Both of Homo Jaluzo's eyes are resistant to slashing damage but weak to piercing damage. So make sure you have at least one party member capable of dealing this type of damage.
If possible, try to do your Idles Day shopping in Metaphor: ReFantazio. You will receive discounts at all stores and can increase your supply stock or even buy better weapons and armor.
As for the rest of your preparations, You'll want to ensure you have a full supply of HP and MP restorative items and items that heal Daze.. Also, check out the armor and weapons shops and maybe even look around the church to see if any of their items can be purified using the Blessed Water found in some of the shops. You can also complete Alonzo's quest to unlock the Faker Archetype first if you have the timebut it's not necessary.
Best party combo to beat Homo Jaluzo
Create a balanced team with support and damage
Given that you only have four party members in Metaphor: ReFantazio At this point, your group will, of course, consist of protagonist Strohl, Hulkenberg, and Heismay. However, with the addition of Heismay's Thief Archetype, you should have plenty of them to choose from at this point. note that one of the cheese methods for this fight involves using four traders and using the Gold attack, as described in Lilithfrom the YouTube video above, which works well if you want to have fun fighting.
However, if you want to give the fight a real chance, keep in mind that everyone's game is different, and not everyone will have the same archetypes available at any given time or even the same attacks, so There is no singular way to win this fight. Personally, I was able to complete this fight without the Faker Archetype, as I didn't complete the quest associated with it until after the dungeon, but it is one of the often recommended ones to make this fight easier, as illustrated below.
Party member |
Archetype |
Configuration description |
Protagonist |
Curator |
Your character's main goal should be healing. Often the protagonist is a rather soft character, so your best option here is to leave him in the back row and use your turn to cure and recover illnesses. The Healer will provide methods to heal the entire party at once and will use buff skills such as Tarukaja. Alternatively, if using another Archetype, you should try to at least inherit the Healer's group healing ability. |
Strohl |
Warrior/Swordsman |
Strohl should remain in his native archetype, and depending on his rank and friendship level at this time, this could mean Warrior or Swordsman. Have Strohl prioritize the body, but if possible, inherit one of the Gunner's shooting abilities, either Sleep Shot or Poison Shot. Both deal piercing damage, which Strohl lacks, while also providing the safety benefits of being used in the back row. |
Hulkenberg |
Knight/Fighter |
Hulkenberg is first and foremost a tank. So either the Knight or the Brawler works best here, depending on which one you're working with. I prefer to use the Brawler here because I like the synthesis abilities associated with it. I prefer HP over MP, and it eventually unlocks Battle Cry, which increases Attack and Defense for three turns. However, the Knight is equally useful if you prioritize Hulkenberg over his native archetype. |
Heismay |
Thief/Forger |
As for the Heismay, that will largely depend on what you have available. For those who completed Alonzo's mission in Martira, you should have Faker available. Otherwise, your best option is to have Heismay stay on Thief. Faker offers the benefits of debuffing Homo Jaluzobut Theif allows Heismay to contribute to the fight against Dark damage, where I personally also gave him one of the Gunner Archetype's piercing shot attacks by inheritance. |
Regardless of what is recommended, this is simply one of many ways to approach this fight. You can still win this fight with a completely different party setupand it may be easier or more difficult depending on this, but it will not be incorrect. The real thing you should prioritize above a specific setup is whether you have piercing damage on your team, who will be weak to Homo Jaluzo's attacks, who will be responsible for healing, and whether you have good synthesis abilities available with your preferred combination.
How to defeat Homo Jaluzo
Keep your party healed and deal as much damage as possible
Instructing you to heal your party and deal damage may seem obvious when discussing how to approach a boss fight, but it's also true. You won't have immediate access to Homo Jaluzo's eyes, which means you won't be able to benefit from gaining an extra turn, so your initial goal will be to continue damaging the body, which has no weakness or resistance until the eyes become available for targeting. .
Also, while I would potentially recommend taking out the eyes initially as they give you a little time to do some damage to the body, don't focus on them every time they heal. Homo Jaluzo will heal your eyesso if you hope to get rid of them forever, you're simply wasting your MP. As for your attacks, you need to be careful as this will cause Daze to party members using Stare.
This is when your Healer comes in handy for curing illnesses, but you should also have items available if you'd rather not waste MP at this time. Keep in mind that when using defensive abilities such as buff or healing, you want to ensure your party member is in the back row to avoid taking further damage. Stare will not cause damage, but will prevent the use of magic and synthesis abilitiesso get rid of it as soon as possible.
Besides Stare, your other big concern will be Homo Jaluzo's biggest attacks he will power up to on the turn before. You have the luxury of knowing this attack is coming, so when you see him calling, take everyone to the back row and protect. This will ensure you take minimal damage, which your Healer should be able to mostly restore. From there, you can go back to focusing body damage and healing your party.
Unfortunately, after defeating this Metaphor: ReFantazio boss, or so you think, you'll experience the most harrowing aspect of any fight: a restoration of your own HP. Before you have the chance to finish off Homo Jaluzo, Joanna will intervene and heal them.forcing you to reduce them again. Most of your MP will likely be spent at this point, so I recommend relying heavily on your synthesis skills if you aren't already. Specifically, you'll want to focus on the ones between Strohl and Hulkenberg, as they deal heavy damage.
After some patience dealing with the restored HP bar and completely forgetting about the eyes, you should be able to defeat the Homo Jaluzo. It's a pretty tedious fight, but you'll be rewarded with one of the most exciting scenes ever. Metaphor: ReFantazio right after, making the fight seem a little worthy of its absurdity.
Source: Lilith/YouTube